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Not Sucky, But...What?

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  • Not Sucky, But...What?

    Not really sucky because the guy was very polite, more like "WTF?"

    I was working in music when this guy comes in. He says something like, "I want to check and make sure you still have my special orders, I really want those! I can't get them today but I'll be back."

    I check. We have them. Two DVD box sets and a kung fu movie. We have had them since January.

    Later, he buys $40 of CDs on his way out.

    OK, if you want them that badly, why not use that $40 (or some of the other wads of cash in his wallet) to buy one of the DVDs? They're just taking up space behind the counter.

    I will never understand people.

  • #2
    so... tell him he's got to take them off your hands, cos you can't hold on to them forever. If he doesn't pay up and take them out of there within 2 weeks, put them out for others to buy... (I don't know of any place that will hold something indefinitely...)
    When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread

