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"No pecans in my butter pecan ice cream!?"

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  • "No pecans in my butter pecan ice cream!?"

    So, my boyfriend and I went out for ice cream tonight and witnessed this. We were at one of those ice cream places where you pick your base flavor of ice cream, and then you pick your mix-in(s), and the staff mixes up your cone/cup/whatever for you on a cold slab before serving it to you. As such, the actual ice cream doesn't come with anything in it (black cherry ice cream is flavored like black cherries, but doesn't have any actual cherries in it.)

    So, we were sitting inside the parlor eating our ice cream when a guy comes in and orders butter pecan ice cream with some mix-in other than pecans. They mix it up for him, he pays, and leaves. A couple minutes later, he comes back in and approaches the counter (there was a line of about 5 people ahead of him) and the following takes place between him and one of the workers...

    Butter Pecan Guy: Are there any pecans in this butter pecan ice cream?
    Worker: No, it's just an ice cream flavor--
    BPG: Well, why aren't there any pecans in it!?
    Worker: Because some people are allergic to them--
    BPG: I've NEVER seen butter pecan ice cream without pecans in it. This is ridiculous!
    Worker: Would you like us to add some pecans for you?
    BPG: Well YES! Of course I would! Honestly...

    So he hands his cup back over to the worker, who adds some pecans in, and BPG stomps out looking disgruntled (and without paying the $.70 it is for extra mix-ins.)

    Okay, so it could've been a lot worse, especially if the worker had charged him for the extra mix-in...I guess the guy had just never been to an ice cream place like that before. Their whole gimmick is to let you make up your own flavors by picking your own ice cream/mix-ins. I really like butter pecan flavored ice cream, but I'm not a huge fans of pecans themselves, so I really like the concept. And incidentally, my boyfriend had butter pecan ice cream with graham cracker crumbs mixed in, and it was really good!

  • #2
    I'll admit, I eat at those type of places (Coldstone Creamery in my neck of the woods) and I would be surprised to get butter pecan without pecans in it. I've just never had it before. Then I would think about it, understand the concept behind it, and just learn to order them next time, NOT go nuts over something stupid and inconsequential.
    Losing faith in humanity, one customer at a time


    • #3
      Quoth Ghengis51 View Post
      I would think about it, understand the concept behind it, and just learn to order them next time, NOT go nuts over something stupid and inconsequential.
      As Keanu Reeves said, "... WHOA!"
      Last edited by Imogene; 06-07-2009, 01:14 PM. Reason: Stupid end bracket
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Quoth Juwl View Post
        As Keanu Reeves said, "... WHOA!"
        Yum...Keanu...I mean ice cream. Ice cream is yummy. what were we talking about?
        "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


        • #5
          Quoth BethB View Post
          Yum...Keanu...I mean ice cream. Ice cream is yummy. what were we talking about?
          Oh, Keanu and ice cream in the same thread... I do believe this is what paradise feels like
          If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


          • #6
            Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
            Oh, Keanu and ice cream in the same thread... I do believe this is what paradise feels like
            All we need now is Bailey's, and maybe just maybe having Morgan Freeman as God is too much?


            • #7
              Man, I didn't know an ice cream thread could turn this yummy. <3


              • #8
                I have to say that I'd be a bit surprised to find out that pecan swirl didn't contain any pecans. I've never heard of any that didn't. And unless they were using artificial flavours, I wouldn't trust pecan-less swirl to not contain nuts.

                All that said, of course, the guy in the OP was sucky about it. I'd just say 'Wow, never heard of that - can I add some pecans?' and pay for the addition.
                The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                • #9
                  though i'm wondering...

                  if someone was allergic to nuts, wouldn't they also be allergic to nut-flavored ice cream? assuming they used part of the nut itself to create the flavoring.

                  but i'm not against the concept of nut-flavored ice cream that has no nuts.

                  if anything, people who have diverticulosis will like it.
                  it's a condition where the pockets in the lining of the intestines can grab on to food particles (nuts and seeds in particular) and become inflamed... very painful from what i've been told. mom had it.


                  • #10
                    Over the weekend, we stopped by at an ice cream bar (hard ice cream) and got a couple of large cones. I ordered Death by chocolate on the bottom and choco-chip cookie dough on top. Got the bottom fine, but when she started scooping the Cookie Dough ice cream, she looked extra puzzled. I could see on the side of the container that it was the right type, but when she brought it up, I could see her confusion. The cookie dough ice cream was missing the chocolate chips.

                    It was puzzling, but I didn't complain and took it as it was. (Nothing she could do about it anyway, looked like the entire container was short on teh chips.). Ice cream was still great too.


                    • #11
                      Marble Slab is the one in my neck of the woods and it is awesome! I had lime raspberry once. Yum! I guess I can see how that guy was confused though. You would think there'd be pecans in butter pecan ice cream, although personally, I don't like nuts.
                      It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision.
                      -Helen Keller

                      I got this av from Court Records, made by Croik!


                      • #12
                        Quoth bunnyboy View Post
                        All we need now is Bailey's, and maybe just maybe having Morgan Freeman as God is too much?
                        FWIW, HD makes a Bailey's ice cream...
                        I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

                        Oh, and your tool box got out again.


                        • #13
                          Quoth PepperElf View Post
                          if someone was allergic to nuts, wouldn't they also be allergic to nut-flavored ice cream? assuming they used part of the nut itself to create the flavoring.
                          Allergies are triggered by proteins, so it depends what carries the flavour. Properly filtered nut oil should be safe for nut-allergic people, but if it's a potentially fatal reaction then it's best not to take the chance.



                          • #14
                            good for you for not being favorite flavor is Phish Food by Ben & Jerry''s TEH AWESOME if you ever get the chance to have any...


                            • #15
                              mmmmmmmmmmm..... Marble Slab....'

                              best 6 dollars i ever spent on a two-scoop waffle cone... and their rocky road is divine....

                              The best one i remember having was the maple ice cream with walnuts and almonds mixed in...
                              "FUCK NO I DON'T WANT YOUR FREAKY ALIEN MOTHERSHIP ORANGES. " - Cookiesaur

                              Munkie's NaNo WC: 9648

