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I'm about to throw myself off a cliff.

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  • I'm about to throw myself off a cliff.

    I have a horrible cough. Call me overly dramatic, but I don't feel sick other than this irritating cough. My throat doesn't hurt, it just itches. I have NO other symptoms. Cough drops do NOTHING.

    What do I do!? I can't sleep, I don't want to eat because I end up coughing so hard I throw up anyway. I'm losing my MIND.

  • #2
    I hate being sick like that. Blarg.

    Try one of those nuritional shakes or something? Maybe? I don't know, I'm probably silly for saying that, but you'll at least get some nutrition that way.

    Maybe 7up would help a bit. Or gargling with salt water. Tastes AWFUL, but helps. It makes me cough harder (in amongst the helping), though, so I don't know.

    You're not crazy for being frustrated, though. I would be too.
    1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
    ----- (A blog about everything and nothing)


    • #3
      Do you have a free health line that you could call? Sounds silly but there may be someone at the other end who will know what to do and save you a trip to the Doc, cos that is my next suggestion, but I guess that may have to wait until the week.

      I once had meningitis looking rashes on me, but no other symptoms at the time, anyway in NZ we have a free health line called HealthLine (good one huh?) and I rang them. They told me just to hang tight and if I got any worse to go see a Doc. Turns out it was in relation to glandular fever and an adverse reaction to the antibiotics I was put on. The drugs was to deal with Scarlet fever which my doc first thought I had, but got bloods done in case it was glandular. It was but he didn't change my drugs
      Began work Aug as casual '08
      Ex-coworkers from current place of work: 26ish
      Current co-workers at current place of work: 15ish - yes he just hired 3 more casuals
      Why do I still work there again?


      • #4
        You were getting a rash from antibiotics and they still kept you on them? My coworker had that happen a couple months ago and the doc changed her to a different med right away.

        That coughing thing sucks. I had a bad cold last year, and after a week I finally started to feel better but I was left with a cough that wouldn't quit and whenever I started to fall asleep I'd end up waking myself up with a coughing fit.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          It's probably only allergies, but still, annoying. I will sometimes drink--brace yourself--pickle juice. I know it's wierd and not healthy, but the salt & vinegar kills the pain.
          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


          • #6
            Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
            You were getting a rash from antibiotics and they still kept you on them? My coworker had that happen a couple months ago and the doc changed her to a different med right away.
            The original rash was from the Glandular Fever, but my doc though Scarlet Fever first. Put me on the antibiotics for the Scarlet Fever, by the time they figured out it was Glandular I was near the end of the course so I guess he decided it wouldn't hurt too much. Other Doc (I'd traveled between towns) decided to change it to another course, so I ended up spending twice as long on antibiotics than what I needed to, oh well.

            Have you had any luck with that cough SorryIsGoodEnough?
            Began work Aug as casual '08
            Ex-coworkers from current place of work: 26ish
            Current co-workers at current place of work: 15ish - yes he just hired 3 more casuals
            Why do I still work there again?

