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Tips and Tricks for cheap food at Con weekend

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  • Tips and Tricks for cheap food at Con weekend

    So, im going to be attending AnimeUSA next weekend in DC and after budgeting my money out... I have literally no money for food. OTL
    call me irresponsible and stupid, go ahead...
    Im relying on my friend to feed me because 95% of the time we go out to eat, I pay for hers too. So she is paying me back by feeding me. She is gonna be the mommy bird and ima be her baby penguin... Er... Baby panda.
    However, our plan is for ramen and a water boiling pitcher so we can cook the noodles in there, lol.
    Anyone have any tips or tricks for saving money on food for a con weekend to last 3 days?
    What kinds of food would be the healthiest and cheapest?
    Thanks... Im so stupid ugh.
    If I weren't planning to study in Korea, I'd have the money. I'd have the money for a grand wonderful suite in the hotel instead of having to share with 6 other people... Sob...

  • #2
    The cons I've been to usually have a hospitality/con suite with free food. It's worth asking about.
    What if Humans are just Dire Halflings?


    • #3
      I've been known to take a loaf of cheap bread, a jar of peanut butter, and a complement of something sweet, like honey or hazelnut spread.

      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


      • #4
        Another idea, since you're planning to bring a water boiling pitcher with you, would be some of those "just add water" soup powders or hot drinks. Go browse for non-perishable food items that don't need to be kept in a fridge, there should be a lot of opportunities.

        Since it's for only 3 days, you shouldn't think that much about the nutritional value, but more that you'll have a variety of foods to choose from so you don't get bored of ramen already on day 2 and therefore go with the more expensive take-away option.
        A theory states that if anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for, it will be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.

        Another theory states that this has already happened.


        • #5
          Those cheap ramen packs are full of salt, so I'd bring something sweet along to cut that huge amount of salt off your palette when you're done eating. (Just drinking water won't cut out the taste.)

          I prefer those breakfast cereal bars, you can get a variety pack so you don't get bored of them. Also fruit keeps really well (especially over only three days) so if you're worried about being super unhealthy bring some apples, oranges, or bananas along for the ride.
          My Writing Blog -Updated 05/06/2013
          It's so I can get ideas out of my head, I decided to put it in a blog in case people are bored or are curious as to the (many) things in progress.


          • #6
            OOoh, thanks, bread and taste balance~
            I'm actually bringing the korean ramen packs that are super spicy, rather than salty lol
            The nonperishable just add water idea is great, I wouldn't of thought of it.

            I'd love to bring fruit but I'm allergic to fruit :C


            • #7
              One of my go to kon snacks is baby carrots with honey roasted peanut butter.


              • #8
                Quoth Akasa View Post
                One of my go to kon snacks is baby carrots with honey roasted peanut butter.
                Mmm that's sounds amazing *.*
                Too bad im allergic to carrots... I think I will grab some bread and peanut butter and jelly though.


                • #9
                  PB&Js ftw. I tend to make mine ahead of time and just put em in sandwich baggies.

                  Also, 100% check the con suite. Even at the rather small convention I go to the con suite is good enough to make for at least 2 meals per day (I generally eat breakfast at the con suite, as bagels + cream cheese makes me happy).

                  The other great thing to bring (and just in general) is hard boiled eggs, cheap, easy to transport, and an amazing meal when combine with just a bit of seasoning/bread/whatever, or as a way of stretching out a meal (drop one into your ramen? slice one up on your sandwich? yes please). Obviously, this requires a mini fridge in the room (check before you get there!)

                  all in all?

                  Have fun!

                  Ninja edit:
                  some premixed spices that go well on many things is always a good idea. I pack a little jar of Dinosaur BBQ's dry rub to sprinkle on whatever bland food I end up with (also, it goes amazingly on hard boiled eggs)
                  Last edited by thansal; 11-02-2012, 03:43 PM.


                  • #10
                    if you really want some cheap food that's not too bad... see if you can score some MREs from a military surplus store. don't get the civilian versions though - get the real ones that the military uses. They taste better. (Except for the omelette one - that one kinda sucks)

                    A single MRE should cost somewhere around $12 but will provide you enough calories for a day and a half. The trick is you don't eat it all at once.

                    and sure they're not exactly cheap... they are usually cheaper and more filling than Con food.

                    some premixed spices that go well on many things is always a good idea. I pack a little jar of Dinosaur BBQ's dry rub to sprinkle on whatever bland food I end up with (also, it goes amazingly on hard boiled eggs)
                    !!! Woot. I haven't heard of the Dinosaur much since I left NY. There was one within 5-6 miles of my old apartment. I think we still have some unopened jars of the BBQ sauce from there...


                    • #11
                      I do upwards of 6-8 cons a year (I vend at some and attend others) and try to eat out very little if at all when I go, so I have compiled a list of food to bring with me:

                      Granola, granola bars
                      Chips, cookies, snacks
                      Crackers, crackers & cheese or crackers & PB snack packs
                      Nuts, trail mix, chex mix
                      Fruit gummies, fruit rollups
                      Fruit cups
                      Certain fresh fruits and a few fresh vegetables (apples, oranges, bananas, melons, tomatoes)
                      Peanut Butter, PB & Jelly Swirls (Jelly usually require refrigeration but the PB&J Swirls usually don't)
                      Dry cereal
                      Canned meat (tuna, chicken)
                      Tuna lunch packs (contains crackers & tuna salad, sometimes fruit cups or other sides -- found near the canned tuna)
                      *Canned Vegetables/beans
                      *Canned Soup
                      *Canned Chef Boyaredee
                      (*-technically these do not need to be heated up but they probably taste better if they are)

                      Refrigeration required:
                      Hard-boiled eggs
                      Yogurt cups
                      String Cheese
                      Lunch Meat & Cheese, for sandwiches
                      Lunchables packs
                      Certain fresh fruits and most fresh vegetables that are edible raw (grapes, cherries, berries, carrots, celery, lettuce, cucumber, bell peppers)
                      Salad dressing (after opened)
                      Salsa (after opened)

                      Microwave or boiling water required:
                      Oatmeal or other hot cereal (packs of instant oatmeal are fastest and easiest)
                      Instant Mac & Cheese cups
                      Instant Ramen
                      Stovetop Stuffing
                      Instant Rice
                      Hormel Instant Dinners (these are actually pretty good and do not require refrigeration. Very high in sodium, however.)
                      Microwave popcorn
                      *Canned vegetables/beans
                      *Canned Soup
                      *Canned Chef Boyardee
                      (*-technically these do not need to be heated up but they probably taste better if they are)

                      Refrigeration and Microwave required:
                      Hot dogs
                      Microwave bacon
                      Frozen dinners (make sure your refrigerator has a freezer section)
                      Frozen veggie mixes

                      Meal ideas:
                      -BLT sandwiches
                      -Nachos -- go to the grocery store and buy a pack of pre-cooked meat; usually you can find seasoned shredded beef or chicken in the meat section near the raw meat. Mix it with a little salsa and spread over tortilla chips. Top with beans & cheese and microwave for about a minute, until hot. Top with fresh tomatoes, shredded lettuce, sour cream, etc.
                      -Rotisserie chicken from the grocery store. Eat it fresh as soon as you pick it up the first night, then save the leftovers and use for sandwiches, on salads, mixed with chicken broth for soup, etc.
                      -Loaded baked potato -- rinse a baking potato and poke with a fork. Microwave on full power for 5-7 minutes, until tender. Remove from microwave and let sit while you prep the other ingredients. Heat some canned chili in the microwave and top the potato with the chili, shredded cheese, chopped green onion, bacon bits, etc.
                      -Stir-Fry - Toss together cooked instant rice and cooked mixed veggies. Add meat if desired (canned chicken, or the seasoned & shredded chicken or beef I mentioned above) and some kind of sauce -- jarred teriyaki sauce is easiest.
                      -Heat seasoned shredded beef or pork with BBQ sauce for sloppy joe or puled pork-type sandwiches.
                      -Mini-Pizzas -- Find something that will make a suitable pizza base; flour tortillas, bagels, or English muffins would all work. Top with jarred pizza sauce, shredded mozzarella cheese, and your favorite pizza toppings.


                      • #12
                        Unfortunately I don't think we(my friend and I) will have access to the fridge since there are so many people in the room. Fruit cups sound like a good idea; im allergic to fruit but the processed fruits where they're boiled in order preserve them longer im not allergic to.
                        I also don't think the room will have a microwave.
                        I checked out the hotel where the con is happening at (its also the place where almost everyone I know, including me, will be rooming at) and there's no free food avail. Only restaurants and a cafe u have to pay :C


                        • #13
                          If you really want stuff that needs to be refrigerated and are diligent enough, you could bring a cooler, load it up with ice and keep your perishables in there. You'd have to change the ice once a day or so, depending on how much ice you put in it and how well insulated it stays.

                          With the water kettle, you can still do instant oatmeal, mac&cheese, ramen, and maybe even rice. I have made instant mac&cheese with just boiling water, even though the ones I used say to microwave them. The noodles were a little gummy compared to doing it in the microwave, but it was still edible.

                          Edit: Also, I imagine you could probably do condensed soup with the boiling water, like condensed tomato soup. Dump the contents of the can in a large bowl, fill the can with boiling water and add to the bowl with the soup, and stir until smooth. You can also eat non-condensed soup straight out of the can if you don't mind it being room temperature.


                          • #14
                            Quoth MaggieTheCat View Post
                            *Canned Vegetables/beans
                            *Canned Soup
                            *Canned Chef Boyaredee
                            (*-technically these do not need to be heated up but they probably taste better if they are)
                            You can sort of do the heating bit with the hot water from an electric kettle for some soups and veggies.

                            However, bean with bacon soup and green beans are just as tasty cold as they are heated.

                            Quoth iPanda View Post
                            I checked out the hotel where the con is happening at (its also the place where almost everyone I know, including me, will be rooming at) and there's no free food avail. Only restaurants and a cafe u have to pay :C
                            The hotel absolutely won't be offering anything for free; that's not their job.

                            However, the convention might have a suite of some sort with food. As often as not, those are restricted to staff, but there are some with open access suites that will have cheap sodas and cheap chow that will keep if left out.

                            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                            • #15
                              I'm surprised the hotel doesn't at least offer a free continental breakfast. These days that can mean bagels & spreads, small boxes of cereal, fruit, coffee, tea and juice.

                              The water kettle is actually a great idea. My sisters & I did that years ago when going to cons. Ramen and cup-a-soup, instant oatmeal, stuff like that. A bag of bagels, a container of spreadable cream cheese (if you can't use the fridge, things like cheese can be put on the windowsill up against the window; pull the curtains and keep the heat in the room low. When it's cold outside the window usually gets cold enough to keep cheese for a couple of days. I wouldn't try it with eggs or milk, though).

                              If you have a local dollar store, check there for food items before you go to your con. Much cheaper than shopping at your typical grocery store.
                              When you start at zero, everything's progress.

