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giggly moments at work (warning, bit of language)

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  • giggly moments at work (warning, bit of language)

    OK, as a quick reminder, I work as a relay operator, we use an ASR (automated speech recognition system) to do most of our typing for us.
    Now here is where the giggly comes in... it is hilarious beyond belief to here someone saying the most angry sounding things (ie, fuck you motherfucker, I want my fucking money...actual quote that I overheard) being said in a monotone and level voice for the ASR.

    The other side of that is people reading the deaf users responses... we are required to say it as close to how the deaf person would say it (if they were able to) as possible. Now, sometime the person will tell us how they wish the response to be read, other times we just have to guess... but there is nothing funnier than hearing the sweet little lady down the row yelling in gangsta talk
    My personal favorite that I had requested, one guy was getting upset at how this guy at a Chinese restaurant kept screwing up the order (now, this was SCish of him, but I'll be honest, I'm a horrible human being and I love to be able to blame my misbehavior on other people ... and no, I'd never actually do this myself), so he asked me to speak in a fake chinese accent at the guy. Oh, I hammed that one up to no end.
    I take that back, that is only my second favorite, my favorite is the gay guy talking to his boyfriend who asked me to gay it up and speak sexy (what are the odds that they would get the gay relay operator )... oh, now that was fun (especially since the hearing user sounded cute... oh, wait, my BF has access to this site through my saved password on the computer... I mean, that part had no appeal to me whatsoever )
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song