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Day of the Bored DGoddess

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  • Day of the Bored DGoddess

    Did I mention previously how boring Inventory Day is?

    If not, guess what . . . we had Inventory today (yes, I'm Captain Obvious this evening.)

    If it wasn't bad enough going in at 6 this morning, we also had a surprise . . . our store manager (who NEVER arrives before 7 when he's scheduled to open) came in right before 6:30.

    Then, Opie came in around quarter before 7, same time as the van pulled up for the Inventory Crew . . . and it was the same folks we've had at every Inventory since I've been with the Kitty.

    I had been organizing and getting ready for several weeks now . . . before I left yesterday, I had the security room (where high-theft items are kept) ready for counting. The specialty food items that are in the computer room in the back was ready. I also have a float of items left over from the previous HBC girl that had dwindled down from 16 totes to 6 (go me) ready to be counted as well.

    We also had a couple of managers come over from other stores to assist with the counting/recounts. Didn't see the DM (and usually the DM is present on Inventory Day) but Mohair was wandering around, basically BS'n with the store manager and hanging out on the computer. LP Guy came by for a spell to check on things (he's actually pretty cool.) Couple of other people came in (I have no idea who they were or their function, other than overpaid tattletales.)

    So DSD Girl and I get stuck in the back, as one lady was back there counting pretty early. Didn't take her any time really to count down the Dairy cooler. She then knocked out the Ice Cream freezer and Frozen Food backstock pretty quicky (I had to go get my sweater - and it was 96 degrees out - because I was about to freeze with the door open.)

    Then, we knocked out the float, computer room backstock and the security room by 9:30. Then it was the backroom, which took forever.

    Finally it was done (including 2 pallets of reclaim and magazine credits) right before 12 and we got lunch.

    Then, it was recount several pages of stuff on the HBC aisle. So, me, DSD Girl and an AM from another store went out there to knock it out before the crew finalized the results.

    Just when we were about 3/4 way finished with the recount, the store manager wanders over with Mohair and they tell us that the results are in the process of being finalized.

    Now, what sense does this make? We had found a handful of items already that were miscounted. They were either minus one or plus one or two. So if the results are finalized without the corrections, then that means the count is off, which makes us look either a bit short or a bit over.

    Why even bother with recounts if they're not going to pay any attention to them? It's as if whatever results they expect at Corporate, they get regardless of the ACTUAL count.

    Meaning, if they think a store is excessively short, then it will be no matter what the numbers we come up with say.


    I think I'll go put a load of laundry in to wash and grab a small glass of wine.
    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

  • #2
    We always had fun doing inventory. One year we worked until 6am; after they finished counting they printed returns pull lists that told us which bay, shelf, and book number to look for (in other words, go to XXX bay, shelf 4, and count 18 books from the end and pull it). It was awesome...we never pulled returns so quickly. (The next year they were just organized by section like our normal pull lists .) We had boxes lined up along the main cross aisle so we could sort by publisher right there on the floor, and then the receivers just had to scan them out and tape them up. Then we all went out for breakfast and let the morning crew finish cleaning up.

    Though last time I did inventory I somehow got stuck counting gift cards. That was not fun.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      The one and only year I worked inventory, it was about the most mind-blowingly boring night I ever worked. Just sitting around and talking and waiting for the inventory flunkies to bark out "SKU CHECK!", at which point I'd scan the UPC label for them.

      Nowadays all I ever have to do is help pre-count and test-count the backroom, which usually goes pretty smoothly.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

