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Easily forgotten

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  • Easily forgotten

    I have posted about my bosses and co-worker before, but overall, they are nice to work with... but every now and then I just get really depressed and pretty pissed off about how I am treated. today another light went out in the warehouse I work in. mind you, I am alone here 90% of the time. we are suppose to have 10 lights on so everything is easy to find and I can see without straining. well... we have 2 working lights, and not one is over my desk. I have a cruddy desk lamp, but that doesn't light up my area enough.

    next on the list is my heater. we dont have heat in the warehouse so we use little standing heaters. they are fine and get the job done well enough, but my bosses heater broke in the back room of the store, so what does he do? talk about getting a new one for himself for a week, then when the weekend comes (the 2 days I don't work) he takes my heater while I am not here and doesn't replace it. I am minus one heater and freezing my fingers off.

    then, today, and the end of the day as I help bring boxes over to open up, one of the bosses comes back from the cafe across the street with hot coco!... but uh... not one for me. he got one for everyone in the store... except me. the guy who is working in the warehouse, pushing out shipments everyday for them, with no heat, and barely any light to work with, doesn't warrent a $1.50 purchase of hot coco... thanks... if there isn't a heater over here by tomorrow, I am going to really flip out on them. I have worked here too long to be forgotten like this.

  • #2
    isn't that some sort of safety violation? i'm surprised you put up with it for this long. let us know how it turns out!
    If you want to be happy, be. ~Leo Tolstoy

    i'm on fb and xbox live; pm me if ya wanna be "friends"


    • #3
      Guy, that is actually quite a few violations of personal human levels of decensy too many. D: You seriously need to post a list and tack it to the boss's door, with a big smily face at the end of it. Sort of like a twitchy "I'm doin' okay, HOW 'BOUT YOU... " kinda thing.
      SC: "Are you new or something?"
      Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."


      • #4
        I already know what I will do tomorrow if both the lightbulbs and heater aren't there. I will walk into my bosses office, look him in the face and say "I try to never complain, but with no heater or light, it makes it very hard for me to get work done without it taking more time out of my day to make it right. I can never catch up with the box build up because of this. so if you give me money now, I'll get the heater now on the clock."

        oh and an added insult with the light, they bought the light bulbs nearly 2 months ago, but keep leaving them at home, forgetting about them. because they never see the problem because they are never in the warehouse, so they don't care. now, from what i heard, the light bulbs have moved from their house to their truck... so... half way there... but they keep leaving them in there.

        together, they make an "ok" boss. but since they are separate people... I am amazed the place is able to run the way it has.


        • #5
          I went up to one of my bosses today and asked for money to get the heater. I called several stores nearby and one place claimed they had tower heaters. which was great. so the boss apologized for not getting the heater and gave me money. sadly, that store kinda lied. they had heaters, but little dinky ones that are far too small and not powerful enough for my office/warehouse. so I gave the money back and he claimed he would get my heater tonight along with the lightbulbs I requested multiple times for months. we'll see if he can keep his word this time.

