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Ade on his data recovery jobs

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  • Ade on his data recovery jobs

    So I was booking in 2 hard drive data recoveries today. One customer had come in and told me out-right he needed one, and the other I had dealt with earlier, came up to me while I was dealing with the first (who didn’t seem to mind) so I booked them both at the same time. I finished them off, put the paperwork onto the clipboards for those machines, charged them for the work then sent them on their way

    I went into the actual tech area. The two jobs had booked for 2 separate people; Stu and Ade. I put both computers on the desk…

    Stu: What’s up with those then, Flea?
    Me: 2 hard drive data recoveries, one for you and one for Ade

    *Ade looks up*

    Me: The one for stu is to recover all the documents off the desktops, all their “my documents” folders, and all shared documents, the one for Ade is to recover a database from Quicken quickbooks
    Ade: Bollocks to that. Fuck sake, why is it when a fucking bastard of a data recovery job gets booked, it always slots in onto MY fucking job sheet?!
    Stu: *Chuckles*
    Ade: Don’t bastard laugh. I’m serious, it pisses me off. And what fucktard still uses bastard quicken?! Stu, Swap jobs with me?
    Stu: Hell no
    Ade: Cunt. Botch, do you fancy doing it?
    Me: Bollocks to you. I ain’t doing you a favour after Monday
    Ade: Cunt sucker. What did I ever do to you?!
    Me: *Looks over the top of my glasses* The day after I had a car crash that nearly killed me, your first and exact words to me were “Oi, Crash test. What the fuck you doing causing a fucking pile-up on the motorway. I missed a shag because of you”
    Ade: oh, yeah so you ain’t gonna do it then?
    Me: Nope
    Ade: cock sucker
    Me: Yup

    And so begins another day in the Tech centre.

    I should point out that heartless as ade calling me “crash test” sounds, he did come up to me at the end of the day and say “Listen kid, I know I’m not serious very often but I am now. I saw what happened and I’m guessing you know you’re lucky to be alive. You should have taken a day off today and why you didn’t is totally beyond me. Just remember to take it easy and get some rest. A hot bath will sort out all your aches and pains from that”

    So yeah, mouthy as he is, Ade has his serious moments.
    -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

    Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

    A guide for customers about retail

  • #2
    Tell Ade he can shove it up his ass. I still use Quicken and if he wants to mess with me, he better have his Mama have the local hospice on speed dial because he's in for a hell of a lot of hurt.
    Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

    Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

    Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


    • #3
      Quoth Evil Queen View Post
      Tell Ade he can shove it up his ass. I still use Quicken and if he wants to mess with me, he better have his Mama have the local hospice on speed dial because he's in for a hell of a lot of hurt.
      I thought you didn't condone violence? XD I believe that shoving somthing, for example, quicken, forcefully up someone's arse constitutes at violence XD
      -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

      Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

      A guide for customers about retail


      • #4
        Quoth AdvancedFlea View Post
        I thought you didn't condone violence? XD I believe that shoving somthing, for example, quicken, forcefully up someone's arse constitutes at violence XD
        That's CS policy. Not mine. To be honest, I rather like violence. But Ade is in dire need of an attitude adjustment.
        Ridiculous 2009 Predictions: Evil Queen will beat Martha Stewart to death with a muffin pan. All hail Evil Queen! (Some things don't need elaboration.....) -- Jester

        Ridiculous 2010 Predictions: Evil Queen, after escaping prison for last years prediction, goes out and waffle irons Rachel Ray to death. -- SG15Z

        Ridiculous 2011 Prediction: Evil Queen will beat Gordon Ramsay over the head with a cast-iron skillet. -- FireHeart


        • #5
          Quoth Evil Queen View Post
          That's CS policy. Not mine. To be honest, I rather like violence. But Ade is in dire need of an attitude adjustment.
          ...I keep forgetting that you are related to workhorse. Should have seen that coming

          I think he does, somtimes but most times, not. To be fair, I think he was just in a bad mood. He had every right to be, he'd just had a computer just burst into flames on him. That's happend to me before and it pissed me off...especially conidering none of the fire extinguishers I tried wanted to go off
          -The one, The Only, AdvancedFlea-

          Stick that in your blog and smoke it.

          A guide for customers about retail

