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Should have stayed in bed this morning (complaining)

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  • Should have stayed in bed this morning (complaining)

    So, I wake up at 4 (no idea why), and doze. And wind up having this weird ass dream about a stalker turning into this dog I want to adopt, and the Watchmen, X-Men (Ultimate universe), League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (comic version) and everyone from Pirates of the Caribbean all on a boat.

    Then I wake up to feed the critters, and realize that it's trash day, and no-one got the trash out.

    Then I go to get a loan from my mutual fund, and realize I don't have what I needed, so I go home to get it (side note: the road that runs from my subdivision to most of the way there is being worked on, so there and back adds distance. I have 1/4 of a tank, and no money). So, as I am leaving home the second time, I think my car is handling weird. I shrug it off, and get onto the main road. I decide I'm being paranoid, but I'll look at it anyway.

    I look at my car, and I have a flat. Goodie. So, I'm getting all my tire-changing stuff out, and hey, guess what? My trunk leaks, too! my spare is sitting in a puddle. *muttergrumblebitchmoangripemutter*

    So how was your morning?
    What if Humans are just Dire Halflings?

  • #2
    LOL. I think waking up at 4 was probably a sign.

