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The Monday Morning Blues!

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  • The Monday Morning Blues!

    So, I got a new job, recently--yay! I'm a redirect operator. That means that customers who get "lost" in the system get redirected to the phone centers they need for their service.
    Today was bad for three reasons:
    1. It's Monday
    2. We had a bad snow storm. That means many of them are off from work (a luxury I don't have!) and have time on their hands.
    3. It's the first of the month--time for the new phone bills! So they have to rush to call us so we don't cut their service off.
    Oh, and did I mention it's Monday?
    Why, oh why, do SC's have to call us first thing on a Monday? And when they do, why do they get upset about behing put on hold for a long time?