Quoth AkaiKitsune
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On that note...
- I am not allowed to string small children up to the archery targets for misbehaving.
- Ditto their parents if they don't actually parent.
- When asked what I'm making, the answer is not "a 14th-century negligee" (I was patching my SO's spare pair of braes)
- Not allowed to give the 18-month-old wandering around camp her very first bollock dagger. (To clarify, the 18-month-old was the child of one of the re-enactors, NOT a random kid!)
- Not allowed to practice shooting watermelons out of the air during the trebuchet show.
- Not allowed to climb the fence to use the bathrooms blocked off to the general public which were intended for re-enactors

- Stuff found out on the range from previous users is to be LEFT THERE. (I found a bottle of lube left behind when I was there - the range is part of a walking track that didn't get blocked off)
- I am not allowed to ask if I can join in when one of my club members starts chomping on the "French brains" (watermelon)
- Not allowed to stuff a melon down the front of my dress to demonstrate that the bardiche/falchion/poleaxe isn't sharp.
- No snipe hunts.
- If I buy a walking staff, it is not for hitting people with.
- When confronted with several sweaty guys fresh from Viking wrestling, I'm not allowed to ask if I can join in on their bath.

- The one male member in our group who WILLINGLY dresses in female garb is not a 14th-century drag queen.
- Not allowed to ask small children to bring me ducks for my belt.