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MM Presents: A collection of the most horrifying work stories I've ever heard.

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  • MM Presents: A collection of the most horrifying work stories I've ever heard.

    Hey all

    So I was looking through my email archives for sh*ts 'n giggles, and I happened upon a bunch of work-related stories I'd collected when I was part of a social/political board. I thought they would be perfect for this site. So it is with great pride (and a little queasiness), I present to you...

    Dr. Suckycustomer, or How I Learned To Stop Caring And Hate Humanity

    "I worked at a Wal-Mart a few years ago, in the electronics section. The toy section was next to it. In said toy section were several large bean bags. One day this homeless guy walks into the toy section, and crawls under the bean bags. I get a manager to tell him to leave, and when we walk over, we hear him grunt loudly. When we get over to him, he's crawling out from the bean bag, and we realize something smells off (besides him). We lift up the beanbag, only to find that he had shit on the floor under the bean bag.
    I wasn't at that job for long."

    "I was at a grocery store last year, and part of our job is 'sweeps'. Anyone who has worked in a store knows what that is. Basically, we get to walk the store every half hour and sweep up trash, check the bathrooms, etc.
    I was doing sweeps around noon, and when I opened up the women's bathroom, I am almost knocked on my ass by the most horrible smell of my life. One of the stalls was wide open, and I shit you not, the entire stall was covered in crap. Not just, like, a spot. No. Someone had apparently smeared shit all over the toilet, the walls, the sink...and as if that wasn't bad enough, there were fucking USED TAMPONS in the sink. Oh. My. God.
    And if you're wondering...yes, I was forced to clean it up. I hate humanity."

    "Was working in Produce last week, and we had some guy come in and start licking the peaches.
    Let me repeat that: He started licking all of the peaches. Seriously. He would pick one up, lick it, and set it down again in the pile. Ended up getting the cops called on him for that. I hope they make him pay, because we had to throw out at least twenty pounds of peaches for that. Psycho."

    "Here's one for you. This old lady, probably like 80 years old, had been walking around the store for almost an hour. She had no cart, and the only thing she had in her arms was a large jar of mayonnaise. I don't mean some 20oz jar. This was the biggest size we sell. She carried this jar of mayo around for the better part of an hour, and finally came up to the register. Only she didn't put it on the belt or ask for help or anything like that. No, that would make sense. Instead, she stands at the end of the belt, points a finger at me, and goes "HURUMFFF!!!" in this crazy, deep smoker's voice. Scared the crap outta me.
    Then she walks away, puts the jar of mayo in a soda display, and leaves.
    I think she put a hex on me or something..."

    "I used to work for an telemarketing company...yes, I was one of the annoying bastards who calls you at all hours and wants you to buy our crap. I didn't have to like it, I just had to do it. 99% of the phone calls ended with them hanging up on me or yelling at me and THEN hanging up on me.

    This one, call, though...some guy picked up, completely irate. Had to give him the line anyway. In mid-sentence, I'm cut off and he says "hold on", and puts the phone down. I then spend the next 8 minutes listening to him swearing at his wife, his wife swearing back. I won't go into the details of the fight, as doing so would make me want to kill someone (again), but needless to say, he lost that argument. He must have forgot the phone was off the hook, because I heard him say "OH SHIT" and hang up after this happened."

    "Merc, you were in Basic, so you know what I'm talking about here. For the rest of you, follow along and I'll try to explain as best I can. Technically this isn't about a crappy job, but the Army IS a job, so I'm putting this here.

    We were in, oh, the 3rd week of training. For some fun, the SDS (Senior Drill Sergeant) decided he was gonna take us to the beach. I can still hear his voice shouting "THE BEACH! THE BEACH! WE'RE GOING TO THE BEACH! WOOHOO!" and the other Drill Sergeants laughing.

    That right there shoulda told me it was gonna suck.
    You see, The Beach is their name for this large pit that's filled with "sawdust". I put that in quotes because it was also filled with 1 inch pieces of wood, usually with old screws and shit still attached. When you were low crawling through it, the guy in front of you would be kicking sawdust in your face. The sawdust got everywhere, it made a choking dust that caked your nose, mouth, throat, and lungs. It was miserable.

    Only this time, we didn't just go to The Beach. Oh, no. We first had to run through thick, sucking mud. And we were dropped every 20 feet or so to do push-ups in it. Then, covered in mud, we were taken to The Beach. After that, caked in sawdust and mud, we went to The Pit, which was filled with wet sand. We got to "play" in that one too.

    I spent the next two weeks hacking up black shit from my lungs. Every time I blew my nose, it was black, and sometimes bloody. I had bronchitis at the you think the Army gave a shit? Hell no. I ended up getting a lung infection.

    And to top it all off, the DS made us jump up and down in the platoon hallway, so all this caked-on stuff got all over the walls and floor, and we were then told we had 15 minutes to clean the entire barracks, "and it better be fucking spotless, or we're going out again!"
    Needless to say, we went out again. Ugh. Basic Training was bullshit, Merc."

    More to come when I have the time and/or if I'm not feeling lazy
    I still haven't posted the worst ones...oh no, not by a long shot...

  • #2
    the army'd hate me...i'd politely step aside, gesture and say "I was always taught to respect my first!"


    • #3
      I have career military in my family, so it was at a very young age that I realized that a military career was not the one for me.
      Labor boards have info on local laws for free
      HR believes the first person in the door
      Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
      Document everything
      CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


      • #4
        Eh, it's not for everyone. Yeah, you get treated like shit as a lowly Private, but hey, everyone did. Besides, I got to spend most of my time surrounded by 62 tons of armor, in an air-conditioned Abrams, loaded with very big weapons.


        • #5
          I was signals; thought it'd help me get a job on the outside. More fool I

          Ah, Basic. I had shinsplints and stress fractures galore, missing patches of skin, and the lovely experience of sweating out 6% of my body weight in a single day. When your brain begins to cook, the scary thing is that the discomfort STOPS... or at least, your ability to process it, I suppose. The dead people hanging in the trees would talk to me. Looking back, that was a Not Good Sign. At the time, it was merely part of life.
          (no, there were not dead people in the trees. Nor live ones. But one of the other recruits did quietly get told to march closer and keep an eye on me. I did not understand why he was doing this, and kept trying to get farther away from him, to keep the proper separation.)

          edit: out of curiosity, I started doing the math just now. I can't remember how much water I drank that day, but I carried 4 quarts (a gallon, or 8.333 pounds) and I know I refilled all my canteens once. The guy keeping an eye on me shared his water, and I believe I may have partially refilled some of my canteens at another point, but I'm not sure. Assuming 2 gallons, though, that means I sweated out over 25 pounds. I weighed 145, at the time.
          Last edited by Arm; 06-14-2009, 02:36 AM.
          "Joi's CEO is about as sneaky and subtle as a two year old on crack driving an air craft carrier down Broadway." - Broomjockey


          • #6
            I can't say I'm surprised. During one particularly hellish day, I drank my canteen empty a total of 6 times. I only pissed once the whole day. The rest I sweated out. I got sick quite often, too. Besides the stress fractures and shit like that, I was getting diarrhea and head aches on a nearly weekly basis. I think it was the canteens that did it, I swear. They SMELLED so bad. The water from them tasted like warm plastic, tepid water, and ass.
            Or at least, what I imagine ass would taste like

            And the DFAC chow...oh god. I swear they put laxatives in that food. Well, more like 'food', because I hesitate to call it real. I was using the little boys' room 2 or 3 times a day...that's not normal.


            • #7
              Got some more horror stories here. Enjoy!

              I used to work in a strip club. One of my jobs was to clean the stripper pole. I don't think I need to say anything further.

              You guys know how I love to make people feel revolted [Note: Yes, she does. Hyena was frequently known to post random topics about the most bizarre sexual practices you could ever imagine, thus resulting in much brain bleach being used] so when this happened at work, I couldn't help myself. It seems one of my coworkers ate something that was...less than cooked. I was working the counter one day when I hear someone shout "HOLY FUCKING SHIT" from the restroom. Said coworker comes bolting out of the restroom, completely pale. When I asked him what happened, he loudly proclaimed "THERE ARE WORMS IN MY SHIT. SO MANY OF THEM." He went to the hospital and I covered the rest of his shift.
              Needless to say, I had to share this with a message board I frequent, and told them this story...only on that board, I posted every image I could find of intestinal parasites and described in detail how they work. For the next three weeks, at the very least, everyone thought that every slight stomach ache was a case of parasites. *evil laughter*

              Someone replied to Hyena, simply stating: "Hyena, there's something seriously wrong with you."
              Everyone who read this story is going to start worrying about the same

              This one time, at band, just kidding. I did work as a camp counselor for a few years during the summer. It was a decent enough job, got to spend time outdoors, most of the kids (usually between 12 and 14) were well-behaved, surprisingly. During one of our camping trips, a few of the boys who were sharing a tent apparently ran out of toilet paper. We tell them to bring some along before we head out, but these kids were kinda thick, ya know? I guess they figured that big leaves would work just as can probably guess what happened, huh? Some genius found poison ivy, and, well...that's the last time he'll ever make that mistake. Poor kid came running into the counselors' tent, with his ass hanging out of his pants, yelling "I DID SOMETHING VERY WRONG."
              Haha, poor kid.


              • #8
                Quoth MercenaryMuffin View Post
                Or at least, what I imagine ass would taste like
                you know, it's never too late to find out if your imagination was right

                ok, I kid, I kid

                oh, workplace horror stories... this didn't happen to me, it's a story I heard from one of my managers at Carl's Jr. and I think it takes the cake for worst story I've ever heard.
                He was working at one of the branches when the CO2 tank exploded... yes, exploded
                The way he described it sounded like it went something like this
                I'm willing to bet he was exaggerating... but still... I can't even come close to that story for workplace horror.
                If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                • #9
                  you know smiley he might not have been exaggerating
                  when I did my cellar training we were told to be very careful of the co2 bottles because at 21C they were at 700 psi.
                  "Light a fire for someone and he will be warm all day,
                  set light to someone and he will be warm for the rest of his life" Sir Samuel Vimes

                  Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time.


                  • #10
                    you know, it's never too late to find out if your imagination was right

                    Co2 bottles can be dangerous, sure. I play paintball all the time, and there's a reason the Co2 bottles have pop-off valves on them. If that Co2 starts to expand in the heat, the emergency release will open and vent it. I'm very surprised bottles at work places don't have this kind of feature. Yeah, you could get sprayed by very cold Co2, but I think that's better than it, you know, EXPLODING.


                    • #11
                      frostburn versus having an explosion in my face?

                      ...*theme from jeopardy*...

                      I'll take the burn...


                      • #12
                        one thing I should clarify... the CO2 bottle that exploded was in a storage room, no one was in the room when it exploded (thank God) and no one was hurt (scared shitless, yes, but not hurt)... but the damage was, as the video demonstrated, catostrophic.
                        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                        • #13
                          The guy who trained me as a night auditor told me about the guy who had in turn trained him:

                          They were working at <cheap-ass scuzzy motel/flophouse/crack den with a beautiful tropical sounding name, now out of business and boarded up to keep homeless from breaking back in.>
                          The senior night auditor (my grandtrainer if you will ) quit after discovering 3 dead bodies in one month. One was a drug OD, one was a suicide, and one was a murder. Though I supposed in that last case he couldn't have been the first person to see the deceased, (crackho stabbed her bf/babydaddy, then barricaded herself in bathroom until the cops tore off the door to get to her.)
                          Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

                          "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain


                          • #14


                            I NEVER want to work in a place where deaths happen that often.

