So, reading through some of the threads reminded me, for some reason, of an incident that happened with my ex-roommate and the manager of our apartment complex.
Bit of background: I lived with this person, whom we shall refer to as R for the rest of this post for about a year, in which I discovered R was rather shallow, self-absorbed, and felt that if no one told her how wonderful she was, and gave her everything she wanted at least 100 times a day, then no one loved her, and she'd mope, pout, or rant, depending on the situation. In other words, a classic SC, who always "Shows people who's boss" in any given situation that isn't perfect for her. And I lived with her. For a YEAR. I moved into my own apartment in the complex after that and relish the solitude.
Anyhoo. R also has a nasty tendency to spend money whenever she feels like it because "she deserves it" and "she needs to treat herself right". I think that's enough background about R.
Now, in the situation at hand, R has discovered she cannot pay her rent because her newest obsession with fishies and buying new fishies and tanks and food and supplies and rocks, etc, has for some reason, eaten a hole in her bank account. (go figure...) So, she goes to talk to the assistant manager (AM) in the leasing office, and asked if the late fees she accrued would be waived (If you're late on rent here, it's $75 the first day, and $10 everyday after that until the 15th, then your locks are changed - all of which is explained in the lease)
She had had the fees waived ONCE before because the higher ups in the corporate office (who owns a chain of apartment buildings around the city) said, "Ok, just this once because you've never had a late payment before" R thought this meant if she asked nicely, it'd happen again. She was told no. She asked if maybe the $10/day fees at least, could be waived. And was told no.
R huffily said she wanted to talk to the manager of the leasing office (LM) and was told she'd be in the next day.
No AM had told LM what had occurred, and I had just happened to be there that day, giving LM a check for my utilities that were coming due. The ensuing conversation astounded and amazed even ME, who's been in retail since it was legal for me to have a job (And even a bit before that!)
Me: (The innocent bystander)
LM: Leasing manager
R: my SC Ex-roomie
R: LM! I need to talk to you about--
LM: (Cuts her off) R, I already talked to AM, and I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do for you.
R: But the fees were waived once before!
LM: Yes, and you were told it was a one time deal, I'm sorry, you have to pay us the remainder of your rent, and the late fees that you owe.
R: But I'm broke! (She bursts into tears at this point!) What am I supposed to do? I'm trying to sell some of my stuff on eBay, but haven't had any bids!
LM: (Knowing R complains about having too much stuff, and not enough space in her apartment) Well, why don't you have a garage sell? It'd benefit you in a lot of ways. You'd make more room in your apartment to move around, and you'd make some money.
R: But...I like my stuff. I LOVE my stuff! I don't want to sell it!
Me: (Thinking, "but wasn't she trying to sell it on eBay?" But wisely staying silent. Can't leave because i don't have a receipt for my check yet!)
R: I'm trying to sell my wedding rings, do you know anyone who wants to buy them?
LM: I don't know, your best bet might be to pawn them.
R: But they wouldn't get a good enough price!
LM: (Looks baffled at what else she can say)
R: Ok, fine! (She whips out her checkbook) I'll write you a check, even though I don't have the money to cover it!
Me (Still staying quiet)
LM: R...I can't take a check, knowing it will bounce. It's kind of illegal.
R: But AFTER it bounces, my bank will cover it, and then just charge me a fee! I have overdraft protection!
LM: I still can't take this check!
And so they argue back and forth some more, ending with R storming out angry, and me begging for my receipt so I can hide in my apartment before she comes back to drag me off and moan about the unfairness of it all in my ear again.
I mean seriously, who DOES that!? Knowingly offers what's going to be a hot check, and expects it to be taken with a smile!? Um, NO!
So, yes, my ex-roomie, the SC, and the reason I now live alone. Sorry this was so long, but yes, had to get it out. She's been calling me the last few days wanting to "hang out" (read: Beg to borrow money and try to guilt me into helping ehr clean her apartment.)
Bit of background: I lived with this person, whom we shall refer to as R for the rest of this post for about a year, in which I discovered R was rather shallow, self-absorbed, and felt that if no one told her how wonderful she was, and gave her everything she wanted at least 100 times a day, then no one loved her, and she'd mope, pout, or rant, depending on the situation. In other words, a classic SC, who always "Shows people who's boss" in any given situation that isn't perfect for her. And I lived with her. For a YEAR. I moved into my own apartment in the complex after that and relish the solitude.
Anyhoo. R also has a nasty tendency to spend money whenever she feels like it because "she deserves it" and "she needs to treat herself right". I think that's enough background about R.
Now, in the situation at hand, R has discovered she cannot pay her rent because her newest obsession with fishies and buying new fishies and tanks and food and supplies and rocks, etc, has for some reason, eaten a hole in her bank account. (go figure...) So, she goes to talk to the assistant manager (AM) in the leasing office, and asked if the late fees she accrued would be waived (If you're late on rent here, it's $75 the first day, and $10 everyday after that until the 15th, then your locks are changed - all of which is explained in the lease)
She had had the fees waived ONCE before because the higher ups in the corporate office (who owns a chain of apartment buildings around the city) said, "Ok, just this once because you've never had a late payment before" R thought this meant if she asked nicely, it'd happen again. She was told no. She asked if maybe the $10/day fees at least, could be waived. And was told no.
R huffily said she wanted to talk to the manager of the leasing office (LM) and was told she'd be in the next day.
No AM had told LM what had occurred, and I had just happened to be there that day, giving LM a check for my utilities that were coming due. The ensuing conversation astounded and amazed even ME, who's been in retail since it was legal for me to have a job (And even a bit before that!)
Me: (The innocent bystander)
LM: Leasing manager
R: my SC Ex-roomie
R: LM! I need to talk to you about--
LM: (Cuts her off) R, I already talked to AM, and I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do for you.
R: But the fees were waived once before!
LM: Yes, and you were told it was a one time deal, I'm sorry, you have to pay us the remainder of your rent, and the late fees that you owe.
R: But I'm broke! (She bursts into tears at this point!) What am I supposed to do? I'm trying to sell some of my stuff on eBay, but haven't had any bids!
LM: (Knowing R complains about having too much stuff, and not enough space in her apartment) Well, why don't you have a garage sell? It'd benefit you in a lot of ways. You'd make more room in your apartment to move around, and you'd make some money.
R: But...I like my stuff. I LOVE my stuff! I don't want to sell it!
Me: (Thinking, "but wasn't she trying to sell it on eBay?" But wisely staying silent. Can't leave because i don't have a receipt for my check yet!)
R: I'm trying to sell my wedding rings, do you know anyone who wants to buy them?
LM: I don't know, your best bet might be to pawn them.
R: But they wouldn't get a good enough price!
LM: (Looks baffled at what else she can say)
R: Ok, fine! (She whips out her checkbook) I'll write you a check, even though I don't have the money to cover it!

Me (Still staying quiet)

LM: R...I can't take a check, knowing it will bounce. It's kind of illegal.
R: But AFTER it bounces, my bank will cover it, and then just charge me a fee! I have overdraft protection!
LM: I still can't take this check!
And so they argue back and forth some more, ending with R storming out angry, and me begging for my receipt so I can hide in my apartment before she comes back to drag me off and moan about the unfairness of it all in my ear again.
I mean seriously, who DOES that!? Knowingly offers what's going to be a hot check, and expects it to be taken with a smile!? Um, NO!
So, yes, my ex-roomie, the SC, and the reason I now live alone. Sorry this was so long, but yes, had to get it out. She's been calling me the last few days wanting to "hang out" (read: Beg to borrow money and try to guilt me into helping ehr clean her apartment.)