Thou shalt not...
Ask a customer for an autograph...
no matter how much they look like Chuck Norris.
Use paper airplanes to pass messages to other cashiers...
or to play tic-tac-toe.
Inform customers that they can not find an item they are looking for because it has, in fact, been moved to a store in a nearby dimension.
This one happened to another co-worker.
Use your phone while on the clock...
not even to send a text message...
while waiting for a receipt to print...
for the owner's wife's order!
Ask a customer for an autograph...
no matter how much they look like Chuck Norris.
Use paper airplanes to pass messages to other cashiers...
or to play tic-tac-toe.
Inform customers that they can not find an item they are looking for because it has, in fact, been moved to a store in a nearby dimension.
This one happened to another co-worker.
Use your phone while on the clock...
not even to send a text message...
while waiting for a receipt to print...
for the owner's wife's order!
