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  • "Panic!!!"

    My gods!! What a day!!! Kill me now! >.<

    So Sunday I went into work about 15 minutes early because I aim for early so if I'm running late I'm not too late. Trust me it works.....most of the time anyway.
    Ahem so as soon as I walk in the door my CSM spots me drags me to the time clock and asks if I can go ahead and clock in now cause it's CRAZY BUZY! So when I make it to the break sheet I see the horror. 2 sackers had called in (kinda normal) and the morning cashier quit (knew about that) and no one else could come in (uh oh). Then I notice one of the call ins is my late night sacker. In other words after 9pm I had no sacker! Plus it seems I was so short handed that after 7 I couldn't spare anyone to get baskets.

    It also didn't help that it was a really busy Sunday! And I was running around like a chickn with it's head cut off! Everytime time I turned around someone was calling me over to help them with register problems, overrides, SCs, you name it it happened. Over at SCO I got called over and had three things happening at once!

    First a guy and his wife had a check written for over $20 but our system declined it and wouldn't let them get cash back. Sometimes I can override this, but this error message was one I can't override and all I can do is offer them a phone number to call or ask them to write for the exact amount. There was some arguing, but eventually they got it their was no way I could take the check.

    Then I had a lady who swiped her Foodstamps EBT card and since she had less on the card then what the total was it declined (Yeah stupid I know). But I guess she didn't notice this because she went ahead and put in $20. So the SCO cashier noticed this and told them to swipe the card again cause we have to type in the amount manually, but the $20 happened before the FS so that cash took away from her Foodstamp total and she didn't get change back like she thought she would.

    Well since th transaction was completed there really was no easy way to fix it, if there even is, and I had to explain to her what happened, but no matter how much I dumbed it down she still didn't understand and kept saying it was our fault. blah blah blah. Till finally she said "Fuck it!" and left without her reciept. Something tells me that story isn't finished, but as long as I don't see her again I'm happy.

    And finally one of the SCO lanes stopped workind and said "no connection to register". I had seen this error before several times so I rebooted the machine cause that fixed the problem in the past. Instead when the window for the main POS software came up, which has to load before the SCO software, it said and I quote, "Error Program Failure: Panic!!!"

    Yes it said "panic" and yes there were 3 '!'. I turned to the SCO cashier and showed him.

    Me: You know it's never a good sign when the computer says "panic!!!"

    So I had to get on the phone with Support Center and wait for them to fix the problem. And informed the cashier to follow the registers advice and "panic"

    Man I'm never gonna forget that one. Anyway that's just the tip of the iceburg, I'm just glad it's over.

  • #2
    Aw...poor ting!!!

    <snuggles and offers cookies>

    People are FUN! And seriously, what WAS up with Sunday? We were unusually busy at my store, too, and normally, sundays after the initial 2 weeks of class starting are DEAD.

    Of course, I had a cooler full of glass bottled beverages explode on me...

    Throughout the course of the day, I alternated between smelling like root beer and rabid oranges.


    I want MY computers to have fun error messages...I just get the BSOD, instead...


    • #3
      I want all our registers at work to just go crazy and say "panic". Classic stuff!!
      "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


      • #4
        Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
        I want MY computers to have fun error messages...I just get the BSOD, instead...
        Oh I have had the BSOD on the SCO machines before. That was a fun day too........


        • #5
          I saw the BSOD on a wrapped over a satellite view of the Earth.

          Never had any amusing crashes personally, though.
          Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


          • #6
            Quoth SG15Z View Post

            And finally one of the SCO lanes stopped workind and said "no connection to register". I had seen this error before several times so I rebooted the machine cause that fixed the problem in the past. Instead when the window for the main POS software came up, which has to load before the SCO software, it said and I quote, "Error Program Failure: Panic!!!"

            Yes it said "panic" and yes there were 3 '!'. I turned to the SCO cashier and showed him.
            Heh. That's nothing. Where I used to work there was a radio console almost as old as I am (I'm 27 by the way) that was on its way out. Well, one day I heard it beep three or four times so I turn around to look at it...the display said "OOPS". I showed a more senior person and she said "Oh shit....that's not good". I pointed it out to the person in charge of all of the communications equipment and she had never seen that error. That made me feel great.

            I went in there a couple months ago to see how everyone was and that damn console is failing even more. It isn't long until there is an emergency call and the console fails. But the school is hem-hawing on getting new equipment.
            Answers are is asking the right questions which is hard.


            • #7
              Quoth daleduke17 View Post
              Heh. That's nothing. Where I used to work there was a radio console almost as old as I am (I'm 27 by the way) that was on its way out. Well, one day I heard it beep three or four times so I turn around to look at it...the display said "OOPS". I showed a more senior person and she said "Oh shit....that's not good". I pointed it out to the person in charge of all of the communications equipment and she had never seen that error. That made me feel great.

              I went in there a couple months ago to see how everyone was and that damn console is failing even more. It isn't long until there is an emergency call and the console fails. But the school is hem-hawing on getting new equipment.
              Haha!! That's awesome! I wish my POS machines said oops instead of "Check Key Sequence". I'll remember that when I own my own grocery store and program my POS machines. All my error messages will say "oops" "panic" etc.


              • #8
                Quoth SG15Z View Post
                Haha!! That's awesome! I wish my POS machines said oops instead of "Check Key Sequence". I'll remember that when I own my own grocery store and program my POS machines. All my error messages will say "oops" "panic" etc.
                Don't forget to have the receipt printer read "RIP" with a tombstone on it! (can't remember the thread I read that in, but it was hilarious, and I want our stupid POS to do something that neat. Wishful thinking, I know...)


                • #9
                  one of my old teachers said that he was working on a computer that would flash the part name of whatever unit had gone bad

                  so one day they came in and it was flashing "05H1T" ... the part number for the motherboard. they ran the paperwork for the new part and got yelled at by the higher ups for inappropriate humor on the paperwork. they had to call the company to prove that part number was real and the company's response, "Um yeah... we've got a twisted sense of humor."
                  Last edited by PepperElf; 02-25-2009, 09:44 PM. Reason: fixed the part number ...


                  • #10
                    Aw, I want messages like that! All I ever got was "ERR..." if you tried to put in too much cash.

                    Slightly aside, when he worked at WalMart's British arm, one of my friends set a reminder in the computer for the year 2035: "Take over the world". I'm almost tempted to get a job there in 2034 just so I can see the look on the manager's face when they read it.
                    "I'll probably come round and steal the food out of your fridge later too, then run a key down the side of your car as I walk away from your house, which I've idly set ablaze" - Mil Millington


                    • #11
                      Quoth lupo pazzesco View Post
                      Don't forget to have the receipt printer read "RIP" with a tombstone on it! (can't remember the thread I read that in, but it was hilarious, and I want our stupid POS to do something that neat. Wishful thinking, I know...)
                      Oh yes!! I forgot about the tombstone thread!! I need to remember that. Maybe I should make a list...

                      Quoth PepperElf View Post
                      one of my old teachers said that he was working on a computer that would flash the part name of whatever unit had gone bad

                      so one day they came in and it was flashing "0SH1T" ... the part number for the motherboard. they ran the paperwork for the new part and got yelled at by the higher ups for inappropriate humor on the paperwork. they had to call the company to prove that part number was real and the company's response, "Um yeah... we've got a twisted sense of humor."
                      OMG that's hilarious! They don't have a "twisted" sense of humor, they have an awesome sense of humor!!!!! I should add that to my list...make it an Error code.

                      Error: 04hit
                      Error: 05h1t


                      • #12
                        Quoth SG15Z View Post


                        Yes it said "panic" and yes there were 3 '!'. I turned to the SCO cashier and showed him.

                        Me: You know it's never a good sign when the computer says "panic!!!"

                        So I had to get on the phone with Support Center and wait for them to fix the problem. And informed the cashier to follow the registers advice and "panic"

                        Man I'm never gonna forget that one. Anyway that's just the tip of the iceburg, I'm just glad it's over.
                        but if you have a towel and Ford Prefect and your Guide with you


                        DON'T PANIC
                        I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                        -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                        "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

