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Changing of the guard...does not bode well.

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  • Changing of the guard...does not bode well.

    So my store's getting a new manager.

    Apparently, we failed a core audit on Wednesday (how we failed, I don't know) and this store 'isn't good enough'.

    It's not the employees that need to be reined in, it's most of the customers. Although I do agree that while management rolls over to the demanding morons, it's not the only problem in the store. A lot of the existing issues have to do with the fact that we have no security/LP and that SCs know they can get their way (thanks to nobody except myself and two shift managers ever standing up to them).

    I guess this new woman has a reputation in the company for being a petty tyrant, and ASM is scared of her (he's not fazed by much). She doesn't allow anyone to call her by her first name. It's to be "Miss X" all the time.

    The current interim SM is awesome; I don't know why we can't keep her (unless Corp thinks the store needs a hardass).

    We get enough abuse from the customer base, we don't need it from the management level too. I guess the fun will start on Monday...
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor

  • #2
    We just had a similar thing happen, however, our temporary manager is great. He figured out a lot within just a few days. In some ways it has been a blessing because the store needed some help. Our manager just didn't care anymore and had let a lot of things go. It was so subtle that I guess I didn't see it until the new guy came in and made a few changes.


    • #3
      The job I'm leaving is getting a new manager soon. I kind of feel sorry for her because our current ASM... she's a bit of a doozy. Compulsive liar, lazy, bad relationships with staff. Everyone's worried the new manager won't realise in time and the staff might get in trouble since ASM has no problems lying to staff about "issues" the last manager had with them (seriously, every single time "issues" were followed up with the old manager she had no idea what they were talking about).

      I wish you luck Dreamstalker! Management changes are always stressful even if the new ones turn out to be better.


      • #4
        The temp manager is awesome; everyone loves her and she was even impressed/thankful that I'm standing up to Crazy Can Lady (that's another thing, will the new manager let me and P do that? or will she be all 'if she comes in she's a customer [no she's not], we don't yell at customers' ).

        What I'm wondering about is her strictness. We have a few 'special needs' baggers who have always been on a first-name basis with everyone, and if she just up and yells at them one day it will not end well.
        "I am quite confident that I do exist."
        "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


        • #5
          Strict doesn't necessarily mean bad or even mean. If she enforces the rules with everyone and not just a select few, she might be more of a blessing than a curse. Also, with a strict manager, at least you know where you stand. As for your 'special needs' baggers, maybe you could ask your ASM to speak to the new SM on their behalf. She might be more understanding than you think. Oh yeah, I'd take that whole reputation thing with a shaker of salt. Get to know the new manager and form your own opinion.
          Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz


          • #6
            BN (I've posted about her before) insinuated that embezzlement was a reason SM is gone ...she said this in front of C. BN has never liked SM or any of the managers really. A few CWs who have dealt with NewSM before have already said that if she's there they will transfer...we'll see. If she's a 'rules lawyer' that could get ugly (it's fairly well known that the idealistic view of policy and procedure never works; most of us in purple shirts have been trained and trusted to use our judgment). This store can't be held to the same standards as the rest (smaller, older, fewer staff, etc).

            The one thing I'm going to do is (after sussing things out) see if ASM could talk to NewSM about my returns plan; the new cashiers need to be trained on it.
            Last edited by Dreamstalker; 04-14-2013, 06:32 PM.
            "I am quite confident that I do exist."
            "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


            • #7
              Whatever happens I hope it works out and everything turns out better than you're expecting.
              Question authority, but raise your hand first. -Alan M. Bershowitz

