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This'll throw off my whole day

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  • This'll throw off my whole day

    I can't believe it. It's never happened before. I WOKE UP LATE. My alarm didn't go off, and I woke up 10 minutes before I had to leave. Just enough time to get dressed and to my toilette. Not even enough time for breakfast.

    Fortunately, there was a bottle of chocolate milk that's been in the fridge forEVER (I'd have tossed it, but it hadn't expired yet). Nobody claimed it (I asked around), so that was breakfast.

    Man, I am so out of it, and I've got stuff to do. T-T How soon can I have lunch?
    "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper

  • #2
    I haven't been late to work in nearly 2 years.

    Until the day of our last store meeting. Woke up at 7:01, I was supposed to be there at 6:30. Both alarm clocks were blaring, but I slept right through them. I even went to bed at 10pm the night before.

    Automatic writeup for no call/no show if you're more than 30 minutes late, I clocked in at 7:09. That was a shitty day. I'm now on "final".


    • #3
      I'm lucky. Work doesn't spit out an automatic writeup for being late, it's only if you're late and haven't given a legitimate reason as to why you were late.
      Only times I've been late are if a) I miss my bus, b) the car breaks down on the way to work or c) I get held back at home/uni for some reason.
      The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

      Now queen of USSR-Land...


      • #4
        I've been to work late before because the people who lived in another state who were supposed to bring me home ended up not bringing me home because of family emergencies...damned good reason, eh?


        • #5
          I've only done that a couple of times over the course of six years, and I'm more then surprised it hasn't happened more then that considering how many times I wake up during the course of the night.
          Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


          • #6
            I woke up one time and thought, damn I'm late! Ran to work and got there twenty mins early...

            Next day, same feeling but because I was so early before I still grabbed my shower, grabbed some breakfast and then got a call on my cell as I was walking out....15 mins late. Oops.


            • #7
              I've had a NCNS twice in my life, and did eventually show, very late, on one of those. The one I didn't show up for was my 2nd or 3rd week on the job. Even though I was new, both my boss and my coworkers were surprised; they said it wasn't like me.

              When I'm significantly late (rare) it's due to some kind of accident (falling on ice or going in a ditch, or going to the ER for something), or car trouble. But I come in.
              Last edited by Food Lady; 06-11-2009, 04:26 AM.
              "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


              • #8
                through hell, highwater or idiot drivers, you shall arrive...

