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Video Game Quotes

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  • Video Game Quotes

    As in, things you have said while playing video games.

    My husband has played Saints Row III for about seven hours now, and I have some gems.

    "I just beat a cop to death with a giant dildo!"

    "Hey honey, I'm going into a BDSM club, come and see!"

    "There's a gimp walking along the street. Hello gimp!"

    "I'm on fire already? Come on!"

    I got nothing, when I play games all that comes from my mouth is a steady stream of profanity and threats. "Come here Johnny Cage I'm going to kill you motherfucker and desecrate your mangled corpse BRING IT!"


  • #2
    Not one prone to shouting things when playing, but there are a few exceptions.

    (Playing the oldy but goody Qbert) "Yeah that makes sense!" (After hitting down, and Qbert jumping up and off into space).

    "Oh, you are gonna pay for that!" after Sephiroth (spelling) kills Aeris (spelling?). death in any game affected/moved me so much.

    "There is going to be a beatdown in chinatown." (No clue why I said this one *shrugs*)

    And the all time most uttered words when playing arcade games (by me). "Dun dun dun dun..another one bites the dusta."
    Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


    • #3
      My favorite all come from shooting games.

      Upon seeing a particularly nasty boss:

      "Oh, SHIT!" (Yes, those were my last words, or rather my character's.)

      After getting a kill: "Want some? GET SOME!"


      • #4
        Just last night I had a very colorful string of favored quotes while playing Team Fortress 2. One of my favorite includes:

        WARNING - Loooots of swearing

        "What the fuck!? You stupid medic! Why the fuck are you trying to take out a level two sentry with your syringe gun!? Heal me, dammit! Build your uber you fucking moron!"

        "What the fuck medic! Heal me! It's a demoman! I'm a scout! Demomen are a scouts prey! Fuckin' heal me and I will save you! Oh look, you're dead. Not big surprise."

        I really don't want it to seem like I hate on medics all the time. I love medics! It's just that this one was so, so stupid! When he finally built up uber, he ubered a sniper! You don't fucking uber snipers! Gaaaaahhh!

        Just wanted to clear that up. The most common thing my fiance has the privilege of hearing me scream about is this -

        "Seven Snipers! Why the fuck do we have seven snipers on our team!? We don't fucking need seven snipers! Jesus crunchy Christ people! Some of you snipers need to switch classes now!"

        [3 of those snipers do change class . . . to spy]

        "Fuck! What the fuck!? We still have 4 shitty snipers and now we have 4 shitty spies! (There was a spy before and he sucked) What the fuck is wrong with you people!? We need some fucking soldiers and demomen dammit! Not shitty spies and snipers!"

        Yeah, I know. I get very angry but I really can't fucking stand not being able to play a decent round or two simply because some fuckers don't understand the concept of a team based FPS. Go back to Call of Dookie assholes, because you ain't hot "super leet' sniper" shit in TF2.

        My fiance jokes that he's going to record me playing TF2 and ranting on about how stupid my teammates are. I actually hope that he does. Imagine the hits it'll get on youtube. I'm pretty much a female version of ChoZo.


        • #5
          I think my reaction to ultima 9 would make people's monitor's melt.

          While playing portal: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee e

          While playing portal 2: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

          Binding of Isaac: this guy has issues

          Fallout New Vegas, fifty cat size praying mantises appear: AAAAHHH KILL IT, KILL IT WITH FIRE.

          Fallout 3, Liberty Prime: HELL YEAH

          Diablo 3: well that was disappointingly easy.
          Interviewer: What is your greatest weakness?
          Me: I expect competence from my coworkers.


          • #6
            Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
            As in, things you have said while playing video games.

            My husband has played Saints Row III for about seven hours now, and I have some gems.

            "I just beat a cop to death with a giant dildo!"
            "Hey honey, I'm going into a BDSM club, come and see!"
            "There's a gimp walking along the street. Hello gimp!"

            I LOVE SAINTS ROW III! and ChoZo has issues. wants to see Gremcint go wheeee again
            the best quotes i can give are....uhm....from fable two when you meet your first team mate and she is singing down by the reeds. and all i can recall is "down by the reeds"
            Last edited by Midnight12; 06-03-2012, 07:01 AM.


            • #7
              Depends on the game whether or not I speak (ok, mostly swear) to it.
              The thief series for example had me repeatedly saying "Look guards, over there, no the other shadow" whenever I attracted attention by mistake. Also quite a lot of "Aaah, a zombie, run away, run away!" in the first one.
              On the other hand, Shadow of the Colossus (my favourite game I think) had rather more comments of "Ok, that bodes, no idea what, it just bodes", "Why am I climbing up a giant's arse hair?", and "Clearly this will not end well, at all.". Along with various swearing at falling off the giants' hairy backsides as they tried to itch me off.


              • #8
                Heard over teamspeak while Rugz was plaing ARMA 2: "It was a birthday party alright? I wasn't going to be a c*#t and not drink, okay?

                Me: "Oh, why not? They're ever so lovely and warm and inviting, there are far worse things to be than being a c*#t!"
                Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

                Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.


                • #9
                  Quoth gremcint View Post

                  Fallout 3, Liberty Prime: HELL YEAH
                  Took the words right out of my mouth

                  Fallout 3: in the metro tunnels, <loud screams> when a ghoul reaver pops up
                  In fact, that game has me jumping & ing more than any.. it still scares me after x hundred hours playing it!
                  "FFS Charon/Paladin Cross... Stop walking in front of my gun! On, you died? Your own fault!"
                  "Fawkes, why must you be so damned heavy footed?"

                  Borderlands: To partner... "Stop Fscking shooting me!" (I usually play with a friend who prefers sniping... I charge in guns blazing)
                  "HALP, I'm almost dead again!"
                  "if you will get in the way of my vehicle, you are going to be squished"

                  Deus Ex Human Revolution: "oops, I forgot i went back to the save before you got that super duper fall off a tall building & survive mod "
                  *sigh* "Not again!" (I got stuck on one particular bit & kept dying)

                  The Sims any version: "Why the feck are you taking a bubble bath when you're just about to die from starvation you stupid arsed sim?"
                  I can think of a fair few more from that game, but mostly along the same lines
                  Arp happens!

                  Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.


                  • #10
                    I mostly just play the Gaia game z0MG!; occasionally I type something funny into chat. Like whenever Buzzkill turns up and kills me:

                    "Dying tickles."

                    That's actually been a catchphrase of mine (stolen from Ralph Wiggum) for quite a while when gaming; it beats swearing up a storm whenever I'm killed. XD
                    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                    My DeviantArt.


                    • #11
                      One from me tonight while I was playing Neverwinter Nights (the original one):

                      "OK, I'm currently having a threesome with two Minogons"
                      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

                      Now queen of USSR-Land...


                      • #12
                        While playing Resident Evil with my friend: 'Suck my dick asshole!' (note: I'm female. :P )

                        While playing Gaia's zOmg and iPhone app game Celtic Heros: 'Dude, don't fucking help me! No don't you dare! Noooo! Fuck off asshole/douche bag!' (I tend to solo in both games a lot. And I usually don't like unsolicited help... Tends to bring down my exp, if I get any at all.)
                        Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
                        Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


                        • #13
                          Quoth dragon_wings View Post

                          While playing Gaia's zOmg and iPhone app game Celtic Heros: 'Dude, don't fucking help me! No don't you dare! Noooo! Fuck off asshole/douche bag!' (I tend to solo in both games a lot. And I usually don't like unsolicited help... Tends to bring down my exp, if I get any at all.)
                          ^This, oh god this. I really hate that a) When I want and need help cuz my health and stamina is down to almost zero, that people just stand there gormlessly and watch me die; and b) That when I am soloing and am perfectly fine with fighting a bunch of Animated by myself, some cretin jumps in and helps me. -.-

                          Look, morons; here's a clue. If I am harvesting lanterns, wolves or fluffs, kindly bugger off and leave me to it. I am solo fighting and am perfectly OK and do not need help.

                          However, if you see me running like crazy from a pissed off giant fluff, now would be the time to step in and help me. Not hard. I will step in and help someone if they're just running around in circles, cuz it's obvious that they need help.
                          People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                          My DeviantArt.


                          • #14
                            When the hubby was running taking one of my alts through a dungeon in WoW. One of his professions is Engineer. The man lives for things to go wrong.

                            in the dungeon it is not uncommon to hear, "where the hell is the chicken? Dammit"

                            And when we were both raiding a long time ago "Dammit stop tanking you are a healer"

                            I tend to swear. D3 - Dammit stop dying to things.

                            WoW - Where did that come from and why am I life challenged again?
                            Coffee should be strong, black and chewy! It should strip paint and frighten small children.

                            My blog Darkwynd's Musings


                            • #15
                              Said just last night while going through a dungeon in Skyward Sword: "Yay, bottle!"

                              Immediately followed by Hubby's remark of "Zelda: the only franchise where the most useful item in the entire game is someone else's trash."
                              "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                              - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

