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Lying Sc's, Demanding SC's and Entitlement Whores - All rolled into one

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  • Lying Sc's, Demanding SC's and Entitlement Whores - All rolled into one

    So I'm in the grocery store and I am getting the few things we need to have BBQ hamburgers on the grill this past weekend.

    I have 8 items and so I head over to the express "12 items or less" line.

    This woman pushes past me at a full run and with a full cart. We're not talking "Oh I'm sorry, I miscounted and have 14 items by mistake", but we're talking about a half-full cart. But as I said, ran past me, crashing into the soda fridge at the end of the register and muttering that if her eggs are ruined she's going to break her foot off in my ass.


    I'd love to leave the line, but they only have three other registers open and all of them have at least 5 people waiting with "the weekly shopping for a family of four" amount of groceries in their carts.

    So I wait for this woman to finish ringing up so I can pay and go.

    Uh oh! She doesn't have her discount card and she doesn't have enough money to pay for the items in her cart. It would seem that she was depending on the discounts and the BOGOF items in the cart that require the card to get the discount. Woman begs the clerk to run his card, but he doesn't have his. So the woman looks at me and sees that I have my card out. She demands that I scan my card.

    SC - Hey You! Scan your card so Ican pay for my groceries
    Me - No
    SC - Oh Come on man! I need these groceries
    Me - No
    SC - I don't have enough money for what I have. I was hoping for the discounts so I could feed my family.
    Me - No
    SC - My kids are going to starve this week if you don't scan your card
    Me - Tough
    SC - Mother Fucker! Quit being a prick and scan your card.
    Me - No
    SC - Fuck me!
    Me - No

    Now at this time enter the boyfriend/husband/meat dildo who comes up and plants a kiss on her cheek. "Don't forget the cigs babe."

    Now after all of that pissing and moaning about being too broke to pay for the food, this woman asks for two cartons of cigs.

    Let me say this again. A woman who was demanding that I scan my card so her children won't starve, asked for two cartons of cigs at $80 apiece and finally pays for everything by pulling off of a roll of hundred dollar bills from her purse that you could use to beat a whale to death with.

    But that's not the end of it. This twatwaffle had to go over the receipt item by item further delaying me. I still couldn't jump lanes because everyone else behind me was leaving to go and find faster lanes. They were lined up so far back that it was blocking shoppers from items on the shelves.

    Those 8 items took me a full hour to get home.
    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?

  • #2
    Geeze 80 bucks could get alot more food.


    • #3
      Sheesh. First, she threatens to "break her foot off in your ass", then she holds up the line and demands -- not asks, no please, demands -- that you use your card for her purchases. Finally, she plays the "starving children" card but has enough money to spend on two cartons of expensive cigarettes. Unbe-fing-lievable.

      Somebody certainly needed a foot broken off in their ass, but it wasn't you.
      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
      My LiveJournal
      A page we can all agree with!


      • #4
        That bitch. I'm glad you said no. I bet she doesn't hear that often enough.


        • #5
          "Meat dildo" would be a great name for a rock band.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


          • #6
            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
            "Meat dildo" would be a great name for a rock band.
            I wish I could better express how awesome this statement is


            • #7
              You were too nice. You passed up a great opportunity to let her have it. Please do better next time.
              Part Angel Part Sadist


              • #8
                Yeah, I'm voting for the 'too nice' you should have told her you were going to break your foot on in her ass.
                "No, I will not poop a shopping cart out for you." - Irving Patrick Freleigh


                • #9
                  You know, part of it lies with the cashier, too. The express cashier should have refused to let her check out since she was clearly over the 12 item limit.*

                  Other than that, I'd have asked for the store manager and lodged a complaint about the woman calling you names and demanding you give her your store card. She'd either have shut her mouth and moved or gone off on the SM and invited the ban hammer.

                  *I realize that many cashiers don't have the support of management in enforcing the rules and maybe that's why the uber bitch got to stay in line. In which case we should find the spines that were removed and use them to beat the managers in question.


                  • #10
                    I agree that you were too nice. I would've taken that opportunity to get out all of my frustrations and ripped her a new one.

                    Man, I wish stuff like that would happen to me.
                    If you don't like my attitude, talk to the manager!!! Oh, wait, that would be me!!

                    Yes, I'm the manager. I'm also known as "the brick wall".


                    • #11
                      I thought about it. But for me to have lowered myself into a state where I am speaking the language of the average sucky customer, it would have demeaned me somehow.

                      No I feel that standing there, holding the discount card in my hand where she could see it and uttering the word no in a quite monotone and using that same disdainful tone when I said tough when her children were starving was just enough.

                      To get into a screaming match with her would have made me as bad as she was and I would have likely ended up on this forum as a sucky customer.

                      No, I held the moral high ground, I didn't escalate the situation and I got many kudos from other customers who witnessed the whole thing.

                      Besides my landlady works at that store and if I got into a dust wouldn't have been a good thing.
                      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                      • #12
                        I, for one, LOVE the way you reacted. It's so much better when you stay calm. Makes them look an even bigger jerk. Ha ha. I can just picture you standing there calmly saying "no" while she gets more agitated. Of course, I'm picturing it in the express lane of my store.
                        "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                        • #13
                          I loved reading this story. Poor people like this who play the "I have a family to feed" game, yet have additional funds to smoke. Reminds me of a lady I work with, claims she's at the poverty level and oh, how the government keeps denying her federal aid to feed her kids, and oh, how she gets screwed in court with her husband not paying child support......yet, she always has money to take lots of five minute smoke breaks every day. We're talking probably a pack a day at $5 a pack or more. So, that's roughly $1,825 per year she's spending to invite cancer into her body, money she could be using to feed her kids.

                          Oh, and I should mention this woman is just as bitchy as what you described.


                          • #14
                            If I remember correctly, the woman on foodstamps who got me suspended from the grocery store waddled over to customer service to get cigarettes right after she'd just tore me a new one for "judging" her for being on foodstamps and "taking food out of my childrens' mouths!"...

                            One of the main reasons I am quitting smoking is because I CANNOT afford it anymore. Sure, my health should be the #1 reason, but sometimes the only way you can get through to people is through money. Even the cheapest, nastiest ciggs are $5 per no squeaking by.

                            Well, I CAN afford to smoke still, but not for much longer. They are going to be up to $7 a pack soon enough...and all of Wisconsin will be smoke free by next summer, so why not get an early start? Right before my "quit date", I made a huge list of things I could afford other than's just amazing.
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              In defense of the poor cashier at that express (12 items or less) line...

                              Not sure how it works in your location, but the Cigarette Tax Board of Northern Virginia mandated that cigarettes can only be purchased through a single register, that being the register closest to the cigarettes. At the wholesale club, this is the express register.

                              The wholesale club management has said that if someone wants to buy cigarettes, we have to take them through the express line, even if they have more than the limit.

                              It creates Suck, yes, but that's our club's policy.

                              It could have been the same situation at the OP's store.

                              Doesn't excuse the she-bitch who cut in front of you with more than the limit, who tried to scam off your discount card, threatened you, and proved to be a lying hag on top of it.
                              PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

                              There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

