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Free from the Call Center....FINALLY!

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  • Free from the Call Center....FINALLY!


    The angry/stupid customers, inept management, backwards policies, useless supervisors and general, all around bullshit are FINALLY done with!

    For 13 months I put up with more crap than I'd ever thought anyone ever could.

    Now that I am free from their clutches I can tell you what company I worked for:


    Yep, and if you've heard the reports on how crappy sprint customer service I can vouch for that. Not that I was one of the bad ones but I dealt with a lot of them, as did the angry frustrated customers that would frequently get dumped on me.

    Mark my words, I will never EVER work in a call center again....EVER.

    And the first thing I did after leaving work? Hit the nearest bar for a good strong drink.

    "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

  • #2
    Well, congrats! *victory dance* I know the feeling! After I left the convenience store, I also swore to never ever work in one again (I don't even like shopping in them anymore ).


    • #3
      don't speak so fast... after I left western WATS I swore I would never do a call center again... now i'm at a call center, going on my one year mark and doing quite well with it. Don't write off everything off of one bad experience (ok, though I must admit, I will never work in parking enforcement, no matter what company it's for, but other than that I don't think any of my "i will never work in that industry again" claims are true in the long run).
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        Ok well let me put it this way: Unless I get in an extremely desperate situation in which I might have no other choice, I will never work at a call center again.
        "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


        • #5
          I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
          Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
          Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09

