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No I don't want to talk about this at work

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  • No I don't want to talk about this at work

    I make a point of trying to get along with everyone at work. Yes, some of these people are annoying, boring, rude, etc., but it helps me get through the day. Most of the time I just half tune them out as they're talking, nodding and "hmmm"-ing as needed.

    However, I just want to tell them not to talk politics with me. You have your side, I have mine. It makes for bad blood to start ranting then expect me to agree, especially since I do actually read the news, receive multiple emails each day on various topics, and make my own decisions from the information I receive, instead of just parroting my spouse/friend/parents/whatever.

    Thankfully, no one here talks about sex. They understand they can get written up or fired for it. I'm very visual. If I get the picture in my head of you making the "oh face" I will never be able to get rid of it; that is an image I DO NOT WANT!
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  • #2
    Quoth wagegoth View Post
    Thankfully, no one here talks about sex. They understand they can get written up or fired for it. I'm very visual. If I get the picture in my head of you making the "oh face" I will never be able to get rid of it; that is an image I DO NOT WANT!
    Oh...oh...oh. You know what I'm talkin' about. Oh!


    • #3
      Just tell them no. "I don't like discussing politics, sorry." If they try to force you into a conversation... "sorry I just don't."

      If they keep harassing you... that's when you go for the "What part of NO don't you understand?"

      I'm the same way... I dislike discussing politics.
      Hell I had one co-worker who was an arrogant prick about his political views... if you didn't agree with him he'd call you stupid, because he went to college and his professors taught him political-whatever... (the fact that many professors teach political opinion and not fact isn't apparent to him)

      but anyway off my anti-coworker soap pox. politics belong in the political arena. not at work.


      • #4
        that was my biggest issue with my fellow coworker when I worked for the shipping department... she would talk about the most innaprioprate things and then get pissy that I wouldnt contribute

        she would tell me her weight, then get angry that I wouldnt tell her mine. Keeping in mind I never ASKED her what she weighed, and told her I was uncomfortable when she would pull up her shirt and slap her stomach to show me how much she wobbled

        she asked how much I was earning and before I could say "whoa lady no way" she tells me her salary then doesnt speak to me for the rest of the day when I finally told her theres NO WAY in hell that Im telling her what I earn

        she talks about having sex with her husband - explicit details and shes freaking OVER SIXTY!!! I dont care about old people having sex, I do however care if I have to hear about it. It was especially funny when she threated to report me to HR for saying "EW GROSS YUCK!" I told her to go ahead.

        she would constantly yammer on about her current diet to (her record for sticking to one was 3 days), at the same time my mother told me in depth what she ate, how much, when, how many teaspoons of dressing she had with her salad... then K would tell me about what he ate for dinner in our nightly calls. No wonder I lost weight when I worked there I was SO sick of hearing about food I certainly didnt want to eat it!

        now Im a chatty person, but I always kept my topics within the realm of "would I want my bishop to hear me say this" thats my guide for talking at work. Im so glad to not have to deal with a talker right now.

        my way of dealing with them is completely ignoring them, my co-irker would usually trail off and then screech ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME!!!! and I would reply.... *all surprised* oh sorry I was busy working, what did you say?
        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

