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"Yes, of course I will break the law for you in front of cops!"

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  • "Yes, of course I will break the law for you in front of cops!"

    This only happened about ten minutes ago. I was just at the petrol station at the end of my road, buying myself some hard earned beer (it's Friday and I'm lucky enough to have the night off, so why not? ) Ahead of me in the line was a very young looking boy. Probably about 15 years old. We will call him Child.

    Child: Packet of cigarettes.

    Yes, that's right, he didn't even know a brand name.

    Clerk: Can I see some I.D please?
    Child: I don't need I.D. I never get asked.
    Clerk: Well, I'm asking. Can I see some I.D?
    Child: Oh come on! I come in here all the time!
    Clerk: I'm sorry, but no I.D, no cigarettes.
    Child: Please. Who will know?
    Clerk: Oh, I don't know, maybe THOSE COPS OUTSIDE!

    Yep, there was a cop car filling up with petrol right outside the window.

    Child: But...but...pleasssee.
    Clerk: No.

    Child walked off. It was now my turn. Clerk saw I was buying beer and looked up.

    Clerk: Please tell me you have I.D!
    Me: Don't worry, I do.
    Last edited by customersruinmylife; 06-14-2009, 01:13 PM.

  • #2
    I'd have winked and said "But I come here all the tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime!!"


    • #3
      Vaguely related, but I shop at a particular Movie Trading Company at least once a week, and the guy who is almost always there recognizes me now, and, occasionally, he just has to tease me by asking for ID when I pay with my debit card, which I use pretty frequently. Last time, he said, "For keeping up appearances." I went, "Okay," and handed him my ID.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        im at the point now that i just show my id (at least at wegmans) before they ask.

        they seem less uncomfortable about it when i do that, while smiling.

        im surprised the child didn't as you to buy it some smokes


        • #5
          "it" is probably an appropriate term...

          "BUT COME ON...its my first scam and i gotta look cool, y'know?"


          • #6
            I always take my ID out before I reach the cashier, and just hold it out before they ask...

            just makes thing easier.
            <Insert clever signature here>


            • #7
              "Packet of cigarettes" almost makes me want to say he's just seen Clerks once too many and thinks that's how people buy their cigs...


              • #8
                Quoth Juwl View Post
                Last time, he said, "For keeping up appearances."
                We get the reruns of that here on PBS!
                It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

