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"you're not a cop so you have no business asking me for ID"

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  • "you're not a cop so you have no business asking me for ID"

    Today I was at Wal-Mart buying some odds & ends & headed on over to the register to check out. & wouldn't you know it that the poor cashier ( who happened to be a friend of mine ) was dealing with a sucky customer. He was bitching BIG TIME cause he was asked for ID for a ciggs purchase. He said(SC).."You're not a cop so you have no business asking me for my ID!"
    Cashier(C) said..."Sir, I'm just doing what I've been told to do"
    SC.."I'm 40 years old! Do I look like I need to be carded?"
    C..."I'm doing my job.."sigh"
    SC..."That's bullshit! Here's my money!

    So she rang him out & he was STILL bitching about it as he left. My friend looks at me & says.."I'm just doing my job!"
    I told her.."He was being an ass!"
    She said.."Biggest ASSHOLE of the day!"

    Seems that now Wal-Mart has started to card anybody who looks 40 years or younger. It used to be 27 or younger. I guess that's gonna piss off a lot of people BUT like my friend said..."It only takes a few seconds to show their ID".

    & when I told her I re-applied she said.."Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!"

  • #2
    My mom got carded at Wal-Mart one time. And she's 56 years old! Seriously, if I were that age, and I got carded, I'd be complemented.
    Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


    • #3
      SC: "You're not a cop so you have no business asking me for my ID!"
      CSR: "If you're refusing to show ID I have to assume you're underage and therefore I can't sell to you."

      When they inevitably get angry, call a manager or even the police who will explain the LAW to them.

      I once had some kid try to buy cigarettes, when I asked for ID he threw a tantrum. And still expected me to sell him the smokes! He left when I said "acting like a two-year-old does not prove you're over 18."


      • #4
        The Walmart I go to cards on every alcohol and tobacco transaction.


        • #5
          That goober of a customer DID show his ID and added that she should know just by looking who's underage & who isn't. I told her, after said goober left the store, that we don't have Mr. Spock in the back waiting to do a Vulcan mind meld.
          Anytime I get asked for my ID, I galdly hand it over. I consider that a compliment.


          • #6
            My wallet has a little see-thru thingie for your ID. So, I can pull out the wallet, pop it open, and they can see my driver's license.

            I don't mind getting carded (I'm 41). I do get annoying if the stupid cashier asks me to take out my ID. I mean, seriously ...I know you have to card me. But, please, don't make me take the ID out.
            "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

            Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


            • #7
              No ID=No nicotine goodness for you!
              I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill


              • #8
                I think no matter how old you are, you should be carded. Just's the law. So what if you're older? If you don't have your ID, then no cigs or beer for you! And I hope you didn't drive to the store...
                Pit bull-

                There is no breed of dog more in need of our compassion; in need of our call to arms on their behalf; and in need of what should be the full force of our enduring sanctuary.


                • #9
                  bought smokes for a friend once (he was of age too) and walmart asked to see my ID.
                  the posted policy was that they carded if you looked under 25.

                  me: You think I look like I'm under 25?
                  Her: Yes (she looked a little wary though)
                  me: Thank you! I turn 32 next week.

                  hey... that's a compliment to me


                  • #10
                    Quoth marasbaras View Post
                    I do get annoying if the stupid cashier asks me to take out my ID. I mean, seriously ...I know you have to card me. But, please, don't make me take the ID out.
                    Couple things here.

                    First of all, those clear compartments often obscure critical information on the ID because the window is too small, it reflects too much light, or it so scratched/damaged that you can barely see the picture.

                    Second, a truly proper ID check requires that the person doing it has the ID in hand. This is to verify certain things that simply can not be verified in an ID pouch. Such as: is there another picture taped over the original? Is the hologram there/working? Are the UV features there (for places that have a UV light)?

                    I also have this in my wallet, but when I expect to be carded, I take my ID all the way out as I approach the register. I only show it through the window if I get carded unexpectedly, and I will happily remove it if requested.

                    (If you are wondering, I have been carded and surprised by it. I was once carded for buying Zippo flints. To be fair, it WAS a tobacco shop, but I didn't know lighter parts were card items. Also been carded for R-rated films and hadn't thought to have my ID ready).
                    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                    RIP Plaidman.


                    • #11

                      Those are all good points. I guess you'd have to see my wallet. The window is as large as my Washington State driver's license. Everything is clear, extremely clear (I'm not exaggerating here). I can even easily see the holographic words that appear at the bottom OVER my signature and OVER my picture and the Washtigton State seal is half over my picture where it belongs. And, if they ask, I'm perfectly willing to hand them my wallet so that they can have it in-hand.

                      I'm just asking them to use a little common sense. If you can see the holographic effect over both the signature and the picture ... and everything else is very clear ... and I'm so clearly not under 21 (I have no illusions about my vision of youth ), apply a tiny amount of brain power.

                      Why? Because my wallet is leather. And it can be a real hassle to get the card separately from the wallet sometimes. I pull it out maybe once every six months, tops.

                      I do it, I don't make a scene about it, in fact I don't say anything. Just commenting that I find it annoying.
                      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                      • #12
                        If only all wallet makers were as good as yours.

                        I've seen some pretty horrid ones, and I don't even have to card people that often. I've seen them so bad you can't even tell what STATE it is, let alone read the persons name or DOB.
                        "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                        RIP Plaidman.


                        • #13
                          Looking their age

                          Age and looks are not that closely related.

                          Yesterday I was at the Chinese Buffet up the street from me, while talking to the teenage girl who was serving me she let slip that she had finished college. Surprised, I asked her age if she did not mind. She was 26.

                          I swear, I looked at her again and again, listened to her voice - and all I could see was a teenager. At this rate she probably will be in her 30's before she stops looking like one.

                          Personally, because of my mannerisms and speech patterns I was always being mistaken for being older than I was, and always had to point out I was underage for a number of things. It did not help that I was in college at 17 and the next youngest student in my class was 24!


                          • #14
                            I didn't know only cops were allowed to check ID.

                            I'll relay that message to all clerks and bouncers and bartenders.
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              Quoth Dave1982 View Post
                              If only all wallet makers were as good as yours.

                              I've seen some pretty horrid ones, and I don't even have to card people that often. I've seen them so bad you can't even tell what STATE it is, let alone read the persons name or DOB.
                              Wow, that's bad. My wallet, BTW, is 15 years old, too.

                              In all seriousness, I picked it because:

                              1. It was a nice black calfskin leather.
                              2. Because of the really nifty huge window for my DL.
                              "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                              Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie

