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My Mother-in-Law Has a New Obsession

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  • My Mother-in-Law Has a New Obsession

    I don't know where it came from (I suspect Oprah or Rachel Ray) but it's driving me nuts.

    When we eat out together she insists on "enjoying our drinks" and discourages us from placing the food order right away even though we all know what we want.

    The result is that we are trying to "enjoy our drinks" while awkwardly holding our menus or trying to find room on the table for them.

    Not to mention that when a place is very busy it completely throws the staff off their rhythym.

    The worst time happened at a place that was slammed. There were six of us sitting at a very crowded booth. We all knew what we wanted and had closed our menus. The waitress came over and before any of us could speak MIL said we weren't ready.

    The waitress was polite about it but she left us alone for a good half hour. I suspect it was on purpose. I thought it was hilarious to watch my MIL as she slowly realized we just might die of hunger and thirst.

    When she complained I reminded her very nicely that she had told the waitress we wanted time to "enjoy our drinks" and the waitress was only following *her* instructions. I also mentioned that the place was very busy and the waitress was probably concentrating on the folks who were ready for her. We did enjoy our meal, ordered another round, and the in-laws tipped very well as they always do. But damn it was awkward.

    Usually my MIL is quick to figure things out so I was hoping she'd get the hint, but she didn't. I suspect she's going senile which might explain it.

    So we're going on a day trip with them today which means stopping for dinner on the way home. But I'm prepared if she starts it again.

    Plan A: We sit in the bar/lounge where no-one cares if you order a round before getting menus.

    Plan B: If we are seated in the dining room...

    When it's time to order I'll declare I'm ready even if she tries to send the server away. She'll try to talk me out of it and I'll make a polite excuse such as being famished or a pressing need to get home and get to bed.

    If she wonders why I don't want to "enjoy [my] drink" I'll make a joke of it...

    "I plan to fully enjoy every drop of it."

    Then I'll propose a toast to her and my FIL.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.

  • #2
    You have to speak up in situations such as that. IF your MIL wants to enjoy her drink a while before ordering a meal then that's fine BUT there's no reason that everybody else has to follow her lead. I say, order what you want, when you want & be done with it.


    • #3
      and just to be the Food Network meme joker here, it's probably RR.... since she seems to enjoy a drink with every meal.... including another drink. (just take a look at some of her later season $40 a Day Bloody mary with/as breakfast, beer/wine with lunch, cocktail, beer/wine with dinner.... was a couple if I remember where it went over 40.... but would have been well under if not for the cocktail portion.)


      • #4
        Huh, and here I thought most food had to be cooked, thus giving you a good 10-15 minutes to chat and enjoy your drink. That's why they bring the drinks first! Besides, I hate running out of drink by the time my food comes.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          30 minutes enjoying a drink?
          now it takes me a while to figure out what i want but not that long.

          personally i feel the drink should compliment the meal. (tho if im drinking i'm getting soda anyway). but... perhaps sitting at the bar first might be the way to go...


          • #6
            Quoth PepperElf View Post
            30 minutes enjoying a drink?
            That's enough time to enjoy several drinks.
            "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


            • #7
              Quoth Dips View Post
              I don't know where it came from (I suspect Oprah or Rachel Ray) but it's driving me nuts.
              ARGH! I hate those daytime tv bitches! They keep giving out stupid and ridiculous advise that makes people EW's and people listen to it!
              wouldn't lube work better in a f***ing machine?
              Yes, that’s right. It’s a pair of gold foil headphones. Gold foil. Finally, headphones just as awful as your taste in music.


              • #8
                Override her. When she tries to send the waiter away, interrupt. Or correct her.

                "No, we're ready. You can put your order in a bit later once you've figured things out, but the rest of us are ready to order."

                Besides, in most places when they're busy, even if you order the instant you sit down, its still going to be a 15-30 minute wait before you get your food anyways. They do have to cook the food, and this takes time.


                • #9
                  why isn't the time between the ordering and receiving food long enough to 'enjoy your drinks?' just how big are these drinks, anyway? gallon sized?

                  i like oprah, but some of the concepts are taken too far; i don't need anyone to tell me what book to read or what to do in a restaurant.
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

