Didn't want me going to work today or wanted to toy with me!
Got to the station with about 3-4 min to spare to get the ticket. However I get there and there is a line at the ticket machine and the guy at the window is "back in 5 min"
I line up and wait. Doesn't take long and there is only 2 people in front of me as the train pulls in. Wouldn't be a problem correct? NOPE!
Both guys didn't know what they wanted/what to do. So it took them so long that by the time I got to the machine the whistle went for the train to start moving. I rushed to get the ticket turned...and the doors closed and the train departed

And as if to tease me THAT'S when the ticket guy shows up
So I decide to go get something to eat as I have 40 min till the next friggen train! I walk into the shop to get some cafinated refreshment and a apricot bar. I felt like a muffin but didn't see any. Well that is not till I had PAYED and was walking out! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Anyway, the bar was a bit MEH, very dry but ok. But when I went to get a drink as it had dried out my mouth so that it resembled the sahara desert! Could I open the bottle? NOPE! Parched I struggled to get the lid off, while being watched by a guy who was sitting just next to me about a 30cm gap. Did he offer to help? no. I did get the lid off...but guess what happened? Yeap! Spilt ALLLL over me!
so now I'm a sticky mess!
*sigh* the train comes I get on, and I get stuck next to some guy with a sevear lack of hygene! I go and manage to find a seat.
Now that is not all! I get on the train, and it seems that the bar I ate as disagreed with my stomach somewhat. I start to feel my tummy churn, and my bowels are going to give out! and I have 20 min till I get to work!
I was fortunate, everything stayed inside till I got to work, but now I have a back ache and head pains! *sigh*
Why didn't I stay in bed?
Got to the station with about 3-4 min to spare to get the ticket. However I get there and there is a line at the ticket machine and the guy at the window is "back in 5 min"
I line up and wait. Doesn't take long and there is only 2 people in front of me as the train pulls in. Wouldn't be a problem correct? NOPE!
Both guys didn't know what they wanted/what to do. So it took them so long that by the time I got to the machine the whistle went for the train to start moving. I rushed to get the ticket turned...and the doors closed and the train departed

And as if to tease me THAT'S when the ticket guy shows up

So I decide to go get something to eat as I have 40 min till the next friggen train! I walk into the shop to get some cafinated refreshment and a apricot bar. I felt like a muffin but didn't see any. Well that is not till I had PAYED and was walking out! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Anyway, the bar was a bit MEH, very dry but ok. But when I went to get a drink as it had dried out my mouth so that it resembled the sahara desert! Could I open the bottle? NOPE! Parched I struggled to get the lid off, while being watched by a guy who was sitting just next to me about a 30cm gap. Did he offer to help? no. I did get the lid off...but guess what happened? Yeap! Spilt ALLLL over me!

*sigh* the train comes I get on, and I get stuck next to some guy with a sevear lack of hygene! I go and manage to find a seat.
Now that is not all! I get on the train, and it seems that the bar I ate as disagreed with my stomach somewhat. I start to feel my tummy churn, and my bowels are going to give out! and I have 20 min till I get to work!
I was fortunate, everything stayed inside till I got to work, but now I have a back ache and head pains! *sigh*
Why didn't I stay in bed?