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a tale of two cities

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  • a tale of two cities

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. (that's actually the only thing this post has to do with a tale of two cities... but I like the quote and always love to have an excuse to quote famous novels )

    The best of times
    -it's really slow so I've been able to do most of my studying at work... which means I actually have some free time
    - I got a raise
    - I got a bonus (i think... either that or the boss screwed up and put too many hours on my check... either way )
    - the new night guy is both competent and good looking
    - I've actually been getting off work on time this week
    -with a few minor exceptions there have been no SCs recently (a few people have been sucky about the shuttle, but nothing post worthy)

    The worst of times
    -our master workstation is out of commission right now... which means that, while each workstation is working, we have to do any entries between systems manually (ie, someone orders a movie and we have to take a print out from the person's room and enter it into their folio rather than the master doing it, same thing with long distance... oh and we have to program each for their deposits/credit limits manually... after each guest checks in) Thank God this is going on during a slow time.
    - we ran out of shampoo... why, you may ask... well because the (now former) administrator is an idiot and forgot to order any... he did the same thing with food for the breakfast area last week... the week before that it was paper. Damn, we run out of a lot of stuff.
    -expedia is getting pissy with us about their credit card... our policy is that all 3rd party reservations are charged, in full, on date of arrival... expedia is trying to tell us that we must wait until check out... and we all know exactly what they are doing... they're hoping that if a guest leaves early or no shows we won't charge them the full room amount and they just got free profit... well, guess what assholes, we are giving you guys a 25% discount so WE can get dibs on the free profit if any free profit comes... you only give the guest a 10% discount so you have a pretty large profit margin already assholes.
    -ETA- the philanthropist is staying again... which unfortunately means that stinky homeless guy who refuses to use the shower is staying again too... seriously Mr. Philanthropist why do you insist on picking up homeless people off the street and paying for their rooms... if they at least used them to clean up etc it would be one thing, but no, they just sleep there and are always so filthy that it takes forever to clean the rooms and without fail the homeless guy you chose will scare the other guests. Please, just stop.
    Last edited by smileyeagle1021; 02-06-2009, 02:47 PM.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song