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Work is making me sick....(whiny, also long)

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  • Work is making me sick....(whiny, also long)

    So, this could go in a number of places, but I'll throw it in here, as it's all stuff that has happened/is occurring at work currently. And it makes me glad I got my new job, and will be moving to a different area of the building soon.

    Mouse Problems

    We have mice. I have bitched about this before, and this particular problem has happened before, but I'm really annoyed now.

    *A note, we have metal rolling cabinets, that have enough spaces for the mice to get in them even when they're closed and locked, unfortunately*

    About 6 months ago, the area near my desk started to smell. And it got continually worse, until the day they moved all the cabinets and found a dead mouse. Who'd been dead for quite a bit, far as we could tell. Then, after they removed it, the whole area stunk even more for at least a day, of exposed dead mouse stink and Bath and Body Works body spray in some flowery scent. Very nearly vomit-inducing.

    To be safe, I cleaned out my entire desk, removing anything and everything edible. I have some treats ON my desk, in a plastic container, which seem to be safe, but that's it. Nothing but papers and such in my desk.

    Get in today, and it stinks again. I empty all my drawers, use Lysol wipes to clean up a ton of shredded papers, mouse poop, and dust, throw away a bunch of stuff, and cannot find the source of the smell. I move my cabinet, and my cube mate's, then check in his drawers too. I still have not found the source, but the smell is giving me a headache.

    I don't know whose fault this is....

    But I'm not pleased regardless.

    Walk into the bathroom on my dinner break, walk into the first stall, and find that the seat is still up, and there is pee all over the rim of the toilet. And on the floor in front of the toilet. Have I mentioned that I'm a girl?

    Now, this means one of two things. Either the cleaning staff decided to just clean the seat, not the rim, or someone actually decided to hover and pee without putting the seat down, and managed to get it very visibly all over the place, then did not feel the need to wipe any of it up. Lovely.

    And the coup de grace

    Due to some driving infractions I would prefer not to detail, I'm going to have my driver's license temporarily suspended. Not a huge deal, and I probably deserve it.

    As part of the suspension, being that I've never been in any trouble before, I can get a driving permit so I can still go to and from work and other important places. In order to get said permit, I need a letter on company letterhead, signed by my supervisor, simply stating that I work here, I'll generally be working on this campus, between 7a and 7p, and that I may be need on the other two campuses at varying times on occasion. All things that are true, by the by.

    The suspension won't take effect until June-ish, when I'll be under a new supervisor, but I felt more comfortable making the request of my current sup, who I've been with for 2 years and really like. I also was hoping that this way, it wouldn't become office gossip, and I wouldn't have to start out at the new position on the wrong foot. I figured I'd just ask her, she'd write it, we'd be done, but that's not the way it's gone.

    First, she stated that she didn't have any letterhead. I offered to get her some, as my father also works for the company and had some, hoping that would be that. Nope. She decides she needs to get HR involved.

    Her HR contact requests a letter from the Sec of State requesting the letter for the permit, which I'm pretty sure would be nigh impossible to get, especially in a short length of time. I let her know I have the letter informing me of the suspension, and that I can ask my lawyer for a letter with details, or pull them from the Sec of State website for her.

    She said she'd find out what she could, and work with her HR contact some more. This was Thursday. I got an email from her on Friday saying that she had more info, so tomorrow I'll find out where we're at.

    I know she's just being careful, and trying to do this right, but I can't help being annoyed. It's hard, because I want to be happy about my new job and all, but this is stress-inducing and I want it to be done and over with, not hanging over my head, or becoming office gossip.

    I'm starting to think that if this gets dragged out, I'll either have to go to HR directly with a request for a "To Whom It May Concern" letter with the requested details, or just talk to my future supervisor's supervisor, who is friends with my dad, and request that she do it for me on the DL. Argh.
    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

  • #2
    I think you need to put up a sign or two in the bathroom:

    If you sprinkle
    While you tinkle
    Please be neat
    And wipe the seat


    We aim to keep this bathroom clean
    Your aim is appreciated.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Quoth myswtghst View Post
      Mouse Problems
      Hmm.. familiar with roach infestation at my store. Thankfully we eradicated them with many bouts of roach bombs over a period of a week, after we were authorised to spend a ton of money to get rid of them. The poo was the worst, as it was over A LOT of our products, causing some pretty bad losses/smells on a lot of the boxes, and in the case of some old box found on the floor forgotten, the entire product infested with roaches.. Still thankful that we fixed that.
      Quoth myswtghst View Post
      I don't know whos fault it is..
      I'm a guy, and my wing of the mall my store is in has its own, special staff toilets which are joint paid for by about 10 tenants. It depresses me when I walk in, expecting it to be spotless and I see that its clogged, or theirs pee on the seat. I mean when you have this sort of privilege coming out of your own store's costs, some common courtesy would be nice.
      - Boochan


      • #4
        Quoth myswtghst View Post

        Mouse Problems

        We have mice. I have bitched about this before, and this particular problem has happened before, but I'm really annoyed now.
        Ok, at first I thought you were having problems with the computer mice.

        Quoth myswtghst View Post
        To be safe, I cleaned out my entire desk, removing anything and everything edible. I have some treats ON my desk, in a plastic container, which seem to be safe, but that's it. Nothing but papers and such in my desk.

        Get in today, and it stinks again. I empty all my drawers, use Lysol wipes to clean up a ton of shredded papers, mouse poop, and dust, throw away a bunch of stuff, and cannot find the source of the smell.
        It's the pee that stinks. It saturates everything for all eternity. You're never going to get rid of the smell completely.

        Quoth myswtghst View Post
        I move my cabinet, and my cube mate's, then check in his drawers too. I still have not found the source, but the smell is giving me a headache.
        Oh man...the way I misread this part!
        Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


        • #5
          As somebody who works at a store that had a fairly major mouse infestation a couple years ago, I can vouch for never getting completely rid of the pee smell.

          They liked to congregate in the pet food backstock and it still smells in that area.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            Baking soda will help. A bit.

            Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


            • #7
              Quoth myswtghst View Post
              I don't know whose fault this is....

              Walk into the bathroom on my dinner break, walk into the first stall, and find that the seat is still up, and there is pee all over the rim of the toilet. And on the floor in front of the toilet. Have I mentioned that I'm a girl?
              I pray that my coworkers would lift the seat up when they do that. I have very bad knees due to an older injury and can't hover. So usually this means that I just bring the cleaning supplies in to the bathroom when I have to go because I always have to clean the seat off.


              • #8
                Well, a somewhat positive update - they found the mouse. He jammed himself in the back of my cabinet before dying between the drawers and the back of the cabinet, so they had to pry it open to get him out. So he's gone, and the smell has died down. But still, ew.

                Oh, and I got the letter taken care of. Sup finally got tired of HR's waffling and pointing us to useless links on their site, so we wrote it out together. Yay.
                "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                • #9
                  Argh, the old hover-and-pee. It drives me insane. What's wrong with just sitting on the bloody thing?!
                  God made me a cannibal to fix problems like you. - Angelspit, '100%'

                  I'm sorry, I'm not authorised to give a f**k.

