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New Job?

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  • New Job?

    So, working with my parents has taken its toll, mostly for personal reasons, but the straw that broke the professional the camel's back was:

    As soon as the lake melts, spring season starts for us. All the boats have to come out of storage. They need all hands on deck.

    But they refused to train me to handle haul scheduling, so my hands could not be on deck.

    The personal one being: (highlight if you want to see) My mother, upon learning about the more severe symptoms of my depression and anxiety, talked to a therapist friend of hers. Her conclusion was that I was just telling her I self-injured before I went into treatment to piss her off. On top of that, the panic attacks, and the temper tantrums (at age 17) were completely normal in her eyes.

    I don't want to have anything to do with someone who thinks I would pull something that horrible. I am done accepting denial as an excuse for that behavior. A person who thinks that little of me can't be my boss.

    I had an interview today, and it went /really/ well. I think the only way it could have gone better is if I was offered the job on the spot.

    I was interviewing for an office position, but she said they were looking to create a secondary position as well, one I'd be perfect for. This person would manage their advertisements, their website, their social media, take photographs of their products and go to conventions where their products were being shown. There was talk of insuring my camera, letting me have a company laptop, and use a company car to go to these conventions. (To be honest, I'll likely turn the company car thing down. Once they see the state of my car--the driver's side mirror is literally being held onto the car by duct tape--I think they'll agree I shouldn't be trusted with a company car.)

    And on top of it all, she guaranteed I'd get a raise from where I am at, and agreed to work around my school schedule. (Not that this is going to be too hard. For the most part, my schooling is two days a week, so it's almost like I'd have weekends off, but in the middle of the week.)

    She said she had two more interviews, and had to talk to the owners about pay scale for me. She said I would know by the end of next week.

    I'm not about to break out the celebratory supplies just yet, but I am very optimistic. I suspect if this were a bigger company, I'd need a college degree for what I was doing. If I get this job, I might be able to do it at other companies, going the same route my father and aunt did. (They were hired as quality managers without a degree, and with their track record and experience, they kept getting hired despite not having a degree.)

  • #2
    Sending good thoughts your way. Sounds like a great job. Seems everyone I know is what on news of a new job.
    Coffee should be strong, black and chewy! It should strip paint and frighten small children.

    My blog Darkwynd's Musings


    • #3
      Wow, sounds like an awesome job! Crossing my fingers for you!


      • #4
        I will be so happy if you get this job! And I feel you on the invalidation of issues. People need to take this stuff seriously.
        "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


        • #5
          I keep my fingers, eyes and toes for you!
          This sounds like a great job!
          No trees were killed in the posting of this message.

          However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.


          • #6
            Hope it all works out for you, sounds like this could be tiring but fun!


            • #7
              Quoth Cooper View Post
              There was talk of insuring my camera, letting me have a company laptop, and use a company car to go to these conventions. (To be honest, I'll likely turn the company car thing down. Once they see the state of my car--the driver's side mirror is literally being held onto the car by duct tape--I think they'll agree I shouldn't be trusted with a company car.)
              If it's necessary to use a car to get to these conventions, I'd be leery of turning down the company car. It's likely insured for use on-the-job, while yours probably isn't. If you were going to use your car, be sure they'd cover the difference in insurance, and pay mileage.
              Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


              • #8
                If your driving skill is the reason you're leery of using a company car; try looking for driver training companies. There are programs for both road courtesy and car handling available; and the skill levels range from remedial to stunt driving.

                Also, some insurance companies will give you a reduced premium if you can provide any form of post-licence certification from a driver training company. Simply proving that you give a damn about your driving skill makes you a lower risk.

                (As always: the above is true in Australia. Your local mileage may vary - but I doubt it.)
                Seshat's self-help guide:
                1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                • #9
                  Well, during the interview follow-up, I stuck my foot in my mouth, and called the interviewer by the wrong name. I corrected myself, and got this email:

                  "Good Afternoon Cooper,

                  No worries with the name mix up :-) . I'm sure with your talents you have been on lots of interviews, so mixing up a name is understandable

                  At this time we are still finalizing the job description and start date. It appears that the start date will be delayed until the mid or end of summer. I don't want to keep you on hold, so if you are considering other positions I completely understand. We still have not made a decision on a candidate and will make a final decision once the job description is finalized.

                  As we get closer to solidifying the position, start date, and compensation I will contact you. Feel free to keep in touch also."

                  So it's a good thing I've got plenty to keep me busy. Helping my parents get their rental home ready, for which they're paying me, (they're going to rent the place over the summer by the week. They've done it before, but it's been so long since they have, a lot of work has to be done), training my replacement at the marina--considering that they now are talking about having my incompetent co-worker do what they refused to train me to do, I'd likely just say 'fuck them' and walk off, but the new replacement is my sister who is having fits over the idea of her first job--and I just sent off an email to one of the local businesses, saying that they would get a lot more money if they had a website.

                  Hopefully they'll let me design it for them. After that, well, there are two businesses that hire a lot for the summer, so I can probably find temporary work, if this is still the best job out there for me.
                  Last edited by Cooper; 05-01-2013, 08:33 PM.


                  • #10
                    Congratulations! I think striking out on your own like this is a very good thing - my family undervalued my work until I stopped doing it I think I would have an issue with a company car as well - I LIKE my little truck and know just where everything is.

                    At my company we get paid mileage (its 50 or 55 cents per mile). That ads up quickly and does help the budget. Hubby gets the same from his company and his Toyota gets like 40 miles to the gallon, so it really works out well for him.


                    • #11
                      Sounds like a great job! I hope it works out for you.

                      I agree with Seshat re: the company car. Also keep in mind that if you are representing their company, they would probably rather you drive a car without duct tape on it
                      When you start at zero, everything's progress.

