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Mental Health FUN!(much suck)

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  • Mental Health FUN!(much suck)

    Sarcasm intended. (part 2 in second post.) Wait till it's up before replying please.

    I'm rather seething as I write this, so please bear with me. If it reads like a rant, maybe it is. However there is a major sighting here that well, by the end of today it'll have played itself out.


    My mother uses a local mental health organization for some of her medicine. Under my state's laws, her mental health meds are well, next to free. 11 dollars to be exact.

    Today, mom tried to call in to see if her medication was in. (I came in at the end of this conversation.) The woman, "J" who answered the phone proceeded to get somewhat snotty with my mother (which has happened in the past) and then informed her rather shortly that Mom would need to fill out for Medicare part D to get the medication any further. When mom asked then (this is where I came in) whether or not they filled the prescription, the woman told her that it had been filled and picked up on 6/11/09, and that was the last time.

    Problem: Mom didn't remember it being picked up then and said so. She turns to me and asks me for the RX bottle, and I made a mistake.

    Let me pause here and restate that.

    I made a mistake. A really simple one really. The RX bottles this group uses, have a strange way of printing the filled on, and origin dates. Most Rx's have the filled on date in the lower left hand corner (or so I've seen) and the origin date at the top right. This company flips it and does it opposite. SO, when I looked at the bottle, instead of reading the filled on date, I read the origin date.

    I hand it to her and tell mom it says 5/13/09.

    Mom repeats this to the woman.

    Now, at this point "J" could have easily said "Mrs. Repsac, are you SURE you're looking at the right date?" However, she did not do this. Instead, her response was "Are you sure Repsac, your son, didn't get it filled and then not give it to you?" Implying both in statement and tone that I kept the prescriptions for myself to either sell or get high off of.

    My mother was LIVID, but "J" didn't end there. She went on to hang up on my mother.

    Mom blinked a few times, and then looked at me. She was shaking she was so upset. During the last few seconds of the call I had been trying to get my mother's attention, to inform her of my mistake, however "J" prevented this, causing my revelation of the mistake to be missed.

    Mom called the place back, speaking with "T", the supervisor over the location. "T" who had always been kind to me in the past, showed her true colors. When mother apologized for getting the date wrong, stating that the RX bottle had been misread and the proper date was 6/08/09 for the prescription, "T" had a chance to be nice and understanding. Heck at that point a simple "I'm sorry for what "J" said, I'll have a chat with her " would have probably satisfied me and mom at this point. Probably. Not totally certain mind you, but probably.

    "T" didn't do any of that though. Oh no, she stood by what "J" had said, again reiterating it, and oddly missing the fact that my mother had just stated that she had found the RX which was causing the whole problem. Then, when my mother started to demand for an apology, "T" hung up the phone on her. The story doesn't end here though.

    Please read Part 2 for more information, on how I got my revenge. (wait till it's up to post)

    And Irony reigns supreme.

    Now, while I was seething in the other post, I'm laughing.

    Mostly at the attempts people go to correct things when they get caught.

    Oh, I said I got revenge didn't I? Well here's what I did.

    Being something of a scamp, I googled the organization and found an office I could call to complain. Now what I didn't know, what I couldn't know until AFTER I called was apparently I called the office of the HEAD of the whole organization. Yeah, I went straight to the top! IN style no less.

    So I retold the story of what happened, telling them how upset my mother was (almost to the verge of tears) and how we had been treated. The lady listened quite intently, before saying that she would "look into" things.

    at 4:00 PM this evening, we get a phone call. She's calling back and things have taken a turn that no one could have seen coming.

    You see, not only was the lady the Head of the group, but apparently, she knew my mother. Personally. "J" and "T" did not know this, well, I guess you could say they do now. After a rather long, and from what I gathered "interesting" discussion with both "J" and "T", the Head has everything sorted out. Both workers are being sent back for "special" training as a result of this, and were from what I was told, in tears that the whole affair had happened. Though the "head" did suggest to me she wondered if it was because they got "A Call" as she called it.

    So, Head calls in, tells me that mum's RX is GOING to be filled and will be there Tuesday, apologizes profusely to me, and then invites mum and myself to call her any time we have any problems. Going so far as to give mum and I her private cell phone number. She told "J" and "T" this, making sure they knew mum could call her any time she wanted, and has pledged to call mum regularly to check in on her status.

    For some reason, I find myself thinking "Massive pwnage." Mom is calmed down now, doing a good bit better, and rather pleased not with them but me. She claims that I just showed that I won't put up with any that they dare send my way.
    Last edited by Broomjockey; 07-10-2009, 08:47 PM. Reason: consecutive posts
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    For anyone confused, I merged parts 1&2 since they were more than short enough to be one post, and it would be post-padding for them to be separate. That said, on to the story:

    Lucky thing for you that you managed to get someone who already knew your mum. Doubt you'd have gotten the same reaction, otherwise.
    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


    • #3
      That was some epic pwnage! It's always good to have somebody in your corner.
      I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
      Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
      Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


      • #4
        You randomly called a number and ended up with the head of the whole organization, who just happens to know your mom.
        What are the odds?

        Go buy a lottery ticket now.
        Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


        • #5
          Quoth Ree View Post
          You randomly called a number and ended up with the head of the whole organization, who just happens to know your mom.
          What are the odds?)
          That's what I was thinking. You were pretty darn lucky in this situation, as in most, it would seem.


          • #6
            Congrats on a successful victory!! Welel deserved considering they accused you of drug use and drug trafficing <-- (is that how you spell it?? it just doesnt seem right). You'd think they'd have enough common sense to be more professional than that.
            Sorry, my love cannot be bought. And if it could, you obviously don't have enough in your account to do so.

            ~Do not pass go, Do not collect $200. You lose, my friend, you lose~


            • #7
              Don't know how they thought they'd get away with treating people like this. Maybe figured, they're crazy, nobody will ever believe them if they complain. Sad.
              "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


              • #8
                Quoth Ree View Post
                You randomly called a number and ended up with the head of the whole organization, who just happens to know your mom.
                What are the odds?

                Go buy a lottery ticket now.
                I think he already used this year's luck quote. 'Grats on the awesome pwnage!
                Any day you're looking down at the dirt instead of up at the dirt is a good day.


                • #9
                  Mistakes happen, but that's no reason to be a bitch!

                  So glad you got it sorted out. There was a similar incident in our office where in the patient's mother (patient is a minor) called the office to get a script called in. The nurse accused the mother of filling the script but not giving it to the child. The mother called me in tears (I'm a friend of hers is the only reason she called me). Turns out, the doctor had given her a script the day of the office visit and included a refill on that script. However, this particular drug is controlled such that refills are not acknowledged and a new script has to be written each month. It was a simple mistake on the doctor's part for writing for a refill instead of writing 2 seperate scripts. However, the nurse didn't have to talk to the patient's mother like she did. I made sure that the office manager knew what happened and you can bet it'll never happen again.


                  • #10
                    Quoth Fufu487 View Post
                    drug trafficing <-- (is that how you spell it?? it just doesnt seem right).
                    Trafficking: would be the spelling you're looking for.
                    Last edited by Broomjockey; 07-11-2009, 06:30 AM. Reason: no pedanticing.


                    • #11
                      Those of us who truly need our meds to function salute you!

