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Wherein a SC delays my caffeine dose

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  • Wherein a SC delays my caffeine dose

    First I need to explain something. What you Americans call "fries" we call shoestring chips (because they are so thin compared to our hot chips). Our hot chips are (as defined by our food standards authority) - potatoes cut 1 cm wide and deep fried in vegetable oil. 1 cm is about .4 inch.

    So after lunch today I had to go to the nearest large shopping center. I normally have a large coffee after lunch, but today being shopping day, I was going to have a coffee and some baked product at a small cafe before I tackled the supermarket.

    First thing I noticed was the fire alarm sounding. It was loud. It kept going. I did not see any flames or smell smoke, there was no one running so after a short time I decided to go into the center and see what was going on. I was going to the Coffee Club a nice place where the girls all have the same last name (Barista what a coincidence!) :-)

    Then I decided I should go to another place closer to the supermarket. This particular cafe has been previously avoided by me for bad service. Waitresses who don't care a lot. A manager who calls everyone "Love".

    Bad move. There was a line. The manager was standing at the cash register explaining to the customer standing there that they could not serve anyone while the alarm was sounding. Just then a security guard arrived and said it was a false alarm and they were just waiting for the fire brigade to give the all clear.

    The alarm stopped.

    The manager started taking orders again.

    A young waitress took a plate from the kitchen to a table just near me, and asked "Who ordered the steak sandwich?"

    Now this plate had a toasted sandwich on it, but the sandwich was half off the plate, because the rest of the plate was piled high with extra large hot chips. They were nearly off the plate, there was so many of them and they were so large and long.

    The woman at the table spoke. She had a voice like a crow cawing. An Australian crow with a horrible disease. Click the link to hear a real Australian crow. This woman said, "I ordered a steak sammich, but that's not what I ordered!"

    An icy chill went down my spine. I felt like someone had scraped their fingernails over a blackboard. My spidey sense for sucky customers didn't just tingle, it was Quasimodo in my head saying "The bells, the bells!" I knew what was coming. The waitress was oblivious to the danger. She looked confused.

    This SC was already hideous, but the scowl over her face made things much worse. She spoke again. "I just ordered a steak sammich with tomatoes and onions and NOTHING ELSE." All the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

    The oblivious waitress answered, "That's how it is on our menu."

    The scowl became deeper. The screeching voice rose in volume. "I didn't see a menu! I just ordered a steak sammich with tomatoes and onions and NOTHING ELSE."

    Gerund's first rule of Suck:- when they manage to repeat themselves, word for word, more suck will follow rapidly. Time to run.

    I remained stuck to the spot. Unable to stop watching a train wreck in progress. I knew what was next.

    The waitress said, "That's what you ordered then." and plonked the plate down on the table. She turned and ran for the counter, imagining there was safety behind it. The old hag lept to her feet and grabbed the plate, nearly beating the waitress to the counter.

    This SC may well have been on a diet. She looked too small for the dress she was wearing, indeed she looked too small for her skin. Up closer she was more repulsive and the voice had risen some more. Imagine those crows cawing right inside your ear. My eardrum was going to burst.

    She handed over the plate with the words "That's not what I ordered - I just ordered a steak sammich with tomatoes and onions and NOTHING ELSE."

    Gerund's second law of suck, if the repetition continues, it's going to get ugly. Run!

    I remained. It was a train wreck and I couldn't stop watching.

    This threw all the staff behind the counter into mass confusion. The lady who was attempting to take the order from man in front of me grabbed the plate, walked first in one direction, then in the other. The original waitress was trying to hide. Another lady behind the counter was trying to talk to the hag.


    The lady with the plate stopped dead and tried to speak to the SC. The other lady was also trying to speak to her. The solid concrete floor behind the counter had swallowed the waitress whole.

    This time I listened to myself. I turned and walked to the other coffee shop. I didn't run. A man has to show some dignity in the face of such enormous suck.

    Susie Barista took my order, professionally, calmly and with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. Wendy Waitress delivered a delicious coffee and baked item to my table. Sally Barista then asked me if there was anything more I needed, called me "Sir" and took the number off my table.

    There was no screaming or yelling, no mention of a steak sammich and no suck.

  • #2
    Why didn't the hag just not eat the hot fries???
    Why because she HAD to be a CS.
    See its not in a CS nature to just make sense.


    • #3
      Yeah... so she's complaining that she got more than what she (thought she) ordered... why not do what most people would do... ask for a to go bag and take the rest home to eat later... oh yes, because that would make sense
      If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


      • #4
        Just a quick OT-Why does being called "Love" bother you? I've been called Hun, Honey, Sweetheart, Darling and I just shrug it off. Unless the manager uses it in that smarmy sweet "Oh there's a LOVE" *fake beam* way, why does it? I'm just curious.

        Geez. Maybe she was on a diet but even I have sense enough to pick off whatever vegetable is offending me or not eat the sides. Maybe the SC had no such self control?

        And tsk that you didn't stay to the end of the whole train wreck.
        Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.-Winston Churchill


        • #5
          Quoth ralerin View Post
          Just a quick OT-Why does being called "Love" bother you? I've been called Hun, Honey, Sweetheart, Darling and I just shrug it off. .
          I think it has a lot to do with it implying a familiarity that doesn't exist. I like my managers (most of the time), but I certainly am not their "love".
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #6
            There are at least three sucks here. One is the manager calling me "Love". She does not know me, and she is trying to show that I am familiar to her in some way. It is a name that is used by older Australian women to all and sundry and it mainly just annoys me. I ignore it mostly, but if the whole shop is sucky and it attracts sucky customers then I will leave sooner rather than later.

            The next suck, which no one has commented on, is that the person who took the hag's order didn't warn her that the plate would come with many chips. I'm sure I know how she ordered her meal, as she repeated it enough times. The server should have listened to the hag and warned her that she was about to get unwanted chips on her plate.

            The next suck was the hag herself. She could have ignored the chips and eaten her "sammich". Asked the other person at the table if they wanted the chips or asked for a bag to take them home for later. Any of those things would have not been a problem. But she was a sucky customer.

            The last suck was the waitress. When she heard the rising tone in the hag's voice she should have taken the offending plate away, scraped the chips off it and brought it back, chipless. That would not have sucked.

            Of course I could have stayed. But I was missing coffee and it was a toss up between coffee and offering you more entertainment. The coffee won.


            • #7
              Quoth gerund View Post
              This SC was already hideous, but the scowl over her face made things much worse. She spoke again. "I just ordered a steak sammich with tomatoes and onions and NOTHING ELSE." All the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.
              Not that I'm excusing SC's behavior, but there are two ways to interpret this.
              1. She ordered the Sandwich with tomatoes, onions, but nothing else on the sandwich.
              2. She ordered the meal with said sandwich, but wanted nothing else except the sandwich.

              SC probably meant #2, but staff interpreted it as #1.
              To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


              • #8
                I agree with Mr. Hero. Most places (other than fast food restaurants) do not have "just sandwich" on their menus. All sandwiches usually include fries or potato chips or some kind of side. When someone orders a sandwich with "blah and blah and nothing else", most people, me (being a former waitress) included, would assume that they meant on the sandwich. I would never assume I needed to inform the customer that the sandwich would also come with fries.

                I think the customer was most sucky. Why couldn't she have just, you know, not eaten the fries? Was their existence on the plate REALLY going to kill her? Though if I were the waitress, once I realized she was upset by the fries, I would have taken the plate and replated the sandwich and brought it back out. (My assumption on reading it is that the waitress was probably pretty new to the profession)

                But seriously, why couldn't the woman just say "I want a steak sandwich with tomatoes and onions. Oh, and I don't need the fries." Is that really so hard?
                I am Wolverine.............and Wolverine does not do high kicks.

                He was a hero to me....and heroes are not supposed to die.

                Oh good, my dog found the chainsaw!


                • #9
                  Quoth persephone View Post

                  I think the customer was most sucky. Why couldn't she have just, you know, not eaten the fries? Was their existence on the plate REALLY going to kill her? Though if I were the waitress, once I realized she was upset by the fries, I would have taken the plate and replated the sandwich and brought it back out. (My assumption on reading it is that the waitress was probably pretty new to the profession)

                  But seriously, why couldn't the woman just say "I want a steak sandwich with tomatoes and onions. Oh, and I don't need the fries." Is that really so hard?
                  Uh, exactly! And when the fries arrived why not just politely ask the wait staff to either take them off the plate, or just eat the sandwich and leave the fries. Is there some sort of cross fry-sandwich contamination that I'm unaware of or did she just simply lack the willpower not to trust herself not to dive face first into the fries?
                  "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                  • #10
                    When I read through this, what went through my mind was 'If that is what was on the sandwhich, then why is she complaining? She got what she ordered.' If she was complaining about the fries, then I think the suck is entirely in her court because she should have specified no fries. From the waitresses reaction, that's also how she interpreted it, because her reply was 'That's how it comes on the menu.' If I was taking that order and was told that, I'd interpret it as how the sandwhich is to be prepared too, not if fries are supposed to come with it or not.

                    I liken it to a local diner I frequent. (Nice place too. Done up like a 50's diner complete with music and waitresses in 50's styles, sometimes complete with poodle skirts.) If I order the turkey club sandwich, it automatically comes with fries and cole slaw, as stated in the menu. If I tell them 'I want the turkey club sandwich with no tomato', then I'm going to get a turkey club with no tomato, fries and cole slaw. I hate slaw, so I also ask to substitute more fries for the slaw, which they are more than happy to do. If I don't add that part, then IMHO I don't have the right to complain that I got the cole slaw, because the menu says you get it with it.

                    If the customer didn't bother to read the menu, and thus wasn't aware it was coming with fries as well, that's not the order taker's fault. She should have just simply not eaten the fries. I know that if I ordered that turkey club with no fries, they don't they change the price to reflect it, (I doubt the fries make up a large part of the 5.99 anyway) so I don't see that as a source of the complaint either.

                    Anyway, I put the suck in this case solely on the customer.
                    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


                    • #11
                      Not to mention, how do we know that's how the old hag actually ordered? We all know SCs tend to think one thing and say something else....or expect us to be mind readers!

                      And I'm with SmileyEagle on the "love" business. I am not honeysweetiebabydoll. I actually had some woman yesterday calling me "baby"....and I'm older than her. Not only does it imply a familiarity that doesn't exist, but it can also tend to be a bit condescending. Just sayin'.
                      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                      • #12
                        I think the waitress's only suck was in plopping the plate down and running. Whether or not the customer read the menu, it's not the shop's fault for not informing her that the food item came with fries, if it's on the menu and there isn't a sandwich-only option. I know that when I go to places like diners or Denny's or whatever that don't do sandwich-only options, then I just place the order for the sandwich and only mention sides when I want to swap one out for another.

                        Quoth Pagan View Post
                        And I'm with SmileyEagle on the "love" business. I am not honeysweetiebabydoll. I actually had some woman yesterday calling me "baby"....and I'm older than her. Not only does it imply a familiarity that doesn't exist, but it can also tend to be a bit condescending. Just sayin'.
                        And if it's some creepy old guy calling you Sweetheart or Honey or whatever.... ::twitch::
                        "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                        - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                        • #13
                          Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                          Yeah... so she's complaining that she got more than what she (thought she) ordered... why not do what most people would do... ask for a to go bag and take the rest home to eat later... oh yes, because that would make sense
                          And fries can make a particularly yummy leftovers meal! Just put the fries on a plate, then add some shredded cheese over the fries. I prefer cheddar. And, because I love hot sauce, some hot sauce on it for that added kick. Nuke it in the microwave until the fries are hot and the cheese is melted, then eat with a fork..


                          • #14
                            HOLY crap. She needed a time out and a nap. She didn't even have to eat the fries. I'm surprised she didn't start pelting the waitresses with her fries. I don't understand why people think its OKAY to be obnoxoius and so rude to other people.

                            And yeah, I despise being called: sweets, sweetie, love, baby, babe or anything else that is so "sweet" it makes your toothache. I don't mind ma'am or miss but for some reason I just cringe when I hear those fake names. THough it does freak me out too when the customer uses my real name when they read my name tag.


                            • #15
                              Quoth IT Grunt View Post
                              I hate slaw, so I also ask to substitute more fries for the slaw, which they are more than happy to do.
                              Can I have your cole slaw? Cole slaw is yummy! ^_^ Best I've ever had was at Max & Erma's in Pittsburg.
                              I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)

