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Don't you guys have a school bus?!

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  • Don't you guys have a school bus?!

    Yesterday I'm riding the bus home...yet we stop at a MASSIVE crowd of schoolchildren and chaperones. There are about 50 kids in between the ages of 6-8 and they ALL Get on the bus. But wait...there's ANOTHER Crowd getting on.

    Did the school bus crash or something?! Seriously you just made the bus ten minutes late making the kids get on and then loaded it past capacity!
    Kangaroo Squee!

  • #2
    We've had groups of school kids ride the University shuttle route home before. Some of them, I think, do it because it's easier than walking home, and they live too close to home to qualify for space on the school buses. Is this a regular occurrence, or a fluke? If it's regular, maybe it's a similar situation, or the school just hasn't contracted enough buses or something?

    Now, if these kids are anything like some of the kids who ride the University shuttle.... Those kids can get very rowdy and disruptive, and don't seem to understand that all those adults riding the bus are the ones the shuttle system was meant for and therefore have right of seating on the bus.
    "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
    - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


    • #3
      One morning, we had the same thing happen. Apparently, the bus taking the kids on a field trip broke down. Our driver let them on for free. Thank goodness it was a one-time thing.
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      • #4
        There are always lots of kids taking the bus in my town. Here you have to live 2 miles away to get bus service. I ended up just walking to school since I wasn't allowed on the bus (1.5 miles).
        "For the love of all that is holy and 4 things that aren’t but feel pretty good anyway" ~ Gravekeeper


        • #5
          Our city has a similar problem -- you have to live relatively far away from the school to get bussed, so high school kids completely FLOOD the bus system for about 2 hours every weekday afternoon. Often you'll have to wait for 2 or 3 buses before you can fit on one. Hope you're not in a hurry...
          "For truth is always strange; stranger than fiction." -- Lord Byron


          • #6
            Like how far from school? I remember the second elementary school I went to was actually in another town (Yes, seriously.) and they wouldn't bus you if you were one of the 5 or 6 people who live in the neighbourhood RIGHT NEXT to the school. (Those were the only kids who didn't get rides or buses)
            Kangaroo Squee!


            • #7
              Our town did away with school buses altogether, except in the case of sports and field trips. The public transportation system here can handle it (mostly), but you would not catch me on a bus at certain times of day.
              "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


              • #8
                Our school send home an app for a bus pass for the students every May, in case they run out of room on the bus you live inside the "walking" zone but don't want/can't have your kid walk. I'm glad the elemntary was far enough away, and I'm hoping the middle school is, because we live on a very busy connector, that doesn't have sidewalks until you get a mile from our house.
                Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


                • #9
                  its cheaper than running busses. And as long as the high school students pay and behave so what if they cram full the buses.


                  • #10
                    I know of plenty of kids in my elementary school district that lived just down the road from the school, and as long as the school bus went past their house and the parents notified the school, the kid got to ride...granted, sometimes the kid had to get up an hour early because the bus didn't return by the same route and as such only went by ONCE in the morning, which I would say is due course... Methinks it would be easier on the kid even to let them get up 45 min's later and WALK...


                    • #11
                      We don't have any sort of public transit in my town except the rarely used park-n-ride lot. The bus routes are K-5 and 8-12. Almost 99% of the Juniors/Seniors drive and the rest usually get rides form friends hence the reason top combine middle 6-8 and HS 9-12 routes.

                      They will bus all elementary students sine it is fairly rural but they also bus all middle and high school students even though you can practically see the campus (all three schools are on one campus) from your house. Ironically it takes longer to ride the bust for these students because they pick up HS students first then pull up to the middle school and wait about 5-10 minutes for the kids to get out, yet I still had friend who ride the bus in the above situation even in good weather.


                      • #12
                        I used work summers as a day camp counselor when I was in college and we would book school buses for our weekly field trips. Since we were a large camp we would usually book a number of buses. Some of our field trips were only to the local water park or skating rink so the buses would drop us off, leave and then came back at a scheduled time. There a couple of times when one of the buses would forget to come back. We had to cram a whole extra bus worth of kids and counselors into the remaining buses that did show up. We usually couldn't wait for another bus because they would time it so we would have just enough time to travel back to the camp before parents started coming and picking up their kids (heaven forbid little precious wasn't back when mommy or daddy arrived to get them). It was rather entertaining trying to fit all of the kids and counselors on the remaining buses.

