And I still don't know what the problem is. My body hates me . . .
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Guess who spent Monday in the hospital?
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Oh I'm sorry to hear that, Morgana - what have the doctors said? (if anything?)
Hope you're feeling better soonEngaged to the sweet MyticalHe is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.
Hope you are doing better soon. We have had too many people in the hospital lately.
Thanks for the hugs, guys, hugs are always good.
The way I kept explaining it to people is, I kinda feel like one of the protagonists in an Aliens movie. There's something sitting in/on my chest that doesn't belong, and every now and then it . . . moves.
They did half a dozen tests, and the doctors are convinced it's not a problem with my heart. So I guess that's good.
But they don't seem to have a clue what it IS. And there's still this elephant sitting on my chest. Aaaagh!
Anybody here have asthma and can describe the experience to me?
I sometimes feel like something heavy is on my chest, and I feel like I can't breathe well, even though tests show my lung function is fine at these times. It's due to acid reflux. Have your doctors mentioned this possibility?
Hope they figure it out and make it better >hugs<
Well, I wound up back in the ER this afternoon, but at least I have a diagnosis now.
I have a MASSIVE hiatal hernia. Will be talking to a gastroenterologist, maybe about surgery.
But, hey, it's fixable at least. And it's not my heart or my lungs. So I suppose it's good news.
Yeah, there's a membrane that separates the top portion of your innards from the bottom portion. Your intestines are supposed to only be in the bottom portion, but if a hole (hernia) gets in that membrane, the intestines can poke through, causing all kinds of problems. Fortunately, hernias are generally pretty simple to repair and these days can frequently be done via laproscopy.Don't wanna; not gonna.