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whatever god is out there....(warning long and ranty!)

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  • whatever god is out there....(warning long and ranty!)

    Didn't want me going to work today or wanted to toy with me!

    Got to the station with about 3-4 min to spare to get the ticket. However I get there and there is a line at the ticket machine and the guy at the window is "back in 5 min"

    I line up and wait. Doesn't take long and there is only 2 people in front of me as the train pulls in. Wouldn't be a problem correct? NOPE!

    Both guys didn't know what they wanted/what to do. So it took them so long that by the time I got to the machine the whistle went for the train to start moving. I rushed to get the ticket turned...and the doors closed and the train departed

    And as if to tease me THAT'S when the ticket guy shows up

    So I decide to go get something to eat as I have 40 min till the next friggen train! I walk into the shop to get some cafinated refreshment and a apricot bar. I felt like a muffin but didn't see any. Well that is not till I had PAYED and was walking out! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

    Anyway, the bar was a bit MEH, very dry but ok. But when I went to get a drink as it had dried out my mouth so that it resembled the sahara desert! Could I open the bottle? NOPE! Parched I struggled to get the lid off, while being watched by a guy who was sitting just next to me about a 30cm gap. Did he offer to help? no. I did get the lid off...but guess what happened? Yeap! Spilt ALLLL over me! so now I'm a sticky mess!

    *sigh* the train comes I get on, and I get stuck next to some guy with a sevear lack of hygene! I go and manage to find a seat.

    Now that is not all! I get on the train, and it seems that the bar I ate as disagreed with my stomach somewhat. I start to feel my tummy churn, and my bowels are going to give out! and I have 20 min till I get to work!

    I was fortunate, everything stayed inside till I got to work, but now I have a back ache and head pains! *sigh*

    Why didn't I stay in bed?
    I am evil, I should change my middle name legally TO evil, I'm proud of my evilness! Makes life fun! bwhaha

  • #2
    Checking in at the random Greek god generator, you have fallen afoul of Efrsai, god of clogged gutters and whiffle ball! I suggest sacrificing a cow (in the preferred form of grilled hamburger) to regain his good graces. Good luck!
    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
    Hoc spatio locantur.

