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You should watch my children for free!

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  • You should watch my children for free!

    So, today a Manager at a daycare-play center in the mall where I worked called me in and told me this gem of a story:

    Last Saturday was a busy night at the movie theater in the mall. This SC came-into the center to drop-off her 2-children. She was checked-in by the Manager. (Note: She basically had to sign a contract, and all the terms were listed right on the counter. The costs per time per child was also listed here, $4.00 per child per 15 minutes… This will be important.

    MWIAS = Manager who is a saint
    SEB = Stupid Entitled B***h

    Consequently, SEB’s movie was sold-out, and she came-back to get her kids, approx. 17-minutes after she dropped them off, saying that she would come-back before the next movie. The SEB then demanded of the MWIAS that since her children had been there for so short a time that she shouldn’t have to pay! MWIAS informed her that she was actually only going to charge her for 1-child as a courtesy, and she had signed a contract agreeing to pay per time. The SEB continued to argue that this was unfair, that she was going to call MWIAS’s Supervisor, and the Owner, that it was a rip-off, etc. The MWIAS then cited this example to the SEB that, what if she had gone into a restaurant and ordered drinks and drank them, then received a phone call that she had to leave; she would still be obligated to pay for those drinks. The SEB’s response:

    “Well, I would have those drinks comped!”

    Obviously nothing could get through to this SEB and she continued to demand the Owner’s home phone number immediately. The MWIAS told her in no uncertain terms that unless she was the undying blood-bonded best friend of the Owner she was NOT getting that number. The SEB then stormed-out with her children yelling:

    “Well I’m never coming HERE again!”

    Hmm, didn’t she already say she was going to be back later?

    The MWIAS told me that this SEB had been there on another occasion and had called 3-days later saying that her daughter’s eye had gotten scratched while in MWIAS’s care. MWIAS knew for a FACT that the girl’s eye had been fine when she was dropped-off. Unfortunately, the SEB was given her money back. I told her I could see where this was going, that the SEB figured that she could keep using the center’s services, and then would just complain and get her money back. MWIAS and I agreed that this was basically theft of services, and that if she got to be a nuisance, just call us.

    The MWIAS said she has plenty more stories for me!
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga

  • #2
    Keep the stories coming. I'd love to hear about that EW getting owned.
    Low lie the Fields of Athenry/ Where once we watched the small free birds fly/ Our love was on the wing/ we had dreams and songs to sing/ It's so lonely around the Fields of Athenry


    • #3
      I think the best response will be when she's refused service on her next visit. You know, since the EW felt that she not only shouldn't be required to pay for time used but also because she clearly felt their service was unsatisfactory (due to the so-called scratching incident). Why bother providing service to someone if they clearly are unable to meet their expectations And I'd love to see her find a babysitter then.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)

