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My new place

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  • My new place

    I moved yesterday. Agonizing. Carting boxes and other crap out of the old place, down the stairs, and into the truck. Then the process was repeated, in reverse, at the new place - carting boxes and other crap out of the truck, up the stairs, into the new room.

    VERY fortunately, three very sweet people at the new place (one of whom is the owner) pitched in. The owner told me, briskly, that he and the other guy who was helping would carry the boxes of books, which were the heaviest items. Much was put into the garage, so it didn't need to be carried upstairs, to my relief.

    One of my new housemates, who looks as if she could just about hold a hot dog on a stick over a campfire, hefted One Big Box and took it upstairs. And another. And a piece of furniture. I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one.

    At least five boxes contained only kitchen stuff. I am now trying to find a place for it. There are six people renting rooms here, and then the owners live downstairs. The kitchen is full of everyone's things, including seasonings that are at least twenty years old. I've sandwiched a few things into the pantry, but I've had less luck with my dishes and glassware. I'm going to see what I can do tomorrow.

    I PAID MY RENT! It's SUCH a relief to be able to do that! The rent here is exactly one-third what the rent was at the old place, and the rent at the old place didn't include utilities; this rate does. The owners are very nice people, as are the other renters.

    I did discover one thing that gives me pause. It turns out that one of my housemates is allergic to cats. I didn't know; the owners didn't know, either. It had never come up in conversation. Kitty is staying in the room with me, not coming out. I asked the new housemate if this would be okay, and he thinks it will be. Even so, the owners have adopted a wait-and-see attitude.

    There is a piano in the living room. One of the renters plays the drums. Another one used to play the flute. Even with all that, the place is very quiet; the majority of the noise comes from the owners' dog. There is some traffic noise, but with my earplugs in at night, I don't notice it.

    Finally. Now I can get to work on paying my debts, saving my money, and GOING HOME!

  • #2
    Sounds like you have quite the find.

    Congrats and good luck!
    Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
    Save the Ales!
    Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


    • #3
      That sounds AWESOME. I'm glad you found somewhere to go that's good all around.
      My only regret is that I don't have a better word for "F@#k You".


      • #4
        I'm glad you found a good place. Here's to things continuing to look up for you. On the person who's allergic to cats, if your kitty is strictly an indoor kitty, he should be fine. At least that's what I've heard from others who are allergic to cats.
        Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz


        • #5
          I'm so glad! Sounds like you have very nice housemates.
          "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


          • #6
            Yes, she's strictly an indoor kitty. She hasn't been outside since I got her, unless she was in the carrier and I was taking her somewhere. She's been very quiet and mellow since the move, and she now sleeps with me (only one room, you know).

            I'm going to get more exercise, living here. The kitchen is on the ground floor. I'm one floor up. The laundry room is in the basement. Upstairs and down, getting food and bringing it back to my room (though I can also eat in the living room, which is filled with comfy furniture).

            When I get around to it - having finally found my camera - I'll take a photo of the night view from my window.

            The place is shabby, but comfy shabby. It smells like the houses of people I knew when I was a kid. People who were laid-back and didn't spend all their time cleaning. I have a full set of dishes, but I don't need them; the kitchen cabinets are full of everything. I did put my toaster oven out on the counter last night, and when I see the others, I'll let them know they can use it. The bathroom has a tub and a separate shower, the latter with astoundingly low water pressure. The owners told me they're replacing it - though when, I don't know.

            No deposit was required. This is also very good.

            Right now, I need to ask where to put some of my boxes o' stuff. Some things don't even need to be unpacked (most of my kitchenware, for example), and can be stored somewhere. Maybe in the laundry room.

            And it's QUIET! I can't hear the people in the room next door, unless they're out on the landing. When I lived in the old place, I could hear damn near everything. You will all remember how I often bitched about the neighbor and his stereo. Here, the walls must be very thick.

            Speaking of my housemates, almost all of them have come in to spend some quality time with Kitty.


            • #7
              One of my new housemates, who looks as if she could just about hold a hot dog on a stick over a campfire, hefted One Big Box and took it upstairs. And another. And a piece of furniture. I'm still trying to wrap my head around that one.
              That is one awesome roommate. I can't tell you how ANNOYED I use to get in the Navy when some of the girls whined about having to do "hard" things like hauling the laundry or take the trash out. I mean sure it wasn't a *light* bag but... when you find people who are willing to pull more than their own weight, it's really nice.


              • #8
                After two nights of sleeping on the mattress on the floor, I put the bed together, accompanied by much swearing on my part. I hope it's solid, and that the slats won't fall. I'm worried about Kitty, who keeps going under there. I think I'll put a few solid things under the bed (I could use the pace anyway) to keep it up.

                Now I'm wondering where I put the box with my jewelry in it. Now that the thought has occurred to me, it won't leave. Is it in the kitchen? Out in the hall? Here in this room? I don't know. I'm not at all happy about not knowing. I think I put it in another box, but which one? I know I didn't leave it behind, because I went all through the apartment before leaving, and I would have seen it if it had been there. I just don't know where it is now.

                The guy in the room next door hefted the TV onto the wardrobe; it faces the bed, so now I can lounge in bed and watch movies. I like that idea.

                I still want to find my jewelry right now.


                • #9
                  Congrats on the new place. I'm glad you're in a better place and can save some cash.

                  Owner sounds awesome. I hope this is a sign of better things to come.
                  They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                  • #10
                    It sounds very nice, a little cramped maybe, but yay for awesome roommates and cheaper rent! Hope everything goes well with kitty, and I hope you find your jewelry. Honestly, moving is a major pain. I've been in this house for 7 years now and STILL can't find a few things that I KNOW moved with me! They ended up in one of the boxes I put in the attic and never bothered to unpack, I guess.
                    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                    • #11
                      They're great. The room next door is bigger than mine, and has a balcony - and the couple living there will move out in a couple of months. Maybe I can move into that room and stretch a bit.

                      I think I know where my jewelry is. There's one big box I haven't opened; I think it's in there (in a smaller box). I'm doing laundry right now, which makes for an interesting trip. Downstairs with a dirty dish and a load of laundry. Put dish in sink. Continue down to the laundry room. Put laundry in machine, take clean mattress pad off the line. Go upstairs to the kitchen, wash dish, get breakfast, come back upstairs with food and mattress pad.

                      I also got a small job yesterday, and the woman is delighted with my work! I still have to do all those change-of-address duties, and then I'm showing a couple of American guys around town.


                      • #12
                        I found my jewelry! I've also taken several more empty boxes to the garage, so they're out of everyone's way. I still have a large pile of things to take on down there - and I have more things to give away. Wow. Well, since I plan to move back home anyway, it's best to have only what I'm taking with me.

                        I ran into one of my housemates today, and he asked me, rather anxiously, if I had an Internet connection yet.


                        • #13
                          You're on the right track.
                          Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.

