First off, sorry for the language. I'm very, very, extremely angry right now. Furious. Livid.
....I never thought this would happen.
My daughter came home from school yesterday and was acting very strangely. Wouldn't really talk to me. I finally got her to open up, and she starts off by getting upset and begging me not to be mad at her. WTF. She then starts to tell me that she got into "trouble on the playground". Odd, I wasn't sent home a note or anything, she even got a "green apple" for behaving well.
....Wasn't her.
Turns out, one of the boys from her class took her to the side and....told/forced her to do something that is only in adult movies. The teacher's assistant, who was "monitoring" the recess....saw this, and ran over screaming "that yucky, stop it, put it down, you don't want to taste that." The boy tried to get her to continue, but the teacher intervened.
Shocking already, right? Second point of fact, this is a KINDERGARTEN class. My daughter was sexually assaulted by a 5 year old boy. Third horrific thing?
The teacher's assistant did not report the incident.
That's right. She just separated him from her, and that was that. She did not write us about it, did not notify the police on campus, did not notify the CPS or the school office....NOTHING.
I am absolutely on the verge of going berserk and just murdering this woman. How DARE she? The hell kind of person goes "oh jeez, he just did that to a little girl, I think I'll just try and keep quiet about it."
We went straight to the principal's office this morning to discuss it. He was about as pissed as we were, and is going to investigate just what kind of moron would let something like this slip past.
I brought her back to class (after demanding that the boy be removed from it today), and when I brought her in, her teacher came up and asked what was going on. Guess what? She hadn't heard about the incident either? And when I finished telling her?
"Oh no....not again...."
AGAIN?! She informed me that this has happened SEVERAL TIMES NOW. How the HELL has CPS not been called on this kid's home yet? Why the FUDGE is he still in the class after all of this?!
I hit my edge of sanity there. Up until then, I've managed to remain calm and polite, while firm. As soon as she told me that, I snapped. I'm going to still keep the meeting this afternoon, but I'm going to demand that the police be notified of this incident, and that CPS investigate this child's home. I also will ask that the teacher's assistant who failed so absolutely gloriously have her head provided to me on a silver platter. Okay, maybe not that, but seriously, she should not have that job if she's going to fail to report incidents like this.
Absolutely, absolutely, angry to the point that I went and punched a pillow for so long that all the stuffing is now out of it.
....I never thought this would happen.
My daughter came home from school yesterday and was acting very strangely. Wouldn't really talk to me. I finally got her to open up, and she starts off by getting upset and begging me not to be mad at her. WTF. She then starts to tell me that she got into "trouble on the playground". Odd, I wasn't sent home a note or anything, she even got a "green apple" for behaving well.
....Wasn't her.
Turns out, one of the boys from her class took her to the side and....told/forced her to do something that is only in adult movies. The teacher's assistant, who was "monitoring" the recess....saw this, and ran over screaming "that yucky, stop it, put it down, you don't want to taste that." The boy tried to get her to continue, but the teacher intervened.
Shocking already, right? Second point of fact, this is a KINDERGARTEN class. My daughter was sexually assaulted by a 5 year old boy. Third horrific thing?
The teacher's assistant did not report the incident.
That's right. She just separated him from her, and that was that. She did not write us about it, did not notify the police on campus, did not notify the CPS or the school office....NOTHING.
I am absolutely on the verge of going berserk and just murdering this woman. How DARE she? The hell kind of person goes "oh jeez, he just did that to a little girl, I think I'll just try and keep quiet about it."
We went straight to the principal's office this morning to discuss it. He was about as pissed as we were, and is going to investigate just what kind of moron would let something like this slip past.
I brought her back to class (after demanding that the boy be removed from it today), and when I brought her in, her teacher came up and asked what was going on. Guess what? She hadn't heard about the incident either? And when I finished telling her?
"Oh no....not again...."
AGAIN?! She informed me that this has happened SEVERAL TIMES NOW. How the HELL has CPS not been called on this kid's home yet? Why the FUDGE is he still in the class after all of this?!

Absolutely, absolutely, angry to the point that I went and punched a pillow for so long that all the stuffing is now out of it.