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General drunken rantedness

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  • General drunken rantedness

    So ... I've applied for three other jobs so far at my place of work. And been denied all three. In fact, I only got two interviews.

    We're restructuring my dept and part of it is me applying for a change of job. We have to advertise. I'm assured it's a fait accompli. I'm assured the ONLY reason my boss would even consider interviewing is if someone else in the place of work applies (which, considering it's high-experience IT work is insane). But yet ... I still feel ... like saying TFWI. (That's "to f with it"). And not applying. I'm SICK of being turned down for better opportunities. I'm SICK of getting my hopes up then dashed.

    One was even pretty much a fait accompli. Generally assured to be me. Mine. No problem. Except ... oh, this other person applied who's SOOOO much more qualified, and in reflection, we don't think you'd enjoy the job. Frankly, they were right. I'd hate her job. But it STILL SUCKS to be dragged out for four months being virtually all-but promised a job then having it yanked from under you.

    So I'm not feeling yippe ki-yay about his new opportunity. (How TF do you spell ky-aye, anyway?)

    So basically I feel like crap. Yes, there's this great new opportunity. Yes, it's a given. Yes, it's (apparently) just a matter of doing it "by the book" and submitting the right paperwork. But I still feel CRAP about it. I've been screwed over by this place three (THREE!!!) times so far. Okay, not my department or my boss, but still ....

    I saw what I thought was the advert for the new lowly position today. It seemed a little high-tech. Apparently I have to apply for this high-tech job, get it, THEN they can advertise my job as the lowly position one and get a new person in. Since my job title will be the new lowly grunt's, they "can't advertise a position someone's still in" so I have to apply for, and get, this higher level job first.

    I THOUGHT I was just going to redesign my job description and keep "my job". Apparently not.

    I just don't FUCKING FEEL LIKE being screwed over again.

    That's probably why I turned to drink tonight and why this drunken rambling.

    I hate "paperwork".

  • #2
    *offers hugs and gummi bears* I'm sorry. I have no great advice, but I wish jobs didn't treat you like that.
    1129. I will refrain from casting Dimension Jump and Magnificent Mansion on every police box we pass.
    ----- (A blog about everything and nothing)

