Goddammit. I can't find a car right away, so I may just get this one fixed. But if they keep the car, I'll have to drive the Tank again, and if I so much as BUMP it one more time, I'll get fired. So it's a matter of either driving an unsafe car with very loose steering, or risk losing my job over a giant trunk I'm not comfortable driving. And I'd have to go this week, since the director is coming next week and I won't even be able to USE the truck. Nevermind I can't swerve in my current car.
Gonna try to make it to a garage that's opened unti 5:30 today, see what they say about the steering and if I can get it fixed. If they can, I'll just have to be VERY careful with the Tank, but I HATE how they don't have any other option! Just a huge truck, not a reasonably-sized sedan.
Gonna try to make it to a garage that's opened unti 5:30 today, see what they say about the steering and if I can get it fixed. If they can, I'll just have to be VERY careful with the Tank, but I HATE how they don't have any other option! Just a huge truck, not a reasonably-sized sedan.