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The Witch is gone, and so is the Creepy cart pusher!

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  • The Witch is gone, and so is the Creepy cart pusher!

    Within the last couple weeks, two people that I have completely despised are no longer working at my company!

    The first is J, the assistant manager that decided to put meat for sale that was a month passed it's expiration date. She was someone who had worked for my company for 37 years, and thought she was God's gift to us.

    She was the type that would take every single holiday off so no one else could, she'd look to see who was taking vacation when, and suddenly her name would appear on that week. She'd talk about co-workers behind their back to you, trying to get you to say something about them, then run and tell them what you said.

    She has perfected the art of looking busy for 10 hours, but not getting a single thing done all day. Her baby was our cheese wall. She would never let anyone else touch it. it was HERS. No one could ever do a better job of organizing and stocking it. Yet, on a daily basis, we got customers coming up to us, holding out cheeses that were outdated by days...weeks...months....found one in the back that was outdated around Halloween of '07 just the other week.

    It doesn't end there. I wish it did, but it doesn't. She also treats all of us like we're idiots. I've worked there for four years, and every time that I do anything, she tells me step by step how to do it. She does it with everyone else. Our Department manager will say it's okay to do something one way. We do it like that, and J freaks, yelling about how corporate will come down on us because we're not doing it right, etc etc.

    She also loves to make up rules. She'll tell us that our store manager, or corporate says that we have to do something a certain way, or stop doing something we've been doing. A few days later, I'll be doing what she told me to do, my department manager will ask me what the hell I'm doing, and I get to explain.

    And lastly, she likes to play hide and go seek with the customers. As in, she sees one on the counter and does one of the following:

    1) Say hello to them, and walk away.
    2) Say "Hi there, Kyree will help you in just a moment."
    3)"Kyree, you need to help this customer, I'm busy!" While she's pricing cheese to put out on her island, a task that you can just stop and come back to very easily.
    4) Completely and utterly ignore them. Stand right in front of them, but make every single effort NOT to look at them. Act surprised when I come over there and have to move her out of the way to talk to the customer.

    And, the crazy cart pusher.

    I honestly think that this man is mentally unstable. Something is wrong upstairs on him. Knowing that just makes me that much more uneasy when I was around him.
    He would mutter things under his breath, and start talking about random, completely out of the blue things.
    He drove a jeep with no side doors, and no rear window-door thing. He had tarps over them. He kept a blanket over his engine to keep it from getting hot in the summer.
    One day while I was up in the breakroom about to start my shift, when he was cooking a pizza in our pizza oven. He took said pizza and put it in his locker. Using the bottoms of his boots as a holder for it. No, it had nothing between the pizza and boots.
    My coworker was on break when he walked by the bench she was sitting on outside. He was dragging on of those suitcases with wheels behind him. He stops in front of coworker, and says "This is how I get my women home at night. I put them in here." And then just walks off.
    There's a storage closet right next to the deli that he likes to sit in, with the lights off, and stare at me when I'm working alone at night.

    So, needless to say, very..strange and unnerving individual.

    Well, a couple days ago, he decided to mutter under his breath about a customer. With them standing right next to him. They heard it of course, and got very angry. Spoke with the MOD, JE. When JE heard what happened, he got angry as well, and told the cart pusher, D, to go home. Instead of going home, D decided to go back outside and continue to push carts. 20 minutes later JE noticed that he was still there, and told D that if he did not leave the property, the cops would be called to escort him off. Well, he wouldn't leave. As the cops showed up, D took a line of carts and shoved them right into JE's brand new BMW. JE's brand new BMW is now sporting a huge dent in the side of it.

    Because of that, though, the store manager fired him when he came in for work the next day.

    And now, my fingers are tired, and this post is a lot longer then I thought it'd be. I'm gonna stop now.
    Pit bull-

    There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.

  • #2
    Do what we do when people we hate get fired. HAPPY DANCE!

    Even after the shift was over, I wiggled in the tanning bed, danced in the car, and moonwalked and danced all over my apartment and even wiggled my toes while I slept that day.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


    • #3
      I hope crazy cart pushed is held responsible for the damage to MOD's Beemer.

      What did J in? The ridiculously outdated meats and cheeses in her coolers?
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
        I hope crazy cart pushed is held responsible for the damage to MOD's Beemer.

        What did J in? The ridiculously outdated meats and cheeses in her coolers?
        Bah, sorry, I can't believe I forgot to write how she left.

        Not even a week after I caught her putting the spoiled meats for sale and showed the Store manager, J was suddenly retiring soon.

        Very odd coincidence....
        Pit bull-

        There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


        • #5
          is the cart pusher sporting a dent in the side of his head from JE? I'd probably be pissed off even if i saw that happen to someone else's beemer. he was a pretty odd person, and he makes the cart pushers I work with seem normal

