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Transformers... not for children under 3

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  • Transformers... not for children under 3

    So today on my day off, I snuck out to go see TF:RotF at the theatre by my home. I mad a point of avaiding the first showing @ 10:30 (not wanted to be cheek to jowl with other fans) but went to the second showing @ 11:20. I had an inkling things were going to be a little bad when I went to my seat.

    Now I Realize movie Tickets are expensive, and that Matinees are just about a thing of the past, but the AMC chain has $5 tickets for all showings before noon. So I wasn't too suprised to see a number of families with small children in the theatre. I know most small boys love the Transformers as much as we who watched them in the '80s did. But I could see the suck to come when I saw a number of children under 3 with their moms. I know Family time is important, so I wasn't going to say anything, just Hope and Pray that they went to Sleep and stayed that way.

    They didn't.

    At any number of times 1 of the small children started "fussing" Most simply took the children to the lobby, or got them shushed as quickly as possible. But 1 couple simply didn't understand. They were obviously "trying" to hush the poor thing (loud explosions were probably the cause) but they wouldn't take the child out. So the REST of the audiance could enjoy the movie.

    In the End the group next to me got an usher and they had a quiet talk with the mom, and in the end it was taken care of with minimum fuss.

    Now I realize I could have waited and saw the movie after 8 pm when the theatres have the "no small children" policy (for PG-13 and R movies), And saving money with a family with 3 or 4 children is important. But still please take fussy children to the lobby. We paid good money as well as you to watch the Show. not listen to babies Crying.
    Lister: This is Crazy. Why are we talking about going to bed with Wilma Flintstone?
    Cat: You're right. We're Nuts! This is an insane conversation....
    Lister: She'll never leave Fred and we know it.

  • #2
    That is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves!!!!!!! Stupid kids in the movie theaters. Kick the seat, TALK LOUDLY, cry, whine, run to the bathroom with mom and dad every five minutes. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. Rent them the DVD, please!


    • #3
      It's one of mine as well, since I'm paying almost $6 for a two hour movie. Seriously, leave the kids at home if you want to see a PG-13 movie.
      Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


      • #4
        I was absolutely LIVID when I saw a mom with an infant at one of the LOTR premieres (midnight showing and all!).

        I was prepared to be pissed. Then I was pleasantly surprised, for at the end of the 3.5 hour movie I realized I hadnt heard a peep!!

        But..I totally agree with you, OP. I know it sucks to maybe not have a babysitter or something, but then you just dont go (if you have young ones). It wont kill you. Ive missed plenty a movie in the theatre b/c I had no one to watch my tots, and Im still up and kicking.


        • #5
          Count me in. My bf and I went to the midnight showing of Friday the 13th.....and there was a couple with a very tired/fussy baby there.

          Of all the times to go to the movies with your baby in tow.....seriously? In a movie with lots of guts, blood, gore, and rampant nudity and sex scenes?
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            Had a good time last night @ the midnight showing. Since I preordered online, I got ushered in w/ my group before the "huddled masses" in the roped off section FTW!!!


            • #7
              on amc, my frequent movie going policy since late night movies are for my sister and make me sleepy
              friday not summmer- any showing is ok but stay away from pg after 10:30 thats when the parents with little munstrelites come out.
              saturday every time- dont go after 10:30 if you can help it, too many idiots, scs, and high Kite riders.
              Sunday- surprisingl before 11 is great and people with little kids look to ashamed to go see a action movie
              Friday Summer- get there before 10, parents will realise at 10 that there isnt summer school that day and fear alone time with there kids.


              • #8
                I haven't seen TF:RotF yet, but I can just look at the trailers and tell you, "Leave the younglings at home!" If your kid is over 8, they'll probably be okay. But otherwise, leave them at home, the movie's probably too intense for them.

                And FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, don't bring your baby or kid into an R-rated film. PERIOD. I don't care how mature they are, there is probably going to be language and/or imagery in said film that will upset them.

                I direct that last paragraph to the Mother of the Year who brought her toddler in to see "The Hangover." The kid didn't squirm or make any noise, but the movie features male frontal nudity. That's just not right for a kid to see.
                PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!


                • #9
                  My parents had a great rule when we were growing up. Any PG-13 movie we wanted to see, they saw first to determine whether or not the movie was appropriate. Of course, I was raised by GOOD parents, which seem to be rarer and rarer these days.

                  And I just saw Transformers today. Awesome movie, but there is a lot of language and violence I wouldn't want young kids exposed to.
                  I am no longer of capable of the emotion you humans call “compassion”. Though I can feign it in exchange for an hourly wage. (Gravekeeper)


                  • #10
                    The family and I saw the movie but the boy is now old enough to pick which movies he'd like to see and understands that he must be still(ish) and quiet(those plastic booster seats hurt the tush). Before I hated bringing him to the movies because he didn't want to sit even thru the animated movies. Then we discovered a drive-thru nearby. It was my savior.
                    "Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your software."


                    • #11
                      I took my 9-year-old nephew to see it, and he had an awesome time seeing it (he said that he had the best day of his life that day). I decided, however, to not take my 7-year-old niece to it, though. I knew she'd have a tough time sitting through a 2 and a half hour movie, even though she likes Transformers. Before taking any kid to see a movie of that kind and length, I'd seriously consider their maturity level. If they aren't mature enough, it will be a bad time for all involved.
                      "Life is tough. It's even tougher if you're stupid" Redd Foxx as Al Royal - The Royal Family - Pilot Episode - 1991.

