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Oh dear lord the SC's are invading our books now...

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  • Oh dear lord the SC's are invading our books now...

    Whilst reading my goddaughter her night time story, we encounter this character...


    We got to the store just after five and would you believe it-the doors were locked and the closed sign was up. There was a guy in there sweeping up who was just pointing to the closed sign. The dude looked totally annoyed. He muttered some stuff that I was probably glad I couldn't hear and kept sweeping. So Mom just kept pounding on the glass door. I was praying that it wouldn't break and shatter into a million pieces. Finally, the guy dropped the broom, unlocked the door and poked his head out, scowling angrily.
    'When the doors are locked, that's a hint for customers to get lost!' he snapped at Mom. 'We're closed,lady! Deal with it!'

    He was about to slam the door shut, but Mom stuck her foot in the way.
    'Listen here!' she growled, waving her finger in his face. 'We have a goldfish emergency at home and I am NOT in a very good mood!Now YOU'RE going to let us in so we can buy a new one because I am NOT doing another fish funeral! Do you have any idea how traumatic a fish funeral is for a child?WELL? DO YOU!

    'N-no ma'am!' the guy stuttered nervously, his eyes as big as saucers. He must've thought we had just broken out of a mental hospital or something!

    'That's right! You DON'T know!' Mom continued 'So let us in!Or so help me, I'll go straight to Pets-n-Stuff national headquarters to complain about how horrific your customer service is! Do I make myself clear young man?'

    'Very clear ma'am!' he said with a fake smile plastered across his face 'Please..come inside'
    'Hmph!' Mom stuck her nose in the air and walked into the store like she owned the place. I scrambled after her.

    I have to admit it was kind of fun watching her tell off that jerk of a clerk! We searched all the aquariums for Rover's identical twin, but no luck


    If it'd've been me there, Madam Fish would have been lucky to escape without being battered*

    *thank you,I'm here all week. I recommend the ox tongue-so good it speaks for itself...

    The Copyright Monster has made me tell you that my avatar is courtesy of the wonderful Alice XZ.And you don't want to annoy the Copyright Monster.

  • #2
    My favorite is from a "Star Wars" juvenile book in which the Empire has taken over a planet, but Obi-Wan Kenobi has shown up looking for a former Jedi. The business Jedi should have been is closed so Kenobi goes to a nearby business and asks about the missing person. The proprieter says she doesn't know what happened to the person. Kenobi thinks that, with bad service such as this, it's no wonder her place stays in business.

    Um, no, Obi-Wan. It is not the responsibility of a business owner to keep tabs on the whereabouts of other business owners in the area. That has nothing to do with customer service.


    • #3
      What book is that OP?


      • #4
        Quoth Wordsworth View Post
        My favorite is from a "Star Wars" juvenile book in which the Empire has taken over a planet, but Obi-Wan Kenobi has shown up looking for a former Jedi. The business Jedi should have been is closed so Kenobi goes to a nearby business and asks about the missing person. The proprieter says she doesn't know what happened to the person. Kenobi thinks that, with bad service such as this, it's no wonder her place stays in business.

        Um, no, Obi-Wan. It is not the responsibility of a business owner to keep tabs on the whereabouts of other business owners in the area. That has nothing to do with customer service.
        If the Empire had just taken over, I wouldn't know where anyone is either. Even if they are in the back room.
        "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


        • #5
          Obviously, these books were written by someone who's never worked one minute in customer service.
          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
          My LiveJournal
          A page we can all agree with!

