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Why after-call email surveys are a bad idea. (Kinda long)

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  • Why after-call email surveys are a bad idea. (Kinda long)

    OK, I explained in an earlier post on how after-call email surveys are a bad idea but corporate refuses to listen. EWs are using these forms to try and badmouth agents for – gasp! – following policy in hopes we’ll relent and cater to their demands.

    Remember the woman who became a broken record when I told her we can’t be up data over the phone? Here’s the link in case you didn’t see it:

    Well she sent in a bad survey, surprise surprise. Here’s what she put in the “additional comments” box:

    “I called in because after a power outage, my Emachines reverted back to factory settings and all my data was gone. Frantic for help, I called and got SLD. First, I didn’t like how he asked me in an accusatory tone if I ran a system recovery. It’s like he didn’t believe that a power outage can revert a computer back to its original settings. Anyway, I told him what I wanted him to do – get my data back. I do admit that I didn’t back anything up before this, but I’m a busy woman running her business from home! Anyway, he just kept repeating himself “sorry, we can’t do that.” Not one to back down, I kept telling him that answer was not acceptable and I need this done NOW. He just kept repeating himself “sorry, we can’t do that.” Look, this is not some idiot who lost his porn collection! These were mission critical files for my business I needed to get back, and your technician would rather hide behind policy than make an exception and help me out. I talked to some computer people and they said it’s possible to get back data after a PC reverts to factory settings, so why couldn’t your technician download a recovery program to my PC, spend ten minutes and make me happy instead of hiding behind policy? To top it off, he told me he was putting me on a brief hold “to check on something on my case,” and he ended up putting me on hold for over 15 minutes. Frustrated, I hung up. Please tell SLD that it doesn’t pay to be so rigid and take calls on a case by case basis. Sorry about the length of this.”

    Ok, where to begin with this SC?

    1. Admitting you bought an Emachines for “mission critical business” is like thinking that a Ford F-150 will be able to tow just as good as an F-350 diesel.
    2. The call was reviewed and I did not sound “accusatory.” And FYI a power outage cannot wipe out all your data and bring it back to factory defaults. I KNOW you ran a recovery. Deal with it.
    3. Attempting to recover data is not possible for us to do over the phone, and that’s not going to change no matter how many times you demand it.
    4. Trashing another user – no matter how stupid in your opinion their usage of a PC may be – to talk up your needs is a FAIL in my book. You’re not special.
    5. While it is theoretically true you can recover data after a format, there is no freeware tools I know of that can do that. Even if there was, do to our allowed software list we can’t download them. Plus, let’s say I did break the rules and used one to recovery your files. You might call in screaming one day later saying “He retrieved my data and it’s unreadable! I’m going to sue!” Which is why we can’t do it over the phone, because of a thing called liability.
    6. As I said before, the call was reviewed. I put you on hold for 3 minutes, not 15.

    Well this call was reviewed and I feel bad for the sup who had to review it, but in the end it was deemed meritless and thrown out.

    However, bad surveys like this SC and other EWs have gotten so widespread that we had to create a “customer retention” department. Yes, another “let’s bend over to SCs and EWs section so they will shut up” dept. Basically, they call the customers back and ask them why they sent a bad survey. Some are warranted, but most are just EWs. And many of them win! Which makes me mad, because the people that do have legit issues get shafted yet EWs are catered too just because the retail store honchos don’t want to hear the client whine on Consumerist and PFB.

    To makes matters worse, these surveys are tied in with your scorecard bonus. You can be nice to the client, follow procedure but if the client decides to be an EW and mark you down for not caving, you get dinged. Like the woman with a TV. The database for looking up parts was down, so I sent out a diagnosis only and decided to let the onsite tech worry about the parts. She marked me down for not troubleshooting and some other stuff, even though I got her an appointment for the next day.

  • #2
    Quoth sld72382 View Post
    1. Admitting you bought an Emachines for “mission critical business” is like thinking that a Ford F-150 will be able to tow just as well as a Kenworth T2000.
    Noticed a mistake in your analogy - here's the fixed version
    Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.

