One of my first customers today ... comes through my line with a fairly small order.
Me: "Okay, your total today is $26.15."
Customer (nervously): "Um ... I have a LOT of change ... would it be okay ...?"

We weren't terribly busy at that point, so I said sure.
And yes, she counted out $26.15 in loonies, toonies, quarters, dimes and nickels. But she did it very carefully -- four quarters to a pile, and so on -- so it was easy enough for me to keep track of the money as she counted it out.
However, by the time she was done I had another customer so I punched in her payment, gave her her receipt, and dumped all those coins of the realm in a produce bag to be dealt with later. MUCH later, as it turned out, because suddenly business got ... brisk.
Me: "Okay, your total today is $26.15."
Customer (nervously): "Um ... I have a LOT of change ... would it be okay ...?"

We weren't terribly busy at that point, so I said sure.
And yes, she counted out $26.15 in loonies, toonies, quarters, dimes and nickels. But she did it very carefully -- four quarters to a pile, and so on -- so it was easy enough for me to keep track of the money as she counted it out.
However, by the time she was done I had another customer so I punched in her payment, gave her her receipt, and dumped all those coins of the realm in a produce bag to be dealt with later. MUCH later, as it turned out, because suddenly business got ... brisk.