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Ultimate Friday The 13th Movie Theater Foolery

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  • Ultimate Friday The 13th Movie Theater Foolery

    This is why I probably will not be going to the movies anymore anytime soon

    Because the 9:40 showing of Friday the 13th had sold out in just minutes last night, bf and I had to get tickets for the midnight showing.

    We went back around 11:30 and the place was packed with high schoolers. Things looked really, really bleek. Once the previews began and the theater got dark, all I could see were glowing cell phones and all I could hear were "like" and "duh" and "chhhha!" all over the theater.

    Then it got worse. A baby was crying. Oh great. Some fucking moron brought their infant/toddler to a MIDNIGHT (MIDNIGHT!!!!!!) SHOWING OF FRIDAY THE 13th....AN R RATED MOVIE WITH BLOOD, GUTS, GORE, NUDITY AND SWEARING!

    It was quiet for a while, but then about a half hour or so into the movie, the child started wailing. This went on for a few minutes, and the parent(s) would not take the child out of the theater. But honestly...can you blame the poor thing? It's late at night, this movie is LOUD, there is a lot of screaming and sudden noises? HELLO! So the child wailed and wailed and wailed......and the parents kept watching the movie.

    All of a sudden, this was when the bratty high schoolers spoke up...

    "Hey, shut your fucking kid up!" "It's called a babysitter!" "Who the fuck takes their kid to an R rated movie at midnight?!" "Shut your kid up or get out!"

    Then (I'm assuming he was) the father got up and said "Who the fuck said that? Ima whoop all yalls asses!" and the ENTIRE theater roared with laughter.

    He stomped back to his seat, knowing he really couldn't do diddly squat. The teens kept yelling at him to get his kid out of the movie, as the child was still wailing.

    Then about a minute or so later, the mother picked up the baby, and the little family angrily stomped out of the theater......and EVERYONE in the audience roared with thunderous applause (my bf and I included).

    Honestly, it was probably mean of the teens to speak to yell at them that way, I'm sure those two didn't want to have to take their kid to the movies with them....but come R rated horror movie.........and your child is probably going to have nightmares for months because you didn't want to hire a sitter? And you got upset when other patrons were angry because your child's wailing was ruining the movie?

    On one hand, I feel kind of bad that they were pretty much forced to leave by other patrons, but at the same time, that guy didn't need to threaten to hurt a bunch of teenagers....and what did he expect to happen by bringing his baby to an R rated movie that late at night?!
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    Quoth blas87 View Post
    and what did he expect to happen by bringing his baby to an R rated movie that late at night?!
    and that is exactly why I feel no sympathy for him.
    you don't want people to treat you like a douche, stop acting like a douche.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #3
      Anybody with half a brain should know better than to take an infant into a movie theater, even if it's a G-rated movie at noon. High volume, one wall brightly lit while the rest of the room is pitch's too much for a baby to handle.

      Those teens may have been blunt, and the cell phone usage during the previews probably wasn't the best of manners, but I can't blame them for being p.o.ed at the parents for bringing a baby to a scary movie. The smart thing for them to do would've been for one of them to bring an usher into the theater to handle it, but I doubt any of them realized that was part of the usher's job.

      The parents were the sucky ones in this scenario, and the father's empty threats were just laughable. Hopefully they'll get a babysitter next time.
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      • #4
        That's not sucky at all of the teenagers, at least they were helping for once and not being the completely annoying ones.

        My sister has no problem telling ANYONE to shut up during a movie, right to their face or yelling across a theatre. It happens quite frequently, and every time people shut up immediately. Sometimes it's nice to have someone with balls with you.


        • #5
          Oh I know, it's so ironic that during the previews I wanted to kill them and write the paper about enforcing a mandatory curfew for kids under 18, but then they jumped in and saved the movie.

          Movies are $8.50 to even $9 at some theaters. It's almost not even worth going when people are going to be disruptive.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            I've gone to ushers about kids not only screaming incessantly, but wandering about completely unsupervised during a movie. They usually get asked to leave, but not in quite so spectacular a fashion.


            • #7
              Honestly, it was probably mean of the teens to speak to yell at them that way,

              Hell the teens had more common sense than he did! You don't take babies to R rated movies... Hell I'm surprised they even let him in with an infant. Some places won't let you do that.


              • #8
                Hubby has a drive-in near his hometown which I LOOOOOOVED when the youngun was too little to handle theaters. He'd be passed out by the second movie and he could make as much ruckus as he wanted. Loooooved it and miss it.
                "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


                • #9
                  This is why I can hardly stand to go to movies...the other people there.

                  I've seen 2 movies in the past 2 years, I think. Maybe a bit longer than that. There's a small handful of movies I will go see - Batman, Star Trek (though I doubt I'll bother with the new one), Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Firefly (not that there will be anymore)...anything else can probably wait for dvd.

                  Good lord, I hate people.


                  • #10
                    Reading that I pictured myself in highschool, and I would have yelled damn near the exact same thing (as long as my GF [now wife]) wasn't around).

                    Though I would have stood up and said "I said it asshole whatcha wanna do about it?"


                    • #11
                      and this is why i go to 9am, 10am and 11am showings


                      • #12
                        [QUOTE=blas87;504421 I'm sure those two didn't want to have to take their kid to the movies with them..[/QUOTE]

                        I'm gonna disagree with you here. I've encountered dozens of people who don't even think twice about taking babies to loud, startling movies. Sure, the baby isn't aware of the story or the notion that they should or shouldn't be scared, but the general flashing lights and overly loud noises are what scare the buh-jeezus out of them.

                        Moves to date that I've experienced with babies disrupting them:
                        Harry Potter 3 (I expected kids, so I went to the 11 PM showing. The Dad tried to corner me after the movie when I 'advised' him to take his kid to the lobby)
                        Harry Potter 4 and 5
                        AVP (infant screaming in a too-small theatre with high volume sound)
                        All 6 Star Wars (the sonic charges in Ep II were the worst offenders in the ears of kiddos)
                        Tropic Thunder
                        Benjamin Button
                        Richard III (Ok, a play, and the ushers took care of it RIGHT AWAY, but still, who brings an infant to a 3 hour play?)
                        Comic book movies in general
                        And the list goes on.

                        I honestly think that idiotic parents bringing babies to movies is a whole seperate level of entitlement. It's not that they couldn't get a sitter, it's that they think the theater is an extension to their living room.


                        • #13
                          Quoth blas87 View Post
                          I'm sure those two didn't want to have to take their kid to the movies with them..
                          They don't have to take the kid. They don't have to go to the movies.
                          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                          • #14
                            I went to matinee movie on the 14th, the movie was slightly more appropriate for an infant (it wasn't too loud). The theatre was packed and the only seat I could find where I wouldn't have to crawl over a bunch of people was right next to a (I'm guessing) 2-3 month old infant. She was good for a long time, just eating, but the second she started to fuss her grandpa took her straight to the lobby and didn't come back. So, that gave me a little faith in people. Thought I'd share.
                            "I'm working for popcorn - what I get paid doesn't rise to the level of peanuts." -Courtesy of Darkwish

                            ...Beware the voice without a face...


                            • #15
                              I have friends who, when they had their first child, could easily take her to the theater without worrying about her disrupting others. This is because she would usually nurse and then sleep through the whole thing (even Lord of the Rings or King Kong), or was just such a mellow baby that nothing fazed her. But I also know that these friends would've taken her out of the theater the moment she began to fuss.

                              Hubby and I were not so lucky with our daughter, so we opted for a Netflix account instead.
                              "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                              - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V

