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All my work WASTED!

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  • All my work WASTED!

    I didn't know where to put this, since it happened at work, but I don't know for sure if it was my mistake or what.

    Anyway, since last night, I have been working on an Excel worksheet, putting in phone numbers for the accounts.

    Tonight, I pull it up and am working on it till break time. When I came back, I noticed the phone numbers were all messed up. They had all moved up two spaces and screwed up everything!

    BossMan had left early, so I couldn't get any help, since no one really knows Excel. So, I was trying to figure out what the hell had happened and somehow erased all the work I done early that night.

    Now, I didn't notice it being screwed up till after I had gone outside with my friend for a smoke break and came back. When we came back I noticed it was all screwed up. Yes, my husband gave me the lecture about locking down my computer when walking away, thank you.

    Plus, at the end of the night, just like every night since SmellyWoman found out her gallon of perfume a day habit sets off my allergies, she nearly broke her neck to make sure she walked by my desk before I had a chance to leave. She had no reason to walk by at all, but I'm sure she would come up with one if asked. I'm not sure if she heard me call her a "nasty bitch" or not, but if she did, she will be whining to BossMan tomorrow, just like she does when other people actually tell her off and/or tell her to shower instead of throwing a gallon of perfume on herself.

    So many people can not tolerate her smell that BossMan had to move her to her own spot away from everyone else on the other side of the building. If she moves ten feet away from her desk, she can be smelled by everyone else in the building.

    I'm talking to BossMan about it and if he won't tell her to keep away from me, then HR will get an email about the nasty bitch and how she purposely goes around those she knows will have a reaction to her perfume.

    I should have called out of work and went to bed instead.
    Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

    If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

    Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.

  • #2
    Unfortunately I know squat about Excel
    But can't you report StinkyCow to HR and cite health reasons? If so many people cannot handle the gallon of perfume she puts on, HR MUST do something about it...anyone have any advice regarding labor law on this issue??
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      I was more upset that the work that took me hours to do was all screwed up. I thought at first that I had put a phone number in the wrong place, but I noticed it was all screwed up and while I do make mistakes, I don't make them that bad.

      I will be reporting StinkyCow (that's a much better name for her, thanks) to HR, if BossMan won't do anything about the situation.

      So, I was in a pretty bad mood last night after work, but I watched Ghost Hunters and felt much better.
      Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

      If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

      Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


      • #4
        Too late for this to be of real use, but a recent foul-up can be corrected on a Windows machine with a quick 'control-z'. Just in case Stinky had come around and messed around with it.

        How come your place is still in business with all the lunatics you have to deal with at work?



        • #5
          Had a think - more of a GWC thread, so moved.



          • #6
            You could of used the undo command in the edit (i think) menu. it usually lets you go back several changes. Not to mention you should be saving your work every 15-30 minutes or so.
            I'm tolerant of everyone and everything except for assholes. - Mongo Skruddgemire


            • #7
              You've posted about stinky woman before. You've complained to Bossman before. I think it's time you talk to HR. Even better is if others can complain to HR along with you. This isn't a minor issue. I'm pretty sensitive to smells myself (though I wouldn't say I'm allergic per se) and I'm horrified by the idea of putting up with this awful smell day after day. Contact HR. This amount of scent is not appropriate for the workplace. Period.

              Also, I fully appreciate you are upset about the spreadsheet. It sounds like you suspect foul play, but have no proof. For your own well-being, I suggest waiting until you calm down a little more before you complain to HR or to Bossman, be it about the spreadsheet or the smell. You deserve the benefit of your hard work and efforts, and being upset will only make a difficult situation harder and increase the chances of you coming off sounding, well, pissed. Being calm and professional is a godsend when complaining about stinky lady. Just my two cents.
              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


              • #8
                Quoth marlovino View Post
                You could of used the undo command in the edit (i think) menu. it usually lets you go back several changes. Not to mention you should be saving your work every 15-30 minutes or so.
                Came here to mention the undo button. marlovino beat me to it, lol. It's probably too late now, but it may save you a similar headache in the future.
                I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                • #9
                  Well, I managed to savage the spread sheet and my work. I told BossMan I was having a problem with it and he gave me a suggestion on how to fix it, so it got fixed. I didn't mention anything about suspecting someone had tampered with it.

                  He also told me to save my work every 10 minutes, so if it does get messed up again, it won't be such a pain in the ass to fix.

                  I was busy working on the spread sheet all night, so I didn't mention StinkyCow to BossMan. He was standing next to me when she made a point of coming over there to "talk to him". Yeah, right. She got the two fan treatment, that is where I turn on both fans on my desk and point them directly at her. She hates when I do that, but there is nothing she can say about it.
                  Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                  If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                  Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                  • #10
                    As far as Excel goes, there are same pretty good basic instruction books out there. You might want to look into getting one, if you can. Or, spend some time browsing the offline help files (faster than using the online help) and getting familiar with the terminology. Once you get used to it, the help files become a fairly useful user's manual.

                    Regarding your specific problem: If it was only that one column had moved up by a couple rows, it was probably that something above it got deleted. You can fix it by simply inserting the required number of cells above them (thus moving everything down in that column) if undo doesn't work. Just in case it happens again.

