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Sucky Day at work!!!

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  • Sucky Day at work!!!

    My sucky day at work consisted of the following:

    -If people hand me their credit cards, I'll swipe it if they have their hands full (i.e. they're putting away their shopping or they're controlling kids) but usually I hand it back to them. One gentleman goes to me "I don't know how to swipe it." So I'm directing him with "upside down, other way around." He had it stripe facing up and outwards, whereas our machines are stripe down and outwards. He kept going upside down and then I got frustrated, took it from him and swiped it. He complains.

    -I burnt my hand in the lunchroom during my break because I spilled hot coffee on it. It hurt like hell. (and yes, I did treat it with cold water)

    -When I got back, the registers I was on chose to play up by the scanner not scanning everything the first time. Had five "It must be free!" jokes in a row, at which I glared. Got sent to another register, was moved around so someone else could do a drawer count and the printer malfunctioned. Was bounced off to yet another register.

    -Put my foot in my mouth twice today by stating that people would bitch about lack of cashiers and then later by stating that perishables don't deal with the shitty customers. Regarding the first comment, was complained yet again.

    -I broke down ten minutes before closing. Was sent to lunchroom. Wound up with a very, very sore hand from banging it against the wall in exctreme frustration.

    So now I have complaints against me which will result in me being written up and possibly fired for an otherwise good clean record. I am constantly threatened by my 3IC stating that if we don't do something 3 times in a row, we get logged, we get logged three times in a row, we get fired.

    Now I wanna constantly hit my head against the parcel pickup wall
    The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

    Now queen of USSR-Land...