What is it with you and psycho women, Jester? Time to change your cologne or something...
She was wrong, and if she is happily married, I'll eat my wedding ring. I've had too many divorced friends that started off like that... partying hard, flirting in bars, giving strangers their phone number, then next thing you know....divorced because their hubby didn't make them happy or some other bs reason that they pretty much caused.
Breathe a sigh of relief that you didn't get tangled in that mess.
She was wrong, and if she is happily married, I'll eat my wedding ring. I've had too many divorced friends that started off like that... partying hard, flirting in bars, giving strangers their phone number, then next thing you know....divorced because their hubby didn't make them happy or some other bs reason that they pretty much caused.
Breathe a sigh of relief that you didn't get tangled in that mess.