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Darn it Mom, you know better!

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  • Darn it Mom, you know better!

    Unfortunately I have to sight my mom.

    Last week I met up with her for lunch so we could talk a little before I went away for the weekend. She tells me that we have to be quick because she has to be at a meeting at 1 (it's noon when we leave). So I suggest a few places that are known for their quick service but aren't necessarily fast food, because she doesn't want that. She then utters the following:

    Mom: Lets go to <cafe>! I know they're really slow but the food is so good! We have enough time!

    Ding! Warning bells went off in my head. This place is SUPER slow, they always have been, even when they're not busy. Lunch time on a Thursday afternoon? We won't eat in an hour. I pleaded with her not to go, because even though I like the food there, I know she'll be bitching. Nope, she insists we go there. After a good 5 minutes of fighting I give in because if we leave now, maybe it won't be so bad.

    Cue traffic. There was road construction downtown (because hello? it's not winter) on the way to the restaurant and the whole time she complains up a storm about how she has to be at a meeting. I reiterate the idea of turning around and going somewhere faster, but no. She really wants to go.

    We finally get there and the whole meal in total takes probably 45 minutes. We put in our order asap, but mom utters some serious SC lines.

    "If you could rush our order, we're in a hurry."
    "Why is this taking so long, don't they know we have places to be?!"
    "Why are they getting food before us? We got here first!"

    When we get our food, she rather harshly asks the waitress for the check now, and complains about how long it takes to get her credit card rung. The worst part? She picked at her food. She got a blt, and complained about how there was almost no bacon on it. By the end of it I was ready to really let her have it.

    When the check came back she gave a lackluster tip, saying that our waitress wasn't very good. When we got up I told her I'd be right back, and after she exited I dug into my pocket and pulled out a few bills. I left a proper tip with a little extra on the side because I felt bad. On the car ride back I told her that she should have been nicer to our waitress, but she wasn't listening. Sigh, oh mom. I love you, but you should know better by now.
    It's like the people in Vegas who have sex in video-monitored elevators.. -MoxisPilot
    The elevators are monitored?!!! OH CRAP!!! -Sheldonrs