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Ever have someone mistake your personal belongings for the store's?

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  • Ever have someone mistake your personal belongings for the store's?

    This is sort of like a corollary to my bike story, but surprisingly even more odd. The other day I brought in a book that I'd bought in another store in this chain. Someone took the book out of the break room where I had it and threw it into salvage. So apparently the stuff I bring in isn't good enough to sell;only to throw away!
    I am the commander commando!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!

    Maybe in the future you could bring your things in a tote, to emphasize that they haven't been abandoned. Still, I don't see why anything in the break room would be considered merchandise.
    "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

    "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


    • #3
      My youngest daughter's pretend toy purse was left in the store one shopping trip. The nest day I saw it in Leisure dept. put away bins... I removed it, stuck it under teh CS desk counter until my shift was over, at the end of the day it was in the Beauty dept. put away bins.


      • #4
        Still, I don't see why anything in the break room would be considered merchandise.
        It isn't that unusual at all.

        When I worked at the bookstore, we were allowed to read books (from inventory) on our break. Sometimes people would leave them on the table and not return them when their break was up.
        From time to time, I had to do it myself since 'nobody' knew who was reading it.

        Sometimes, merchandise found in the store (left by SC's who couldn't be bothered to return it to the shelf they took it from) and temporarily placed in the break area (since it was immediately behind the back door) for restocking.

        It is entirely possible that someone mistook the book for merchandise if nobody was present and it wasn't properly labeled as an employee's property.
        This is why, in one fashion or another, I put my name on all of my belongings I take to work.

        I would especially take measures to label things that I had purchased from my place of employment (or a sister store).
        Also, I would never leave them in the open, even if I had my name on them.
        "It's not easy being evil in a world that's gone to Hell" ~ Anton LaVey


        • #5
          I was once wearing a Death outfit for Halloween when I was at work. Was the full deal incluing the scythe,gloves and everything. Unfortunatly I was putting up signs all day and a scythe is cumbersome(sp?) so I would leave it at the base of my ladder/staircase thingy.

          Halfway through my shift a kid and his mother pick it up and start walking to the checkouts. I calmly walk down the steps and tap the mother on the shoulder and say politely;

          "Sorry ma'am that belongs to me. Goes with the outfit you know!"

          She almost burst out laughin seeing a guy in a full Death outfit tap her on the shoulder asking for his weapon back.
          Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


          • #6
            About 2 months ago a co-worker, who was on medical leave, had come into the store to shop and stopped by the dept with a bag full of goodies for me from her garden. (green beans, green peppers, etc)

            I always have a shopping cart with me while at work. It holds my hangers, returns and other items I use to do my job. I thanked my co-worker for the wonderful produce and put it in my cart, thinking I'd take it out to my car when I went on break.

            My break time arrived so I went out to my car (which I always do) and as I sat there I remembered that I had wanted to bring that bag out with me. I was a bit upset with myself and hoped it would still be in my cart after my break...but when I got back inside the store, the bag was gone.

            Thinking some dirty, rotten SC had stolen my veggies, I mentioned it to one of my co-workers who then got the funniest look on her face. I knew what had happened before she even told me. She had seen the bag in my cart, thought it had been abandoned by a customer and dutifully returned it to the produce dept.

            She did go back and get it. It was still sitting in the same place she had put it.
            Retail Haiku:
            Depression sets in.
            The hellhole is calling me ~
            I don't want to go.


            • #7
              unless it was like the place i worked at.

              sometimes they went though moods where "personal belongings left out = trash"

