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Opinions needed: Writing a Suspense/Horror Novel

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  • Opinions needed: Writing a Suspense/Horror Novel

    I'm actuallly a fairly talented novelist. I don't write for profit though. I write for fun. I don't sit there and wrack my brain for ideas until I manage to come up with something. I go through life normally until I have a very unique and vivid dream (usually while I have a fever) and decide to take that and run with it.

    Anyway, I had a crazy one a few days ago. I'm thinking about writing this one out. It went like this, more or less(forgive the writing style; It's how I summarise):

    Takes place at an appartment building in the city. Big, 14 floor, beautiful building with bay windows in the larger suites. Overall cream base with red-brown accents; Red-brown bricks dotting the corners and creating ledges no more than 3 feet below the windows.
    Whole complex is in lockdown. No one enters, no one leaves. People inside seem a tad frightened and slightly on edge, but are following instruction, staying inside their rooms and entertaining themselves. All the windows are covered with heavy, black material, making everything much darker.
    A janitor/scientist has apparently been working for years, developing some sort of new species to get back on all the people in the building that were rude to him over the years. He succeeded, creating a species of albino looking creatures; eyeless, sharp clawed, tall, bulky with spindly arms, protruding bones and armored plates; and set them loose in the building.
    A man of great importace, possibly the mayor, climbs out the window and onto the ledge to catch the attention of a nearby hellicoptor. He leads them to each room, in desperate search for the "Dark Ones" that he has been babbling about, but they have vanished along with the people.
    The dream cut to a teenage boy, hiding in a dimly lit room with an eerie blue glow. A man in a HAZMAT suit stumbled upon his hiding spot and told him to "come with me". The kid just pointed to the mutilated body of a recently deceased corpse. "What the hell is that", he exclaimed. "One of the lucky ones", the kid said, "he died".

    The dream ended there.

    Does that sound like a book worth writing or should I not bother?
    Answers: $1
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    Dumb looks are still free.

  • #2
    Sounds sort of like a bash of the movie from a few years ago, quarantine[?] where people were locked in a building though the monsters were people infected with some super rabies from the mad scientist in the attic experimenting on rats [?]

    Who cares what people think, write it out. You write to please yourself, not others. Hell, most people would never know but I have been known to write Rammstein slash
    EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


    • #3
      In [rec] (I haven't seen Quarantine, but it was a remake of this Spanish movie called [rec]), the monsters were zombies, but in the end you realize they are actually


      avatars of a demon.

      Anyway, the 'siege' plot is a classic horror plot and can be really good. Sounds like your idea could make a tense short story or a novel if you take the time to really flesh it out.

      But does it have to be a mad scientist? Can it be sewer mutants or something instead? Scientists are so maligned in fiction (just a suggestion, I'm married to a scientist and he has never made a monster that I know of ).


      • #4
        Well, you have a possible protagonist...the teenage boy (I think he'd be more interesting than the mayor, but your call) and an antagonist...the janitor; you know what the bad guy wants; what does the good guy want?

        Could be a good horror/thriller.
        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


        • #5
          If you are a good enough writer, it doesn't matter what you write about. It will be good.

          If this is something you want to write, write it.

          I write a western series. Nobody cares about westerns anymore. Some of the people who tune in every single week the moment I post admittedly don't even like westerns.

          Not that your premise isn't good, it is. It sounds like the sort of thing I'd like to read. My point is that your premise is less important than the way you present it.

          Nobody used to care about pirate movies. They were traditionally box office poison. Until lately, when someone figured out it's less about the premise and more about the telling and came out with Pirates of the Caribbean.

          And if you're just writing for yourself, that's even more of a reason to not care what anyone else thinks. If it's a story you want to tell, you'll tell it. If it's not, don't bother.


          • #6
            Quoth AccountingDrone View Post
            Sounds sort of like a bash of the movie from a few years ago, quarantine[?]
            Omg it totally does

            Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
            But does it have to be a mad scientist? Can it be sewer mutants or something instead? Scientists are so maligned in fiction (just a suggestion, I'm married to a scientist and he has never made a monster that I know of ).
            Funny you mentioned that because I was thinking about making it into an "experiment gone wrong" thing because mad scientists have been so overused.

            Quoth MoonCat View Post
            Well, you have a possible protagonist...the teenage boy (I think he'd be more interesting than the mayor, but your call)
            Ooh! I love that idea actually!

            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
            It sounds like the sort of thing I'd like to read.
            I'm actually considering posting it in the Literary section of CS, so I'll be sure to let you know if I do
            Answers: $1
            Correct Answers: $2
            Answers that require thought: $5
            Dumb looks are still free.


            • #7
              I post a chapter of mine in blogger every week, plus artwork or guest posts or whatever if I get my hands on some.

              If you do it that way, you can doll it up, track hits, and get comments. Seems a little more interactive to me, so I'm more inclined to keep at it. Seeing people reading what I write and commenting on really does keep me seriously motivated. And since I'm writing it for myself, not with the end goal of sending it off to a traditional publisher, it doesn't matter that it's out there published on line.

