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Claiming to be a coworker

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  • Claiming to be a coworker

    So this happened at school, not work. Basically I have been working at my job for about six months at the time. I worked all shifts and basically averaged about 40 hours a week if not more like 44 due to all the time I worked since I have many color scrubs I can wear. Most of my shifts are on night.

    Well, a nursing clinical classmate and I were sitting in front of this boy who was odd. One time he sat next to me and I truly wondered if he was going to go nuts and start shooting up the school since he was visibly agitated and appeared to be escalating because students were not answering the question. Anyway, besides that one time I didn't notice him.

    So we were talking about a test I had to take and what was on it when she took the class. The kid behind me interrupts with the answer and then I make a comment about how people in the ER with that particular unit really handles it. He tries to tell me that is not the case. Then he makes another comment about how he is a "nurse."

    Well, we ask him why he is in a pre-nursing class if he is a nurse. He gives some fluff answer about needing his CNA license current. In our state, you do not need a CNA license before you even become a nurse. So then he claims he was a nurse since he was 18, which may be possible if he did post-secondary options since some EMTs were able to test when they turned 18 since they did a vocational program in their school. One kid was unable to test because he didn't turn 18 quick enough.

    So then he claims he works at my hospital. I ask where and he repeats the name of the hospital. I ask where again and he repeats the name again. I ask what department and he makes me guess. He says it's the psych floor but he floats to the ER often. I ask what shift and he says nights. I tell him I work at the same hospital and he states I must have seen him. I'm kind of blunt and say I have never seen him before. We have had two med-surg nurses floated in about the year I've been there and they're basically used as a paramedic.

    He continues to run his mouth about things that do not make sense including stuff nurses do not do.

    I get to work and ask if anyone has ever seen this guy. Nobody has. No one remembers him at all as a nurse. In fact, no one remembers any guy that floated to our department that looked like him. He's also not in our employee registry based off of our ID badges.

    Finally someone says that some of the CNAs call themselves nurses and I check both the nursing license registry and the CNA registry. Sure enough, he's on the CNA one. We also use agency nurses, but we know the select few who are privileged to work in the ER.

    So as far as I can tell, he lied about working at the hospital. Even the psych charge looked at me like I was crazy when I asked if they knew him.

    So people are crazy and weird. I think the guy may have had issues to begin with.

  • #2
    I'm not sure but I think you should tell someone higher up about this. He could seriously hurt someone if he makes himself out to be something he isn't and someone takes his word at it. But I think our forum resident nurses can give a better answer to that thought.

